View Full Version : Zelda Classic 2.53 Gamma (RC) 6 for Windows

03-17-2019, 06:22 AM
Zelda Classic 2.53.0 Gamma (RC) 6 for Windows (https://www.zeldaclassic.com/download/1662/)
Includes ZLaunch, 2.6.11, fixing the inability to save the Skip Logo config setting.

Changes Over Gamma 4

//Gamma 6

Don't allow infinite max bombs in 1.84 quests.
Max bombs now set to 8 in zelda.cpp, on `firstplay`.
( ZoriaRPG, 17th March 2019 )

Moved the ffscript debug namespace into ffscript.cpp.
Added hotkeys for the following Lv4 Cheats
Kill All Enemies (K)
Show Overhead (O)
Show Push Blocks (P)
Show Hitboxes (C; for Collision)
Show FFScript Names (F)
Fixed Crash When Removing Cane of Byrna By Script
( ZoriaRPG, 16th March, 2019 )

It seems that 1.84 quests do not start with a bomb bag, but
they should, as the item did not exist in those old versions; and thus,
the player cannot pick up bombs in quests made using them.
Added another fix to 8-way shots.
( ZoriaRPG, 12th March, 2019 )

//Gamma 5
Updated all default active subscreens in qst.dat, with the new items.
Added the following item scripts to Classic.zh, and items
to the default quest in qst.dat:

MagicBossKey: Acts like the Magical Key, for Boss Locks.
Set to item ID: 146
MagicalMap: Gives the player the dungeon map to every dungeon.
Set to item ID: 147
Magical Compass: Gives the player the compass item to every dungeon.
Set to item ID: 148

Renamed all system-wide screenshot files as follows:
( ZoriaRPG, 6th March, 2019 )

The Export ZScript now uses the .zs extension by default (no ZLIB conflicts).
ZCL version is now 2.6.12:
Fixed default pane of the ZQuest tab in ZCL.
Removed duplicate 'Misaligns' option box in ZCL.
Cleaned all intermediates, all project files, and all CMake files.
Built clean.
Changed l_down sprites on 8-way enemy shots to face down.
( ZoriaRPG, 5th March, 2019 )

Full Changelog (https://github.com/ArmageddonGames/ZeldaClassic/blob/2.53/changelog.txt)

03-21-2019, 06:48 PM
Fulscreen for ZQuest works but now it doesn't work for ZC, It opens a white window which keeps appearing and disappearing. I love the updated interface. though.

03-24-2019, 03:38 AM
Fulscreen for ZQuest works but now it doesn't work for ZC, It opens a white window which keeps appearing and disappearing. I love the updated interface. though.

Well, nothing new there. Fullscreen ZC never works properly on any of my systems, so I never use it. Could be a config setting for you, or it could be Allegro doing whatever it wants to do on Windows and above. Hard to say.

We'll see if the next bulid is any better.

03-25-2019, 11:48 AM
I don't know for sure. The previous build would do fullscreen for ZC but but not ZQ, and this one does just the opposite. Still, I think if given the choice, fullscreen in ZQ is of more benefit.

Now, if I could just find that tutorial I used to have on how to make a quest in ZQ.

03-29-2019, 05:26 AM
I don't know for sure. The previous build would do fullscreen for ZC but but not ZQ, and this one does just the opposite. Still, I think if given the choice, fullscreen in ZQ is of more benefit.

Now, if I could just find that tutorial I used to have on how to make a quest in ZQ.

Please try Gamma 7 and LMK if it is any different.

03-30-2019, 01:23 PM
Tried 7 and ZC goes fullscreen but ZQ does not.

I can live without fullscreen for ZC, personally. It's ZQ where I find it necessary. But for all I know it could be config setting on my computer and nothing to so with the main program at all.

03-31-2019, 10:13 AM
I'm literally changing nothing. Each time I compile, one of these two randomly decides not to work.

04-02-2019, 06:22 PM
Like I said, I can live with windowed ZC and fullscreen ZQ.