View Full Version : Notice: Updating to Allegro 4.4.4

09-29-2020, 06:11 AM
The next ZC releases should be built on Allegro 4.4.4, with libs built by me, not by DarkDragon. I am curious if the malware issues go away after this, as we have been using his allegro libs since 2017.

We were previously on a modified version of 4.4.2, so, this makes us current. It could also break things, but thus far it seems be behaving.

My apologies for the slow release schedule, but it took me two weeks to properly set up and build allegro in a way that was compliant with ZC.

This process is now automated, with its own repo if we ever need to update allegro again:


10-02-2020, 06:02 PM
Have any builds been completed yet?

10-11-2020, 12:30 PM
Have any builds been completed yet?

Aye. The next public releases of 2.53.x and 2.55 wll be built on Allegro 4.4.4.


11-29-2020, 02:27 PM
Did the upgrade break the screen shake effects that occur in some quests? Tried with and without DXGL, version 2.53.1 beta 55.