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03-04-2018, 11:59 PM
Anarchy Ballsack is a little bitch who got triggered over me rating his quest poorly. He first tried to delete my rating on Pure by "updating" (read: changing nothing and resubmitting the quest) his quest and checking the "clear all reviews" box. When the mods told him go fuck off and that he wasn't allowed to do that, he reacted in the most sensible way possible. He threw a giant temper tantrum, during which he deleted all his quests, cancelled his projects, went to every quest I was listed as author of and rating them 0 stars without playing them, and changed the title of his Let's Play thread to "Dimentio is an obsessed cyberstalker". Naturally, he got himself tempbanned by doing so.

Now his little bitchass comes onto this forum and calls me

A virgin for life with a plainly visible hairline, living in his parents' basement
cause his deadbeat dicklicking self can't comprehend the fact that people might find his quest "bad". This bitchass motherfucker thinks he can say that to me over the internet, but that's cause his virgin, no-life, cocksucking, manwhoring, fatass is upset about the fact that he has to lie about being in a relationship to feel good over the internet, making up a nonsense imaginary language to "prove" that yes guys he does indeed have a foreign wife no I'm not lying to you I swear.

The truth is, his sperging autist self does not realize that having a shooting statue fire while next to you is a bad idea. His stimming potato self will not realize that shouting at a fuckign ZC dev over a small change (one that, in most reasonable people's minds would be a good change (read: people who actually have more than a single fucking brain cell)) won't get him any progress other than masturbation points for his miniscule miscroscopic dick on his landwhale body. His down-syndromed "I can count to firetruck!" self cannot, will not, and will never fucking comprehend that, hey, someone just made you a fucking script that does exactly what you want, so maybe youe should stop. FUCKING. BITCHING at saffith.

But hey, that's fine, cause Zelda 3: The Return of Ganon is fantastic design!
https://i.imgur.com/niG1liZ.png REAL https://i.imgur.com/hpnNmTd.png FUCKING https://i.imgur.com/mAh3tSk.png FANTASTIC https://i.imgur.com/UFYyjS1.png DESIGN.

03-05-2018, 12:06 AM
Holy shit, this surely isn't PureZC. lol

03-05-2018, 12:20 AM

03-05-2018, 04:08 AM

Welcome to AGN NewJourneysFire and Shane.

No holds barred, match tonight!

03-05-2018, 03:06 PM
Also thanks for stealing my buddy's video you fucking wanker. I hope you enjoy the anal raping that is that copyright strike, you fucking douche.

03-05-2018, 04:50 PM

And you called ME triggered

And BTW _ I reposted it to vimeo - Happy Hunting :D

03-05-2018, 05:13 PM

Found it, wasn't that hard. Have fun Dimentio!

03-05-2018, 05:19 PM

Oh yeah, I also screencapped this thread so you can NOT later delete it and claim you aren't a whiney little e-drama whore.

03-05-2018, 07:36 PM

Oh yeah, I also screencapped this thread so you can NOT later delete it and claim you aren't a whiney little e-drama whore.

You are obsessed to the point where you stalked quests I was involved with to rate them a 0, and now you're insulting and stealing from one of my online acquaintances simply because I made LP's on their channel as part of a collab. First of all, you're a fucking dipshit who can't tell that I had no personal attachments to everything you attacked, you're just attacking innocents. Secondly, I like how much of a pussy you are that you have to resort to stealing go try and waste my time.

03-05-2018, 08:15 PM
You are obsessed to the point where you stalked quests I was involved with to rate them a 0, and now you're insulting and stealing from one of my online acquaintances simply because I made LP's on their channel as part of a collab. First of all, you're a fucking dipshit who can't tell that I had no personal attachments to everything you attacked, you're just attacking innocents. Secondly, I like how much of a pussy you are that you have to resort to stealing go try and waste my time.

You're the balding, virgin for life who refreshes my shit all day so you can downrate it, made several posts here complaining about a video I didn't even link here, summoned several people from PureZC b/c of your butthurt, and can't stop obsessing about the Saffith drama even though both him and me are long over it and have no ill will towards each other.

Kinda rich you're calling ME obsessed after all that. Yes yes, it's your "friend" who's the balding virgin, not you, sure it is. And yeah, I 0 starred you back, but that's hardly grounds to call obsession.

03-05-2018, 08:26 PM
You're the balding, virgin for life who refreshes my shit all day so you can downrate it,

Not sure where you're getting this from but okay. I literally only downrated Return of Ganon and you threw a hissy fit. Can't really blame someone for their autism though, so I'm sorry.

03-05-2018, 08:29 PM
Yes yes, it's your "friend" who's the balding virgin, not you, sure it is.You actually are bringing a random innocent person into the drama and outright mocking their appearance because of your assumptions. Not sure if you want to do that.

I don't really want to get my hands dirty in this situation, I'd rather be a spectator, but I'm not going to let an innocent person who has nothing to do with this get mocked. It's quite the low even for this petty feud.

03-05-2018, 08:31 PM
Not sure where you're getting this from but okay. I literally only downrated Return of Ganon and you threw a hissy fit. Can't really blame someone for their autism though, so I'm sorry.

You did it to my let's play videos too and you know it. That's how you found the video I uploaded, you were refreshing my youtube channel to find new videos to downrate.

You can play dumb or deny it all you want, but you know damned well I'm right. Just as you know I am right about your hairline, loser lifestyle, and permanent virginity. You live a miserable life where you can never get laid, and you obsessively go after people who slight you online in any small way. It is this loser lifestyle that caused you to obsess with me on Saffith's behalf, even though he and I are both passed it.

Either way, you are exposed and it can never be undone.

Edit - Also, how badly did you whine at Shane to "PLEASE TELL HIM THAT'S NOT ME I BEG OF YOU"? I mean, it's sad enough you live the life you do, it's even sadder to go around begging people to tell others you are not you.

03-05-2018, 08:38 PM
Really, if you do a quick and basic PureZC search, and look for the username you'd find out that it's a completely different guy. You're making yourself look really delusional here, so not sure if you want to keep that up. He didn't beg, I'm just pointing that out because I feel obliged to point out how wrong this is.

03-05-2018, 08:39 PM
You did it to my let's play videos too and you know it. That's how you found the video I uploaded, you were refreshing my youtube channel to find new videos to downrate. Actually no, someone on PureZC's discord found it and helpfully tipped me off. Why would I refresh your gay-ass channel?

Just as you know I am right about your hairline, loser lifestyle, and permanent virginity. A: My hair is nice and long, thanks for asking. I'm nowhere near balding if it takes 2 weeks after getting a haircut for my hair to start to cover my eyes, but okay. B: I'm 100% sure I'm younger than your potato self, yet I'm not the one playing with Master Foot and his Anarchy Ballsack. C: I'm demisexual, dumbass. I have no interest in raping and harassing women like your gamergate ass does.

You live a miserable life where you can never get laid, and you obsessively go after people who slight you online in any small way. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
You fucking wish, hypocrite!

It is this loser lifestyle that caused you to obsess with me on Saffith's behalf, even though he and I are both passed it. "Zelda 2.50.1 FUCK SAFFITH". Huh, I wonder why that showed up randomly in your Let's Play?

Either way, you are exposed and it can never be undone. You say to me in the thread where I not only exposed you, I anally raped all your dignity in the ass to the point where it cried for mercy.

03-05-2018, 08:45 PM

Have a horse, only popcorn picture I have.

03-05-2018, 11:07 PM
Actually no.

k, saying "No, I'm the opposite of all those degrading things you say" doesn't make it so.

Anyway, repeated denials aside, you can't DMCA the video off my hard drive, I'm just going to keep re-uploading it on new accounts. And you'll just have to deal with the fact the video will always be online for people to laugh at your pathetic self.

As for the the old file name, I kinda wish I could delete that from the older videos, but since youtube deleted annotations I can't (it would allow me to black it out), it's not in the newer ones and there's a reason for that.

03-05-2018, 11:08 PM
Edit - Also, how badly did you whine at Shane to "PLEASE TELL HIM THAT'S NOT ME I BEG OF YOU"? I mean, it's sad enough you live the life you do, it's even sadder to go around begging people to tell others you are not you.
I can also vouch that KenMeister is not Dimentio. Both have their own history on PureZC, their own mannerisms, their own quests. IDK how many people will need to tell you this before you admit you're wrong, but might as well throw my hat in the ring. Maybe do some bare minimum research before you decide to troll and insult innocent people.

Or you know, maybe not troll and insult people at all. Can save you some shame in the long run.

Lovely thread we have here by the way. Could use a soundtrack:


03-05-2018, 11:10 PM
Dat meme.

03-05-2018, 11:14 PM
I can also vouch that KenMeister is not Dimentio. Both have their own history on PureZC, their own mannerisms, their own quests. IDK how many people will need to tell you this before you admit you're wrong, but might as well throw my hat in the ring. Maybe do some bare minimum research before you decide to troll and insult innocent people.

Or you know, maybe not troll and insult people at all. Can save you some shame in the long run.

Lovely thread we have here by the way. Could use a soundtrack:


Trolls have no shame moosh, I got what I wanted when he posted this thread. I still believe he's having you BS me, but either way, he's shown himself quite butthurt in ways I couldn't have hoped for. And I didn't even need to link the video.

Edit - LOL Dimentio I googled Demi-sexual, sure those exist. But buddy, you and I BOTH know you are just saying that to make yourself NOT look like a loser virgin.

03-05-2018, 11:27 PM
I googled Demi-sexual, sure those exist. But buddy, you and I BOTH know you are just saying that to make yourself NOT look like a loser virgin. I mean, sure, act like I give a shit. I'm 100% sure your wife is completely 100% real, yuuuup.

Actually, wait, I think I can see you hiring a whore to act like your wife and be your slave. Or maybe you're just confused into thinking your handler is your wife.

Also, "lol guiz i was just trollinz the entire tiem lolz". Nice excuse you got there, faggot. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

03-05-2018, 11:49 PM
And yeah, I 0 starred you back, but that's hardly grounds to call obsession.

So you're assuming Dimentio rated your quest a 0 just as a means to attack you or get under your skin? Because it almost sounds to me that's what you tried to do to him.

Going to try and be a voice of reason here. lol

I'm just going to keep re-uploading it on new accounts. And you'll just have to deal with the fact the video will always be online for people to laugh at your pathetic self

And apparently Dimentio is obsessed.

03-05-2018, 11:49 PM
Personally I don't see what the fuss is about. People like to talk and rate things badly when they don't win. That's how it is - and what you should be expecting if you make hard quests. Hell, I remember the good old days when Shane and Moosh were playing LoH and they got their asses handed to them. I treat their ratings like a trophy - I won and they lost and this is what I have to show for it. I still have Moosh's screenshot of him using the cheating gold ring haha.

Better still is what I did afterwards. In LoH:IE I specifically barred their kind of player from playing under the threat of getting their asses handed to them again. Boy did that cause an uproar but it was never against the rules. I also made LoH:IE even harder than ever before to fully ensure they knew they were being ignored and excluded from the game. The sweetest revenge there ever could be.

Point is Anarchy that if you don't follow the type A quest making rules then people are going to talk badly about your quest and its something that you should come to accept. Best you can do is ignore them and make your quests even harder - that really gets to them. Worst thing you can do is to withdraw your quest and let them win like this.

03-06-2018, 12:06 AM
Somehow this shitpost of a thread became a soapbox for more of this weird "type a" and "type b" nonsense lol. A fine cherry on top that is.

03-06-2018, 12:08 AM
That's something a Type A person would say.

03-06-2018, 12:08 AM
That's something a Type A person would say.u wot m8

03-06-2018, 12:17 AM
I wouldn't complain, this is what I think when I hear James talk about Type A and Type B:

A is for Alpha: Alphas are generally dominant and able to impregnate Omegas. Male Alphas usually have a knot when aroused.

B is for Beta: Betas are subordinate to Alphas and may or may not be able to impregnate Omegas; in some fanworks Betas aren't present and the trope is known as Alpha/Omega, in others they take the role and functions of Omegas and Omegas aren't present. Betas are often presented as having "normal" human anatomy with none of the special attributes of Alphas or Omegas.

(Quoted from Wikipedia) < Actually, not quoted from Wikipedia. Turned out it was from some fan fiction wiki type page thingy because I didn't fucking pay attention to the details. hahaha!!!
This is what happens when you copy/paste the first thing that looks like something you're looking for without actually reading it.


03-06-2018, 12:21 AM
James, the difficulty of Anarchy's quest isn't the problem here, nor the graphics. It's pretty much New Quest 2 Kaizo in both of those regards.

No, what bothers me is just how unfun it was to play despite the difficulty and how many rules of game design it ignores. There's a million shooting statues in the first room of Level 1. The room where you continue. Its like if you took the infamous 10 digdogger room from LoH, made it worse and more random, placed it in the very first room of the dungeon, and reduced the walkable space. And I liked the digdogger room. But I could forgive that. All the enemies in the dungeon deal 2 goddamn hearts of damage, are usually paired with at least 4 statue shooters, and eat up a good chunk of the walkable space in some way, either with projectile spam, cracktorock esque step speed, or enemy spam. But I could forgive that. The quest actively encourages exploiting bugs and exploits such as screen walking and like, cause of high damage enemy spam on the overworld. But I could forgive that. The quest advertises itself as Zelda 3, and the creator will jump down your throat if you dare suggest LttP is Zelda 3 (or really, anything else but his quest). But I could maaaaybe forgive that.

No, the biggest problem, is the
God Damn Mother Fucking FORCED GRINDING.

Everything in the quest costs so goddamn much, and they're expected. Level 1 is recommended to go in with the Hookshot and Magic Shield. By recommended I mean you get anally raped without them. how much do they cost on the overworld WELL I'M GLAD YOU FUCKING ASKED CAUSE THEY'RE BOTH OVER 200 MOTHERFUCKING RUPEES. So you gotta grind for 10-15 minutes just to be able to even take on level 1. Level 2 "recommends" the hammer GOTTA GO GRIND. Level 3 requires the candle, which surprisingly costs 30 rupees but oh wait it "recommends" the blue ring, magic shield, and power bracelete GOTTA GO GRIND. Oh you want to reach level 4 WELL HAHA FUCK YOU GRIND UP 500 MOTHERFUCKING RUPEES BITCH. Hope you bought that hookshot too cause that's required as well!

Grinding is the bane of fun, and you turned what was a mediocre to decent challenge quest into a fucking nightmare, an unplayable piece of garbage, with all the bullshit high prices on mightaswellbe-required items. Return of Ganon is grinding simulator: the game. THAT is my main issue with Return of Ganon.

03-06-2018, 12:23 AM
My left nut is type B. You type A players can suck on that.

03-06-2018, 12:25 AM
No, the problem is that it's a Type B quest, Dimentio. It needs to be a Type A quest! It needs good visuals, logical secrets, fair challenges, maybe mixing up the gameplay with some puzzles, maybe a story to flesh out the world and its lore... wait a minute...

I'm just describing good game design.


03-06-2018, 12:26 AM
Oh no Shane, it has a story. It's just the cringiest edgiest shit I've ever read. It's, it's unbelievable

03-06-2018, 12:28 AM
Type B stands for Beta Cuck. lol

03-06-2018, 12:30 AM
(Quoted from Wikipedia) < Actually, not quoted from Wikipedia. Turned out it was from some fan fiction wiki type page thingy because I didn't fucking pay attention to the details. hahaha!!!
This is what happens when you copy/paste the first thing that looks like something you're looking for without actually reading it.

Wow NJF! Correcting an error? Sounds like a real beta move tbh. Everyone knows an alpha never admit his mistakes, it's a sign of weakness. :P

03-06-2018, 12:30 AM
Moosh lecturing me on signs of weakness.

03-06-2018, 12:31 AM
This thread is aids. Everyone clearly had interspecies erotica. There's jizz on your lapel. Anderson Cooper is trying to lick it off.

03-06-2018, 01:11 PM
AIDs is what keeps you a virgin Tim.

03-06-2018, 01:18 PM
Tim has attachment issues. His mother walked out on him before he was born.

03-06-2018, 01:43 PM
Also vimeo's down you fucking cunt. G. FUCKING. G. Asshole.

03-06-2018, 02:05 PM
The funniest part about this thread is that that anarchy guy thinks that he's the one who's coming out on top. The second funniest part about this thread is that it exists. You did this, Chris Miller!

By the way, is it supposed to sound like ball sack or is that just an unfortunate consequence of children coming up with nicks?

03-06-2018, 02:37 PM
Also vimeo's down you fucking cunt. G. FUCKING. G. Asshole.

And this is how the host of Screenshot: Challenge Reborn conducts himself when he's not under the ruling thumb of PureZC. ;p

03-06-2018, 02:47 PM
and this is how the host of screenshot: Challenge reborn enemy of the month conducts himself when he's not under the ruling thumb of purezc. ;p ftfy

03-06-2018, 03:25 PM
Is this thread dead yet so I can go hang myself and jerk off at the same time?

03-06-2018, 05:57 PM
Also vimeo's down you fucking cunt. G. FUCKING. G. Asshole.

And yet it's already up on another site. Sucks to be you.

I mean, sure, act like I give a shit. I'm 100% sure your wife is completely 100% real, yuuuup.

Actually, wait, I think I can see you hiring a whore to act like your wife and be your slave. Or maybe you're just confused into thinking your handler is your wife.

Also, "lol guiz i was just trollinz the entire tiem lolz". Nice excuse you got there, faggot. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

What's important here isn't what people believe, what's important here is what you and I both know to be true. I'm not stupid enough to dox myself just to boost my e-rep. If people don't believe me, I can live with that.

What's important is that you are a sad, whiney little loser virgin living a tortured existence, and that by making fun of that, I am making your miserable life that much worse. Sure, maybe you only HANG OUT with loser nerd balding virgins who play with Samus dolls, but at the end of the day, most people only keep company like that if their life equally as sorry.

That's why you had a 2nd Meltdown (also screencapped) at James24 for daring to insunuate you were being a butthurt little crybaby. I DID notice you stopped trying to claim the Twi language is fake though, nice save?

03-06-2018, 06:32 PM

03-06-2018, 06:38 PM
Stop using faggot and virgin as insults you fucking orange puss slurping ass pimples! I'm a virgin faggot and proud!

03-06-2018, 11:02 PM
So, how did this nonsense all get started in the first place?

03-06-2018, 11:27 PM
I personally think all forum threads should be allowed to be like this. People are finally expressing what they truly feel and think and its not as if there's no audience - if anything there's more audience. Deep down people love conflict and they love to fight otherwise our history wouldn't be coloured with so much war.

Regarding criticism of Zelda 3 by Dimentio though - which is the most important part. You hit the hammer on the head Dimentio, rupee grinding is bad but for very different reasons. You think rupee grinding is bad because its too difficult without it. I think the quest is playable without grinding but the problem is that a player could artificially make the quest easy by grinding too much.

As for your OP screenshots and other criticisms regarding shooting statues etc... Well I tend to treat them as bad graphics more than anything. Doesn't really affect the challenge and is really more of an indication of the quest's difficulty intent than actually being difficult itself. And you know type B culture - bad graphics are A - okay!

Shane - I don't foresee that you'll ever convert a type B player to a type A player no matter how hard you try and persuade them. Had any luck convincing Nightmare? Judging by your recent 1 star rating of his quest I'd say not. And he was one of the most sympathetic type B players I have ever stumbled across - yet his actions speak louder than his words. All his quests are still type B at heart with only cheap buffs to appease type A.

Had any luck convincing Anarchy? Judging by this argument he'll always treat type A as public enemy number 1 and will never ever listen to a word they have to say ever again. If anything your convincing just does the opposite.

The problem is that you see your type A as the only "good" way of designing quests. If its not type A its bad - end of story. You really want to start convincing type B players to change their quests to suit you? How about you start changing your quests to suit us first - like your rite of storm which I think is a 1 star quest. Why don't you make a type B version of it and see if you can win a consensus type B acceptance of your work then we might very begrudgingly make our quests more type A. But until that day happens all you can do is talk and dream.

03-06-2018, 11:37 PM
I don't care about "converting" anyone. I'm not the one who's seeing this as a black and white situation. :P

03-06-2018, 11:42 PM
So, how did this nonsense all get started in the first place?

OP holds all the answers.

03-07-2018, 12:01 AM
Shane, what are you on about? There are only two kinds of people, don't be a silly goose. Otherwise, what other kind of mental gymnastics could we perform in order to put our own opinions about video games on a pedestal without outright saying that we think your opinion is worthless because you're clearly the wrong type of person to enjoy our civilized concepts?!

03-07-2018, 12:24 AM
Shane, what are you on about? There are only two kinds of people, don't be a silly goose. Otherwise, what other kind of mental gymnastics could we perform in order to put our own opinions about video games on a pedestal without outright saying that we think your opinion is worthless because you're clearly the wrong type of person to enjoy our civilized concepts?!w o k e

03-07-2018, 01:31 AM
I personally think all forum threads should be allowed to be like this. People are finally expressing what they truly feel and think and its not as if there's no audience

I'm not expressing how I truly feel. I'm just being a clown and a troll here just for the lulz.

03-07-2018, 07:27 AM
what defines a type b quest James24 im curious i want to make my own

03-07-2018, 07:49 AM
what defines a type b quest James24 im curious i want to make my own

Type B (by my understanding) games would be something like Dark Souls, Ikaruga, or even RPGs with extreme difficulty modes, etc.; type B ZC quests would be in the range of Armageddon Quest and Liberation of Hyrule on one end, Zodiac and IOR somewhere in there, and some Nightmare quests and my owns quests at the other end somewhere. Since ZC quests are made by one person in their spare time most of the effort of "type-B" quests usually goes into trying to challenge the player in various ways rather than tell a story or create beautiful looking screens. ..Although C-Dawg manages to do all three of these which makes him a fucking legend.

Of course no one ever referred to these things strictly as type A or B as an absolute spectrum before James24 introduced them as such, which may be why he gets so much shit for it.

03-07-2018, 08:41 AM
Generally, to put it in lame man's terms:

Type A is graphics fest, easy, tells a beautiful story. Examples of games like this include FF4, FF7, and some of the easier ZC quests like The Revenge 2.

Type B games favor gameplay over visuals and gameplay story. Examples might include Dark Souls, Ninja Gaiden on higher difficulties, Armageddon Quest, Green Ninja, Liberation of Hyrule, James Quest; Remastered, and maybe some fighting games.

Now keep me out of this damn topic.


03-07-2018, 11:26 AM
Generally, to put it in lame man's terms:

Type A is graphics fest, easy, tells a beautiful story. Examples of games like this include FF4, FF7, and some of the easier ZC quests like The Revenge 2.

Type B games favor gameplay over visuals and gameplay story. Examples might include Dark Souls, Ninja Gaiden on higher difficulties, Armageddon Quest, Green Ninja, Liberation of Hyrule, James Quest; Remastered, and maybe some fighting games.

Now keep me out of this damn topic.


This is why IMO I don't like putting all of human race into two categories. I play and enjoy both types of games, and takes a lot of inspiration from them. Also, while you guys say "Type A" and "Type B", lets not beat around the boosh, you mean casuals and real gamers. I get it because one of my best friend has the belief that gaming is being ruined by casuals and feel even Dark Souls has taken on way too much of a casual meme culture to be considered anything THAT hardcore and has now limited himself to online online fighting games.

But I can say for a fact that I love Dark Souls, Ninja Gaiden, Battletoads, and many of these games much more than some of the Zelda Classic quests that gets labelled "Type B" games here. Just figured I'd say this. When you start praising shit practices to defend your Type A and Type B argument, you're going down a very narrow road that less and less people will follow.

What ends up happening with this mentality is that you'll start believing "Type A" is what others approve of, and they are wrong because they are casuals and casuals should have no say in gaming (Because they are a cancer to gaming and are ruining gaming), and "Type B" is what I and "real gamers" approve of and we got the real experience in gaming and are the true minorities in this world that caters to teenagers and casuals.

I know this line of reasoning, and I guarantee there are fallacies to it. ;p

Long story short, if some of the people who talk about this "Type A" and "Type B" nonsense had my friend's standards in what he considers true difficulty, he'd tell you to play Tekken online and watch you get your ass handed to you. As for why he chooses Tekken of all fighting games, he says that while it's relatively easy for anybody to pick up it's harder than Street Fighter is to master. I also agree with him, there isn't much harder out there then online fighting tournaments. These are the real pros to gaming. Fighting games are so complex and difficult, most "Type A's as you'd put it" would not even play them, let alone compete online on a daily basis.

03-07-2018, 11:39 AM
Please don't insult Dark Souls by calling it a type B game. The series is just as good at its art direction and minimalist storytelling as it is at being difficult. And even then, I feel that the supposed super high difficulty is largely overblown. Dark Souls has just as much appeal to more casual audiences as it does to elitist snobs who use terms like "Type A and Type B players". Because it's a good game. :P

Also maybe don't cite FF4 and FF7 as graphics focused games, Nightmare. Both used developing tech and as such, are ugly as sin compared to later games on their respective platforms.

03-07-2018, 12:12 PM
Also maybe don't cite FF4 and FF7 as graphics focused games, Nightmare. Both used developing tech and as such, are ugly as sin compared to later games on their respective platforms.

And here's another thing. Castlevania IV, which was released around the same time as FFIV was a graphical marvel for it's time. But Castlevania IV was by some definitions a challenging game (albeit much easier than the Castlevania games that came before it and thus could be considered a Type A game to many). But you can see this is where the argument falls apart. FF4 was used as an example as a Type A game, but yet a more challenging game with superior graphics and level of detail was released at the same year? There eventually becomes placement issues with this philosophy. But again, I'd say most people who are for the "Type A and Type B" argument would not consider Castlevania IV a Type B game.

03-07-2018, 01:22 PM
Here's an idea: don't validate this insane retardation by discussing these ideas as if they are legitimate concepts. If these people want to keep jacking off that superiority complex of theirs, why not let them? They're clearly enjoying it a whole lot.

03-07-2018, 03:26 PM
Here's an idea: don't validate this insane retardation by discussing these ideas as if they are legitimate concepts. If these people want to keep jacking off that superiority complex of theirs, why not let them? They're clearly enjoying it a whole lot.

But that would make too much sense Robin.

03-07-2018, 05:50 PM
Here's an idea: don't validate this insane retardation by discussing these ideas as if they are legitimate concepts. If these people want to keep jacking off that superiority complex of theirs, why not let them? They're clearly enjoying it a whole lot.


The debate completely lost touch with reality the moment it was said Type A never focuses on "gameplay" (which is such a loose term to begin with). Can we go back to shitposting pls? Thx.

03-07-2018, 05:52 PM
You're a Type A shitposter.:angryfire:

03-08-2018, 01:56 AM
You guys are way, way, way off course about type A and type B. Type A and type B are so much more than just difficulty and graphics - its a way of thinking, a culture, a way of defining your personality traits.

I shall repeat my definitions for those who missed them way back:

There are two distinct types of players who enjoy Zelda Classic. Type A players enjoys graphics, puzzles, a great story line, very low difficulty. The kinds of quests that have rated well with them include DarkFlameWolf's Lost Isle, Russ's Light of the Heavens, Nick and Link's Fairy Dream, Cole's Souls of Wisdom and MBWChampion's Hero of Dreams. The vast majority of Zelda Classic players are type A players simply because Nintendo's Zelda currently is type A - but type A is not always how Nintendo has written Zelda. Arguably, the original Zelda was written for a very different kind of player - type B players.

Type B players are the exact opposite of type A and they like very challenging quests with high difficulty and the rest of the quest including graphics, puzzles, storyline is a nice bonus but isn't very important. DarkFlameWolf affectionately calls us the "insanely gung-ho" players and has written numerous extreme quests intended to cater for our tastes. The kinds of quests that have rated well with them include OUCH!'s Armageddon Quest, my own Liberation of Hyrule, Nightmare's James quests, Phantom Menace's Demo quest, Jerome's the Hero Without a Name, Saffith's Eight Objects and Gleeok's mini-quests. Some even argue that Nintendo's first and second quests are type B due to dungeon 6 in the first quest, the difficult 2nd quest for newcomers, the lack of nice graphics and storyline. Type B players are the minority.

In type A quests, the quest maker is assumed to be writing the quest to entertain the audience. In type B quests, the quest maker is assumed to be writing the quest to entertain themselves first and the audience second. In type A quests, the quest maker is expected to let the player win. In type B quests, the player only wins if they are of equal or better ability than the quest maker. In type A quests, the quest maker is expected to adjust the level of difficulty to suit the majority of player's abilities. In type B quests, the quest maker is expected to adjust the level of difficulty to make the quest challenging to themselves. In type A quests, the quest is expected to have bug free and beautiful graphics - the slightest graphical bug is grounds for major criticism and low ratings. In type B quests, nice graphics are not very important and are only of trivial concern. In type A quests, if a few players think the quest is too hard, the quest maker will usually make it easier to suit them. In type B quests, the onus is on the player to improve their abilities if the quest is too hard for them.

People can give me shit about this all they want, but I say it is you who is ignorant of the truth and you who will have a lesser understanding of the playerbase and what they are really like due to the fact that you can't accept politically unpalatable concepts. Look at most of the other video games around you from the very first ones to the ones we have now and you can see this in all clarity. Some examples: Hearthstone, normal and heroic mode for boss challenges. StarCraft 2, every level has 4 modes of difficulty ranging from casual to brutal. Lemmings series always has levels ranging from easy to mayhem. Master of Orion 1/2/3 all have casual to impossible modes of play. The Last Stand: Dead Zone - challenge quest books for the challenge quest players. Candy Crush Saga - gotta love those occasional hexagon levels. And in all these games I can say that the difficulty buffs/nerfs are "true" in that they truly win acceptance by the audience they are intended to appease.

Gaming culture has accepted this split between type A and type B as inherent to the human species. Type B is the minority in all cases but one that is recognized to exist. The only successful way of dealing with this split is to have a team of very expert designers who are well paid by both camps to suit their respective interests. And since ZC isn't in the business of paying developers - it doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of being able to deal with this problem. See any quest on the database able to appease both camps yet?

03-08-2018, 02:22 AM
See any quest on the database able to appease both camps yet? Yeah, it's called Isle of Rebirth and it's very highly rated lol

The impression most people seem to get about this "type a/b" is that if a game has good graphics and fair (fair as in "if you die it's your fault", not fair as in "official zelda easy") difficulty and has polish, then it can't be a Type B quest and it must be a Type A quest. To me it just seems like """Type A""" is basically people who put in the effort of making something amazing, and stick with low difficulty to not scare people away. Why can't """Type B""" do the same, but just add difficulty? You seem to act like difficulty balancing takes the same amount of time and effort to do as good graphics and polished gameplay. Aren't you basically saying that Type A's are lazy then?

Also, if Type B's are a minority, aren't you basically saying "Well PureZC is made of two people: People who only care about high difficulty, and the rest"? I mean, obviously you're going to be able to split them into two groups if you do it that way. I can split PureZC into two groups: people who think AGN is a good website, and the rest. Or people who like MLP, and the rest. Or People who believe in Type A/B, and the rest. See the fallacy, yet? Why not just call yourselves "difficulty purists", and everyone else "non-difficulty purists"? You'd at least avoid confusion and people getting pissed at you over labels that way.

03-08-2018, 03:04 AM
Most of your post sounds like an armchair critic rambling about a black/white and overly simplified/generalized version of a complex topic. I think it'd be easier to just own the fact that you don't want to listen to criticism because you're not interested in making a good game outside making it very hard and entertaining for serious masochists (which might be good to those people). There's a reason the majority dismiss this type a/type b nonsense, because it's such a silly and simple solution to a complex situation and it excludes all the grey. Not to mention the ulterior and personal motives behind them of basically dismissing criticism. And bringing this up in such a thread is only making it look more like a joke at this rate. :P

If you truly want to make a quest for yourself, you wouldn't be spending years talking about this made up stuff because you wouldn't actually care what others think about your stuff and how they misunderstand it. If you truly made a quest for yourself, you wouldn't of uploaded it to a community you know consists of "type a" players, players that you look down upon when they give the time of day to play your public quest. It's really silly. Here's a simpler solution, since you seem to like simplicity: Just own the fact you don't want to listen to criticism. Ignore it, actually ignore it. And you might end up creating a small safe corner for yourself in the ZC community and you wouldn't be so caught up speculating what sort of motive each negative reviewer has. The fact that you saw this shitpost of a petty feud that extends beyond some terrible "type b" quest and thought this had something to do with this "type a/type b" nonsense is truly a testament to how deep the rabbit hole the idea has taken you.

Now this is truly the cherry on top.

03-08-2018, 06:08 AM
*walks into thread expecting countless flames, reads Type A/B discussion*


Chris Miller
03-08-2018, 06:56 AM
*walks into thread expecting countless flames, reads Type A/B discussion*


You have a micropenis and you smell bad.

03-08-2018, 10:07 AM
You guys are way, way, way off course about type A and type B.


Gaming culture has accepted this split between type A and type B as inherent to the human species. Type B is the minority in all cases but one that is recognized to exist. The only successful way of dealing with this split is to have a team of very expert designers who are well paid by both camps to suit their respective interests. And since ZC isn't in the business of paying developers -

I accept payments in the forms of souls, human sacrifice, and vats of blood. Type B or A, or AB.

it doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of being able to deal with this problem. See any quest on the database able to appease both camps yet?

In all fairness, I have. Try some of the newer stuff from Evan.

These days, I play or view plays of games most often for story, to relax, but I've beaten LoH, AQ, and some others. I can play some of the hardest NES titles, and I find games such as SMB2J childishly easy. I also beat some of the Kaizo Mario games.

I have no clue where, in this dichotic system that you have devised, that I would fall. I'll say that I can tell when difficulty is artificial or unfair, based on random factors or just silly mechanics. That doesn't stop me from trying, but I'm still a general sadist, not a massochist. I do this stuff for the satisfaction of the victory, not because I enjoy the pain.

...Also...designing a kaizo game around fixed mechanics of an engine is fine, but designing one on bug exploits--while also fine in theory--is potentially a terrible notion, as if those bugs are ever fixed, the game might break, and there's not a 'snowball's chance in hell' that I will care. Fair Warning to All: If you abuse a bug, or a glitch, that's on you mate. :/

I'm not generous-enough to spend hours of my finite lifetime slicing hacks into the ZC engine to facilitate abuse of engine bugs in quests.

This is why I have made it a point, not to document bugs that could be thus-abused, in any public venue.

This also, is why, if you don't test your quests in an update while it is in beta, and it breaks in release, I won't care until we're at the next major beta phase. :P

Nn.nn.patch versions are dead for non-critical shyte, at least untilwe have more staff.

P.S. What is the category for games such as 'Dark Castle'? It's difficult AF, but in a purely idiotic way (useless controls). Are those... Type O? :D

P.P.S. Using the above James24 definitions, NewJourneysFire, Akumajou Dracula/CV4 for the SFC/SNES is clearly 'Type A'. The X68K version is in dubious territory.

P.P.P.S I'm pretty sure that this entire Type A/B concept stems from 1st year Famicom/NES games that had a mode select:
1 Player Game A
2 Player Game A
1 Player Game B
2 Player Game B

Think back to 'Donkey Kong', 'Mario Bros', 'Excitebike', and so forth. Originally B-mode was harder, until 'Tetris' wrecked the entire system. Tro-lo-lo.

03-08-2018, 05:03 PM
Cole's Souls of Wisdom

This quest was criticized heavily for bad design. It's certainly not catering to any Type A gamers. Not those with any taste anyways. ;p

It was the biggest cheese I ever made. Sure, it was popular, it was very popular for a small bit of time, but it was never known for being good or being able to measure up to quests like Isle of Rebirth or many of Moosh's wonderful quests. I've been spending years improving my skills and I hope it shows in my newer projects.

Who does my newer projects cater to? Type A and Type B gamers. If you feel that's impossible, then believe what you will.

03-08-2018, 10:47 PM
Regarding Evan's quests, you guys seem to be ignoring the rather long comments/ratings section in pure about it. The fact is that despite the numerous difficulty levels, there was quite a lot of criticism that its easy mode difficulty was artificial and simply halving the damage dealt is not an acceptable way of nerfing a quest. There was no "true" nerf where Evan changed the enemies and their attack patterns to make things truly easy. And when I see those criticisms how else can they be interpreted other than a type A rejection? Just ask Lunaria here who is eating popcorn and I'm sure she will be very happy to tell you all about it.

Now, Evan continued this pattern of nerfing into his later quests like Umbral Cloud and it seems like he will for his upcoming quest too (I haven't seen it). But if those earlier criticisms caused so much criticism and the mechanism was not fixed - then how can it possibly have got better? I know many of you would like to sweep the bad news under the carpet and herald it as proof that the dichotomy was solved and can be solved by a free community - but the evidence says otherwise. And even if I were to somehow accept this miraculous case that did appease both camps, then its a pure fluke a one off that took 15 years of ZC existence to produce. It'll probably take another 15 years before another miracle. And in the meantime, we're going to have lots of these lovely bitching sessions about type A and type B Zelda of which Zelda 3 was the latest catalyst.

Shane, you're pretty much right - I don't care about anyone else's enjoyment apart from my own when it comes to spending my precious time making quests. Its nice if other people like it, play it and rate it well but if not then I'm prepared to go it alone. The thing is that I'm ballsy enough to say such a thing whereas most other quest makers will pretend - "oh yes I care about the community and I love their feedback" - but deep down they will do the same thing as I do. They lie to keep everyone happy but their actions speak louder than words. When it comes to the actual quest - surprise, surprise - they only ever look after their own enjoyment and don't give a rats ass about what anyone else wants. And if they do, then it'll be some cheap nerf like Evan's IoR. Actions talk - bullshit walks. Take a look at your own Rite of Storm Shane - did you give a crap about type B when you designed it? Nope - and as long as you do like that then type B will continue to do likewise.

Zoria - how is anyone supposed to know whether something is a bug or not in Zelda Classic especially if something is an edge case? That is why I will forever play AQ in 1.92 Beta, The Hero Without A Name in 2.10. Can't trust backwards compatibility for exactly the reasons you specify.

03-08-2018, 11:39 PM
I don't care about anyone else's enjoyment apart from my own when it comes to spending my precious time making quests.
Yet you care enough to make several long winded posts rambling like an armchair critic about this "type a" and "type b" nonsense as an attempt to perform mental gymnastics to avoid criticism. Sounds a lot like you care that others didn't enjoy it as you claim they're "misunderstanding" something here. :P

The thing is that I'm ballsy enough to say such a thing whereas most other quest makers will pretend - "oh yes I care about the community and I love their feedback" - but deep down they will do the same thing as I do.
Explain DX versions of quests. Explain why quests get updates in response to some feedback. Explain why people get beta testers to get bug reports and feedback. And if they don't listen, they most certainly do not make several threads for several years about made up stuff. They just go on with their lives. :P

03-09-2018, 01:41 AM
Zoria - how is anyone supposed to know whether something is a bug or not in Zelda Classic especially if something is an edge case? That is why I will forever play AQ in 1.92 Beta, The Hero Without A Name in 2.10. Can't trust backwards compatibility for exactly the reasons you specify.

You report playability issues, and we address them when we work on the upcoming builds. When people fail to report problems, or they discover something that is obviously unintended and exploit it, that is what causes incompatibility issues in future versions. We are trying to address most of these for 2.53 and 2.54, but no-one is bothering to take the time to work with us on that subject, so if it is not important to the users, then we are not going to overly worry about it.

My comment was a quasi-trollish way of saying that, if people have enough time to discuss something this esoteric (and inherently non-quantifiable) at length, then they probably have an hour or ten to kill testing their quests and reporting problems.

2.10 tuff should all be fine, as far as I am aware. 1.92bXXX is where ZC begins to take it in the arse, because there were so many changes in 1.92 that were never documented, and we do not have the 1.92 sources at all (nor the 1.80, 1.84, and 1.90 sources). I do have all of the 2.10 stuff, though. :shrug:

Stuff though, like precision timing on how many i-frames a leever that is descending into the ground has, should probably not be a merit-worthy thing around which to base a game mechanic. There is also a required decorum when presenting these cases to us, for inclusion (support), as it basically requires us to implement, and to maintain an engine hack for one specific case at a time.

In general, I try not to implement any changes without a rule or version-based exception, but nothing is fool-proof. I think that 2.53 has the greatest compatibility across old versions of any recent ZC build (2.10 or newer). If you know where there are copies of the 1.92 sources, then we could probably use that to add greater compatibility, later; but when we patch stuff now, we generally need to do it by observing the old behaviour and emulating it. Given that we cant run 1.80->1.92 on modern systems, that is a rather large problem with no ideal solution.

03-09-2018, 03:51 AM
You guys are way, way, way off course about type A and type B. Type A and type B are so much more than just difficulty and graphics - its a way of thinking, a culture, a way of defining your personality traits.


I think I get what you mean now. Type A = Project Runway; Type B = Predator. 8:^D



Honestly, I do have to agree that the A+B classification scheme is too generic. Let's leave the Project Runway stuff to the screen design Nazis and just go back to calling some quests "niche" or "challenge" just like the good ol' days of ZC and be done with it.

This is why I started putting up big warnings on some of my quest downloads that warrant it. Most people see the warning and avoid a headache from playing it; some others may see the warning and want to check it out based on their preferences for that sort of thing. In the end I think it works well because people are reading a completely honest description of the quest and not an advert trying to get people to play it.

Chris Miller
03-09-2018, 05:43 AM
But I'm type O-. What do? :(

EDIT: Never mind, I figured it out!


03-09-2018, 08:20 PM
Nice job downvoting all our videos. I bet you feel real proud of yourself and your contribution to society.

03-09-2018, 11:44 PM
Shane - people like to talk, bitch and gossip about each other since the beginning of time. Its a fun pass-time and its cheap and free. I know that the things I'm saying will have next to 0% chance of convincing anyone but I like to say them anyway. Most people saying things to me likewise have 0% chance of convincing me especially when they aren't backed up with any evidence. My type A/type B theory comes from many years of observing many games and their interactions with the fanbase and aren't going to change because a few people here say otherwise.

The only thing that you can be 100% absolutely sure about is that I don't care about whether or not anyone else enjoys my quests. They were made for the sole purpose of my own enjoyment and I don't see anything wrong with that motivation. And also I'm 100% sure that this policy apples to every other quest maker out there type A AND type B - but you'll never hear them say it directly. The only way you'll find out from them is through their actions in quest-making.

As for DX, quest makers will listen if what the audience is suggesting enhances their own enjoyment and isn't too time-costly to implement. My own LoH and LoH:IE for example I did listen to Yloh when he suggested that I use the wooden sword instead of the white sword in the room of 10 blue darknuts. I did listen when Yowza said that tough battles should be made like the level 5 death-knight fights. I did listen when Evan said that the beginning part of level 8 suxed. And they were remade into LoH:IE which is a deluxe form of LoH. But I don't listen to type A players when they say, oh but the fights are too unfair and there aren't enough puzzles.

And I think that a similar process goes on for type A players when they are making their quests too. Type A players listen to the feedback of other type A players because type A players share the same enjoyment and culture. But I'm pretty sure that I barge in and say that their quests are too easy and they need to get rid of some puzzles that I will get a flat rejection. How about if I start telling you these criticisms about Rite of Storm? Are you going to do as I ask and make a DX version for type B?

03-09-2018, 11:57 PM
This is probably totally the wrong place, but does anyone remember Warlock's 210quest? I don't know any other title for it, but it came bundled with older versions of ZC. It was basically an enhanced version of the first quest, featuring updated graphics and some tougher puzzles, as well as a few new enemies and items. If that quest still exists. I can't find it in the QDB.

I mainly bring it up for two reasons: if there is such a thing as a type A or B, this would probably count as type B. Secondly. Megan (aka Pink Fairy) really wanted to try it after I told her about it, but I can't find it anywhere.

03-10-2018, 12:42 AM
And I think that a similar process goes on for type A players when they are making their quests too. Type A players listen to the feedback of other type A players because type A players share the same enjoyment and culture. But I'm pretty sure that I barge in and say that their quests are too easy and they need to get rid of some puzzles that I will get a flat rejection. How about if I start telling you these criticisms about Rite of Storm? Are you going to do as I ask and make a DX version for type B?We already had this discussion elsewhere. But I think I was being too generous then, as maybe I shouldn't be listening to a guy who can't get the name of my quest right twice (maybe more). :P The only thing I will say to this is that I do not intend on making a DX version simply because I don't see the reason for making one. The majority seem to like my quest and I feel I have nothing to improve on that's fundamentally flawed. I've used constructive criticism to make two updates and that's where I feel I move onto my next project. You're overly misconstruing valid points people make and putting words into people's mouths to feel like you any chance of convincing anyone that you're a victim of a tirade of "type a" players attacking your quest when (based on LoH:IE especially) no one seems to care for your quests so (from what I'm gathering is that) you're trying to bait "type a" players to play your quest to criticize your quest for these aspects and claim you have any idea what you're talking about. Clever, but not quite. :P

One last thing I'm going to say after this is that the fact that you've been on the defense and offense over like... 2-3 negative reviews by reviewers who no longer care about your quests specifically for over half a decade shows that you do care. That's all I need to say really, don't have to take my word for it. I'll let other rational people decide for themselves.

03-10-2018, 04:11 AM
We need to get Puzzledude in here to defend maddeningly difficult Z3 challenge hack puzzles as Type B.

03-10-2018, 06:11 AM
Is everybody involved in this stupidity kissing and making up yet?

03-10-2018, 07:46 AM

Chris Miller
03-10-2018, 07:58 AM
Is everybody involved in this stupidity kissing and making up yet?

Doubtful. There have probably been several discreet blowjobs, though.

03-10-2018, 08:13 AM
If there's a type b for sex, would that be b for blowjob? Adds a whole new meaning to type b players then.

Chris Miller
03-10-2018, 08:15 AM
If there's a type b for sex, would that be b for blowjob? Adds a whole new meaning to type b players then.

What would type A entail?

03-10-2018, 08:24 AM
What would type A entail?
I'm sure you know what Type A gives out. ;o

Chris Miller
03-10-2018, 08:30 AM
I'm sure you know what Type A gives out. ;o

I think I have a general idea now, but we could use a more in-depth explanation. Paging James24

03-10-2018, 08:47 AM

03-10-2018, 04:35 PM
Type A, Type B? Fuck that, there is more than two options, everything isn't black and white... I'm Type Q, Zeta X.

03-11-2018, 12:01 AM
There's never going to be a true kissup and makeup. All you'll get is temporary lulls in silence where people keep quiet but don't speak what's on their minds. And then when a catalyst comes along its all going to flare up again, in this case being Zelda 3. Sadly, history will keep repeating itself because the fundamental nature of quest making is flawed. That is, quest makers only care about themselves and what they want and will never truly care enough about the audience to make significant changes to their quests. Chris Miller, you'd better be ready to make bitching a permanent thing especially if Pure won't allow it. At least then AGN will have an audience! haha.

It interests me to look back in time to when few of us knew about Zelda Classic's existence. Put in a search for "Armageddon Quest" and you can see this whole conflict between type A and type B again - just with different people. Type A players demanding the quest be made easier to accommodate their tastes. Type B players loving the difficulty and saying its such a nice thing. And then its interesting what came of it when OUCH! made his Armageddon Quest Forever. Type B quest with a cheap nerf to appease type A. Flat rejection by both camps of players.

To me I'm as convinced about type A and type B as I am convinced that the earth is round. Everyone else believes the earth is flat. Well, what else can I do if people are in denial about the source of their problems?

03-11-2018, 12:43 AM
To me I'm as convinced about type A and type B as I am convinced that the earth is round. Everyone else believes the earth is flat. Well, what else can I do if people are in denial about the source of their problems?Flat Earth Society are a vocal minority that feel superior based on literally nothing but phony evidence claiming that non-believers are ignorant and blind along with the majority due to getting poked fun at.

Type A/Type B believers are a vocal minority that feel superior based on literally nothing but phony evidence claiming that non-believers are ignorant and blind along with the majority due to getting poked fun at.

I think my comparison works better, lol. :P

By the way, no one was talking about type a/type b until you made this joke of a thread into a soapbox for it. The fact that you had to piggyback off of petty feud to try and spark a debate is hilarious. This is going to be forgotten in a few days so enjoy it while it lasts.

03-11-2018, 12:58 AM
There's never going to be a true kissup and makeup. All you'll get is temporary lulls in silence where people keep quiet but don't speak what's on their minds. And then when a catalyst comes along its all going to flare up again, in this case being Zelda 3. Sadly, history will keep repeating itself because the fundamental nature of quest making is flawed. That is, quest makers only care about themselves and what they want and will never truly care enough about the audience to make significant changes to their quests. Chris Miller, you'd better be ready to make bitching a permanent thing especially if Pure won't allow it. At least then AGN will have an audience! haha.

It interests me to look back in time to when few of us knew about Zelda Classic's existence. Put in a search for "Armageddon Quest" and you can see this whole conflict between type A and type B again - just with different people. Type A players demanding the quest be made easier to accommodate their tastes. Type B players loving the difficulty and saying its such a nice thing. And then its interesting what came of it when OUCH! made his Armageddon Quest Forever. Type B quest with a cheap nerf to appease type A. Flat rejection by both camps of players.

To me I'm as convinced about type A and type B as I am convinced that the earth is round. Everyone else believes the earth is flat. Well, what else can I do if people are in denial about the source of their problems?

James, this issue is not, nor has ever been, about Type A/Type B shit. My 5 star rating wasn't because it was too hard, or because it was too ugly (it looks better than Aiden's Adventure so it isn't the ugliest thing), or because it didn't have a nice story. No, I rated it low because it was a thrown together, poorly thought out mess that is only defended because the Author has a giant ego where he must believe his quest is so good that he doesn't need to touch it again after making everything once, even during development. He needs to re-assure himself that he is a quest making god because he is a pitiful, miserable human being who cannot find happiness in his own life, so he looks online for reassurance, only for there to be none because his low functioning autism gets in the way. He cannot comprehend the fact that people don't like his quest, because the moment he comprehends it, his entire worldview shatters and he realizes how pathetic he truly is.

So please, stop trying to shove everything into your Type A/B shyte. The world isn't black or white, it's all shades of grey, so stop deluding yourself into thinking the entire world is binary because you're looking at it with the most broadest stroke. I enjoy both types of quests, quests with story, and quests that tear my balls off. What am I? Type AB? Type O?

Also, Armageddon Quest Forever remade all of it's dungeons from the ground up to be easier, and a good deal of people (myself included) prefer it over the original, at the very least due to OUCH! knowing what stuff to keep and what stuff to throw out, in the same manner as your LoH:IE, but easier instead of harder. If remaking entire dungeons from the ground up counts as a cheap buff, what the hell does not count as one?

EDIT: Oh yeah, please make bitching permanent. It's literally the only thing keeping this husk alive at the moment and the only reason for me to come here over Pure. Thanks.

03-11-2018, 09:15 AM
I'm a crybaby, hear me wail

So says the virgin who refreshes my youtube channel all day.

How's the effort to DMCA that vid off my hard drive going?

03-11-2018, 09:32 AM
So says the virgin who refreshes my youtube channel all day.

How's the effort to DMCA that vid off my hard drive going?

I think they're finally making progress! It's a miracle breakthrough!!!


03-11-2018, 12:48 PM
So says the virgin who refreshes my youtube channel all day.

How's the effort to DMCA that vid off my hard drive going?

I have better things to do than refresh and go through every video in a person's channel and disliking each one for 90 videos in a row, sorry.

I mean, the fact that you have that video in your possession is outright theft and you probably could be charged for harassment, but I guess that's a fair price for getting revenge on people who hold the wrong opinion and downvoted your beautiful, magnificent fangame.

03-11-2018, 09:08 PM
I have better things to do than refresh and go through every video in a person's channel and disliking each one for 90 videos in a row, sorry.

Which is why you keep bringing this drama back up even when I am no longer engaging you, correct?

03-11-2018, 09:14 PM
Which is why you keep bringing this drama back up even when I am no longer engaging you, correct?

You're the one who keeps bringing it up, stop acting like you aren't just because it ain't happening on AGN asshole.

03-11-2018, 09:16 PM
Ya'll gonna bone yet?

03-12-2018, 12:05 AM
Shane - no I don't quite like your analogy. I'll tell you my analogy. There was a scientist in the medieval times, I can't remember his name, who theorized that the earth was round based on the sun's movement. At the time everyone believed that the earth was flat and anyone who proclaimed otherwise was a heretic and he was promptly burned at the stake for spreading his heretical beliefs. It wasn't until Magellan conclusively proved that the Earth was round a few centuries later that he was vindicated. So here I am, just having discovered this type A/type B dichotomy and people are still believing that player taste can't be classified or predicted ahead of time.

And I think of you as a typical type A player and your quest's taste was predicted well ahead of time. Its everything I describe a type A player's quest to be. Full of puzzles, very little to no challenge at all, lovely graphics and storyline. If this isn't stand-out proof of type A existence then I don't know what is. I never said there was anything wrong with being a type A player - it is simply what someone enjoys and prefers that's all. I don't know why you guys think there's a negative connotation associated with it.

Dimentio - I had hoped you wouldn't ask but since you do ask I'll tell you what I think you are and why. I think you are a type A player. Evidence for this classification: 1) you wished there was a "lite" version of LoH and LoH:IE. 2) You are very graphics focussed. You touched up Nightmare's quests and offered to touch up mine. A type B player never cares about graphics that much. 3) On your recommendations thread, you don't mention any type B quests. 4) You criticized Zelda 3 over graphical issues and its title. 5) Perhaps the most telling one. You haven't written a type B quest. 6) You rated my LoH and LoH:IE but you said yourself that you never finished them. A true type B player would be so glued and intrigued that they can't put it down.

I find it remarkable and extraordinary that I predicted the type B characteristics of Zelda 3 even before Anarchy released his quest. Look at the type B criteria and look at his Zelda 3 quest. Highly challenging, no focus on graphics, no storyline, no puzzles. Yet people still like to deny that there is type A and type B.

03-12-2018, 12:37 AM
Shane - no I don't quite like your analogy. I'll tell you my analogy. There was a scientist in the medieval times, I can't remember his name, who theorized that the earth was round based on the sun's movement. At the time everyone believed that the earth was flat and anyone who proclaimed otherwise was a heretic and he was promptly burned at the stake for spreading his heretical beliefs. It wasn't until Magellan conclusively proved that the Earth was round a few centuries later that he was vindicated. So here I am, just having discovered this type A/type B dichotomy and people are still believing that player taste can't be classified or predicted ahead of time.http://www.bringingbackawesome.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/make-me-laugh-d884e93a2b0d0bcae52ee11e89e2c30c7c5f0a50-s51.jpg

03-12-2018, 12:42 AM
1) you wished there was a "lite" version of LoH and LoH:IE. Yes, because I wished for "type a" players to see the true beauty of LoH. That, and I was naive and new to ZC at the time.

2) You are very graphics focussed. You touched up Nightmare's quests and offered to touch up mine. A type B player never cares about graphics that much. What does liking of graphics have to do with liking of difficulty? If I'm so graphics focused, why do I love the classic tileset so much to the point where I'm making a classic quest as a side project. Also, I thought I was doing you a favor, but apparently only Type A's give favors. Also, see above.

3) On your recommendations thread, you don't mention any type B quests. Because I'm not going to suggest a type B quest to a Type A player, and it was clear from his tastes that he was indeed a type A player.

4) You criticized Zelda 3 over graphical issues and its title. Because the author has a giant fucking ego and would harass everyone over them calling Link to the Past "Zelda 3". I wasn't calling the quest ugly, I was saying it does not hold up to the standards that Zelda 2 brought in an attempt to show how hypocritical and delusional Anarchy was, cause Anarchy is a shitty human being.

5) Perhaps the most telling one. You haven't written a type B quest. Hey, hey, look at my profile. Notice any quests there? Nope. I have yet to make a quest *at all*. If I haven't made a quest yet, then how can I have made a Type B quest? Also, you have yet to play Hyrule Fantasy's beta I released at the expo, Hyrule Fantasy being my main quest project and quite possibly one of the most brutal of the things I've co-made with someone, especially once you get to the level 6 I made.

6) You rated my LoH and LoH:IE but you said yourself that you never finished them. A true type B player would be so glued and intrigued that they can't put it down. I have indeed finished both. I made those ratings before I finished them. Also, I beat both Armageddon Quests, and Dungeon Impossible legit. I don't think I'm a pussy gamer by any reach, sorry.

Anarchy's quest would have been better if there was no forced grinding. And yes, there is. You NEED to buy the raft. You NEED to buy the hookshot. I went through Level 1 using the bre minimum, and I would have been fine with that, if not for Anarchy saying that he *expected* you to come in with a magic shield. He expects you to grind. I'm sorry, but I have no interest in seeing how much Type A bullshit he put later in the game. He didn't make a Type B quest, he made a Type A quest and cheap buffed it to the extreme. That's why I dropped it. I have better things to do, my own quests to make (and maybe actually finish a challenge quest that I'm currently working on), than play his garbage.

EDIT: Also James, didn't I make one demo of a challenge dungeon, that *you* tested, and said was amazing type B shit? :thinkingemoji:

03-12-2018, 12:52 AM
I would just stop giving him the time of day at this point, Dimentio. The only way to prove you are a "type b" player is to agree with James on everything and treat his word like the gospel. Otherwise you're with them, those "type a" lunatics that think the world is flat. :roflmao:

Edit: I wonder if DayDay (https://www.purezc.net/index.php?page=quests&id=343) is a "type a" or "type b" quest.


03-12-2018, 01:12 AM
Next person to quote a message is gay.

03-12-2018, 01:16 AM
no u

Chris Miller
03-12-2018, 05:03 AM
To commemorate this momentous thread, I've commissioned a special beverage.


03-12-2018, 05:19 AM
'More Doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette.'

Dimentio: Didn't you make.and release Wall.qst? ...and for the record, I beat that without ever finding the boss key, so, bugger off, if you don't think that I know how to play a quest built on bugs and engine glitches. I think this makes me the only person to have beaten it other than you, and the only one to do it this way; and probably the only person who didn't ragequit and go murder some puppies.

Shane: DayDay is Type 4F.

03-12-2018, 10:02 AM
You're the one who keeps bringing it up, stop acting like you aren't just because it ain't happening on AGN asshole.

k, pics or it didn't happen.

03-12-2018, 10:53 AM

03-12-2018, 04:16 PM
Awwww I wanted to quote a message next cause I'm gay! Why did I have to be sleeping, and am I a type A or type B sleeper? Oh no I just did a search and there are more than 2 type of sleepers!!!

Also the Earth isn't round or flat, it's egg shaped, at least that is what some scientists say, for all I know there is no earth and we are in the Matrix, eh.

03-13-2018, 01:31 AM
Dimentio - 1) This came across to me as someone who wanted a toned down version of the quest so they could finish and enjoy it which was consistent with what a few type A players had also asked for. But if I were to make a "lite" version then it wouldn't be my "true" quest and you'd be playing a cheap nerfed version. So how could you be a type B player?

2) Liking of graphics has absolutely everything to do with liking of difficulty. You see, there are only so many hours a quest maker has that they can devote on quest making. Making a quest more difficult or prettier are both very time-consuming activities. So a quest maker must choose between the two and that choice will be made depending on their type A or type B playing preferences.

3) How can you be 100% sure that he was a type A? You could have made a statement like "if you like challenging quests, then I'd recommend..."

4) Ok, I wasn't aware of the history surrounding the title. To me, it just looked like a strange title that's all.

5) I do see your contributions to other quests like Nightmare's where you just did graphical work on it. Fixing up graphics with no regard to gameplay or difficulty is definitely Type A.

6) Ok, I wasn't aware that you had recently finished LoH and LoH:IE. I thought you had abandoned them because they were too hard. That does change things somewhat.

7) Yes you made a small demo kaizo quest I remember. But then so did Moosh when he was first playing LoH. Moosh is undeniably a type A player but even type A players can have moments where they appear to be type B. Its only a long quest where you've spent many hours making it that can definitively put you in one camp or the other. So as of now, I'm undecided about you. Few new things have come to light which aren't type A.

03-13-2018, 02:03 AM
Oh no I just did a search and there are more than 2 type of sleepers!!!That's silly and impossible. How can there be more than two!? My findings on there only being two types of sleepers is the equivalent of science discovering the world is actually a crappy simulation built on a underdeveloped console made by some ameatur dude who probably should get a real job at this point. Probably a type b creator too.

Also my sincere apologies that Anarchy stole your gay. After all, there's only two types of sexuality too.

Chris Miller
03-13-2018, 05:40 AM
So, hypothetically speaking, if one had a fetish for lamp posts, that means that....they don't exist. :(

03-13-2018, 05:57 AM
Just don't ask a chick how many lumens her bulbs can put out on the first date.

[edit] Best pick-up line ever to try out next time I go to Lowes. 8)

03-13-2018, 10:35 AM
Dimentio - 1) This came across to me as someone who wanted a toned down version of the quest so they could finish and enjoy it which was consistent with what a few type A players had also asked for. But if I were to make a "lite" version then it wouldn't be my "true" quest and you'd be playing a cheap nerfed version. So how could you be a type B player?

2) Liking of graphics has absolutely everything to do with liking of difficulty. You see, there are only so many hours a quest maker has that they can devote on quest making. Making a quest more difficult or prettier are both very time-consuming activities. So a quest maker must choose between the two and that choice will be made depending on their type A or type B playing preferences.

3) How can you be 100% sure that he was a type A? You could have made a statement like "if you like challenging quests, then I'd recommend..."

4) Ok, I wasn't aware of the history surrounding the title. To me, it just looked like a strange title that's all.

5) I do see your contributions to other quests like Nightmare's where you just did graphical work on it. Fixing up graphics with no regard to gameplay or difficulty is definitely Type A.

6) Ok, I wasn't aware that you had recently finished LoH and LoH:IE. I thought you had abandoned them because they were too hard. That does change things somewhat.

7) Yes you made a small demo kaizo quest I remember. But then so did Moosh when he was first playing LoH. Moosh is undeniably a type A player but even type A players can have moments where they appear to be type B. Its only a long quest where you've spent many hours making it that can definitively put you in one camp or the other. So as of now, I'm undecided about you. Few new things have come to light which aren't type A.

James, Dimentio did this because he was butthurt over the drama with Saffith, which I admitted being wrong about, apologized to Saffith himself for, and which everyone BUT dimentio moved on from. It has ZERO to do with his issues with my quest (which may or may not be genuine on his part). He's just an obsessed virgin crybaby living a sorry life, obsessing over old eDrama b/c he has nothing else to do with his life. Quit wasting your time trying to reason with him.

And for the A and B types, I think it's valid, but it's important to remember that people are not categories. A good example, I identify as anti-SJW, but when I talk with SJW's I know IRL, you'd swear I'm to the LEFT of them. Categories are only useful for broadly determining GENERAL tendencies.

03-13-2018, 04:54 PM
Also my sincere apologies that Anarchy stole your gay. After all, there's only two types of sexuality too.

Yup gay and Bisexual.

03-13-2018, 06:29 PM
*makes popcorn and watches the drama unfold with sadistic glee*

03-14-2018, 01:08 AM
GB also stands for Goat Bussy... Which y'all should be shoved in.

03-14-2018, 01:35 AM
Gloating Bitches.

03-14-2018, 07:32 AM
Galactic Bagle.

03-15-2018, 05:16 AM
Oh my, I thought it was 'Gas Bag'.

03-15-2018, 06:01 AM
Such terrible acronyms. Makes me miss the gool 'ol days of the Type A vs. Type B arguments.

03-15-2018, 08:43 AM
Oh, I mistook the acronym myself. I thought it stood for Great Britain.

Chris Miller
03-15-2018, 02:16 PM
It's totally Greased Booty.

03-15-2018, 02:20 PM
Gay Balsac

03-15-2018, 06:39 PM
Gopher butts

03-16-2018, 01:10 PM
Oh, rats, I'm out of popcorn. I'll just have to make more. And I'll also have to Get Butter.

03-16-2018, 02:22 PM
Anarchy, are you done fellating a hippo yet?

03-17-2018, 03:59 PM
All the fighting stopped?

Chris Miller
03-19-2018, 11:51 AM
This was some weapons-grade shitposting. Awesome.

03-19-2018, 09:16 PM
Its more like a cease-fire. Everyone has depleted their weapons and is tired. But make no mistake, the underlying root cause of the conflict remains unsolved and so long as it is there, then there will always be these lovely bitching sessions. Type B quest makers making quests for type A players ALWAYS ignites conflict - from Isle of Rebirth to Zelda 3 to Liberation of Hyrule to Armageddon Quest. Fundamentally, type B quests cater for extreme tastes that the vast majority find intolerable. And I can't foresee any solution to this problem as long as the standard response is - "Nah - type A and type B don't exist. We are one as equals".

03-19-2018, 09:59 PM
I mean the reason this thread was made has very little to do with Zelda 3 and more to do with my problems with the author's obsessive stalkerish attitude and inability to take the fact that I didn't like his grinding-required quest. This problem was never about Type A/Type B, never about me finding his quest unappealing in looks nor in difficulty. People might be more willing to take Type A/B more seriously if you didn't suggest it was the magical solution to every conflict.

03-19-2018, 10:16 PM
Nah they're all pissed drunk from St. Patricks day problably. That was saturday afterall.
After they recover from their drunken stupors it will continue.
And we will continue to watch sitting her with our popcorn.

03-20-2018, 12:56 AM
Go away tomato. Don't judge my green people. :angry:

03-20-2018, 05:39 AM
nah. We ran out of popcorn and beer. Just waiting on a restock.

03-20-2018, 09:05 AM
I mean the reason this thread was made has very little to do with Zelda 3 and more to do with my problems with the author's obsessive stalkerish attitude and inability to take the fact that I didn't like his grinding-required quest. This problem was never about Type A/Type B, never about me finding his quest unappealing in looks nor in difficulty. People might be more willing to take Type A/B more seriously if you didn't suggest it was the magical solution to every conflict.

Buddy, YOU'RE the one who won't leave ME alone. You held a grudge about years old drama that had little (if anything) to do with you and wouldn't stop starting shit with me over it, then cried when I made fun of your sorry, lonely ass life and got your buddies from Pure to gang up on me b/c taking me on by yourself wasn't emotionally satisfying enough. Notice how you're still bringing this up even when I have dropped it?

03-20-2018, 10:21 AM
Don't worry I drove in a super sized keg this time.

03-20-2018, 10:56 AM
Buddy, YOU'RE the one who won't leave ME alone. You held a grudge about years old drama that had little (if anything) to do with you and wouldn't stop starting shit with me over it, then cried when I made fun of your sorry, lonely ass life and got your buddies from Pure to gang up on me b/c taking me on by yourself wasn't emotionally satisfying enough. Notice how you're still bringing this up even when I have dropped it?

I mean, there's also the fact that you reviewbombed my quests simply because I rated your quest poorly, proceeded to delude yourself into thinking that I was the stalker, and then insulted one of my online buddies; and the fact that you still have the "victim position" because you don't have the balls to man up that you're a whiny little stalker bitch. What the fuck? LMAO.

03-21-2018, 05:03 PM
I mean, there's also the fact that you reviewbombed my quests simply because I rated your quest poorly, proceeded to delude yourself into thinking that I was the stalker, and then insulted one of my online buddies; and the fact that you still have the "victim position" because you don't have the balls to man up that you're a whiny little stalker bitch. What the fuck? LMAO.

So RESPONDING to someone else's obsession = being obsessed?


03-21-2018, 05:47 PM
So RESPONDING to someone else's obsession = being obsessed?


No it doesn't, otherwise I'd be considered obsessed, lmao.

03-21-2018, 08:26 PM
No it doesn't, otherwise I'd be considered obsessed, lmao.


How's that hairline?

03-22-2018, 08:15 AM

03-22-2018, 08:50 PM
Nothing wrong with being obsessed. As obsession is a perverse pinnacle of love and nothing wrong with being a pervert either.
So therefore we can assume that you both are yandere for one another and this story has one hell of an ending.
Just remember everyone.
All is fair in love in war. And the mean the same damn thing most the time.

03-23-2018, 10:40 AM
So we're shipping Dimentio and Anarchy now? This is where we've ended up?

I can get behind this solution. Time to make with the fanfiction, people. :P

03-23-2018, 02:06 PM
The make up sex must be incredible!

Chris Miller
03-23-2018, 07:46 PM
Make sure to post that shit up on Cornhub.

03-23-2018, 11:55 PM
Don't worry I drove in a super sized keg this time.

I sincerely must have one of those.

03-24-2018, 12:03 AM
You're mom triple gay and rarted @all

03-24-2018, 12:22 AM
I sincerely must have one of those.

I don't do keg-stands anymore but I'll make an exception for that one. :)

You're mom triple gay and rarted @all


P.S.: Why don't you and Shane just admit to 'review-bombing' Anarch_Balsac's quest so we can all move on and get past this nonsense?

03-24-2018, 09:34 AM
Chris Miller So are we gonna bring back ask someone who get's laid next.

Chris Miller
03-24-2018, 11:08 AM
It'll be back on the 13th of Fuck-No-vember. :3

03-24-2018, 12:10 PM
Gleeok: Wasn't really going to post in here again and I don't intend on having this post spark a argument, I just want to clarify that I genuinely had played at least half of the quest and gave a review back on the year it was released. It was only until last year I requested all my reviews to be deleted because 2/3 of them were pretty bad and outdated. I was writing up an actual review after playing it and I have the notepad to prove it, I was writing something fairly large and tend to have a habit of leaving a rating before I post a review since I do take a bit of time with them and because PureZC treats ratings and reviews separately. Now was a 0 extreme? In retrospect, yeah. I probably would of bumped it to a 1 if I could post the review due to proper reflection after writing the review down. But I'm not going to admit something that wasn't my intent because frankly, I don't even know Anarchy personally enough to dislike him, I just think uploading that video was a dick move and merely wanted to point that out since it was the right thing to do. Now can you please not drag me into this nonsense again? This isn't even about the reviews at this rate. I only joined this nonsense for shitposts but more importantly because I wanted to clarify that Anarchy uploaded a video of an innocent person who doesn't even know what's going on and got sidetracked by some type a/type b nonsense. If you wanna believe I review bombed, that's perfectly fine, I don't blame anyone who'd think that but I was going to post that review if the quest remained public. I will however will be no longer taking part in this nonsense if that makes you feel any better as I had been doing prior to this. Sorry for the long post, but I really wanted to clarify on a misunderstanding here, it was an easy conclusion to jump to so I take some blame, but I didn't anticipate that I wasn't going to be able to post my review. :P

Also as a side note, Anarchy called out one of the nicest people in the ZC community, calling him an idiot a month or so ago and admitted that he tried to get his rating (2 stars, I think) and well thought out review removed on his other quest showing that this is more about negative ratings in general than review bombing. :shrug:

03-24-2018, 03:44 PM
Not sure what you mean by review bombing Gleeok. I legit played the quest, and I thought it was hot garbage. Apparently disliking one """type B""" quest (tbh it's neither really type A nor B) means you dislike all of them. This conflict is starting to bore me anyways, since Anarchy's going to keep on acting like a child like he did by ratings bombing my quests, and ratings bombing videos on our collab channel, while trying to ignore/outright remove criticism by deleting ratings/reviews off his quest. Anything he does is going to be predictable, and I already made the post calling him out, and everyone who hated him has already chimed in at this point because of it.

The only good thing that's come out of this (besides the funny temper tantrums Anarchy keeps throwing) is the fact that General Bitching was revived, and thus showing that AGN is only active when you're allowed to bitch about shit publically. :thumbsup:

03-24-2018, 07:22 PM
Gleeok: Wasn't really going to post in here again and I don't intend on having this post spark a argument, I just want to clarify that I genuinely had played at least half of the quest and gave a review back on the year it was released. It was only until last year I requested all my reviews to be deleted because 2/3 of them were pretty bad and outdated. I was writing up an actual review after playing it and I have the notepad to prove it, I was writing something fairly large and tend to have a habit of leaving a rating before I post a review since I do take a bit of time with them and because PureZC treats ratings and reviews separately. Now was a 0 extreme? In retrospect, yeah. I probably would of bumped it to a 1 if I could post the review due to proper reflection after writing the review down. But I'm not going to admit something that wasn't my intent because frankly, I don't even know Anarchy personally enough to dislike him, I just think uploading that video was a dick move and merely wanted to point that out since it was the right thing to do. Now can you please not drag me into this nonsense again? This isn't even about the reviews at this rate. I only joined this nonsense for shitposts but more importantly because I wanted to clarify that Anarchy uploaded a video of an innocent person who doesn't even know what's going on and got sidetracked by some type a/type b nonsense. If you wanna believe I review bombed, that's perfectly fine, I don't blame anyone who'd think that but I was going to post that review if the quest remained public. I will however will be no longer taking part in this nonsense if that makes you feel any better as I had been doing prior to this. Sorry for the long post, but I really wanted to clarify on a misunderstanding here, it was an easy conclusion to jump to so I take some blame, but I didn't anticipate that I wasn't going to be able to post my review. :P

Also as a side note, Anarchy called out one of the nicest people in the ZC community, calling him an idiot a month or so ago and admitted that he tried to get his rating (2 stars, I think) and well thought out review removed on his other quest showing that this is more about negative ratings in general than review bombing. :shrug:

Show me where I admitted trying to get someone's review removed, and where I called said person out.

Not sure what you mean by review bombing Gleeok . I legit played the quest, and I thought it was hot garbage. Apparently disliking one """type B""" quest (tbh it's neither really type A nor B) means you dislike all of them. This conflict is starting to bore me anyways, since Anarchy's going to keep on acting like a child like he did by ratings bombing my quests, and ratings bombing videos on our collab channel, while trying to ignore/outright remove criticism by deleting ratings/reviews off his quest. Anything he does is going to be predictable, and I already made the post calling him out, and everyone who hated him has already chimed in at this point because of it.

The only good thing that's come out of this (besides the funny temper tantrums Anarchy keeps throwing) is the fact that General Bitching was revived, and thus showing that AGN is only active when you're allowed to bitch about shit publically.

YOU posted several long winded meltdowns in this thread, and spent WEEKS downvoting my youtube videos. EVERY video I posted to youtube had a thumbs down WITHIN MINUTES (which means someone [you] was refreshing the page all day, every day in order to do so). And it started happening right about the time Chris Miller told you to shut up in my Let's Play thread. But of course, for spending 30 minutes doing it back to you for ONE day, I'M the obsessed one.

03-24-2018, 07:57 PM
Literally the only video I've disliked is one LP video you made. I'm not the only person who dislikes your content, and I have better things to do than wasting my time downvoting every single video you've ever made, so stop being delusional, kthx.

03-25-2018, 12:20 AM
In my book, Anarchy's quest is 100% true blue type B and there can be no doubt about it. Fits the definition to the letter. The root problem is that type A and type B did not understand each other and this lead to a conflict.

Anarchy had the wrong expectations of the audience - he did not understand the type A and type B dichotomy and expected an audience full of type B players. The actual audience for ZC is full of type A players and if you write a type B quest then its going to be rejected by type A players. If you want type A acceptance, then you follow type A rules when you make your quest: lots of focus on beauty and graphics, low to zero challenge, lots of puzzles, no rupee grinding, no arbitrary secrets, no cheap nerfs and making fun of the audience if they use those nerfs etc... If you choose not to follow these rules then your quest will get rated 0 stars, it will get review bombed, it will have a very low fanbase and you'd better be prepared for this kind of thing.

Also, if Shane and Dimentio knew about the type A and type B dichotomy, they would have known that this was a quest that wasn't meant for them. That they weren't the target audience. The weren't the ones Anarchy was trying to appease and would have just moved on to the next quest without playing, rating or reviewing the quest. I recently played Shane's quest and I don't like it, but I respect that I am not the target audience so I simply don't rate it. But no, we have to have this conflict because people don't understand about the divide. Hopefully we can all learn from this and be wiser the next time.

03-25-2018, 01:21 AM
IMO Difficulty + ugly tileset != instant type B quest. Type B quests have a certain beauty to them, in that the challenge itself is the puzzle. Liberation of Hyrule, you had to learn the enemy patterns, you had to know when oto take damage and when not to. At it's core, Liberation of Hyrule was a puzzle quest, a very sadistic one mind you, and it used it's challenge beautifully to craft the ultimate puzzle. Armageddon Quest was the same way, but where you needed to go next wasn't spelled out for you like Liberation, and you were given more leniency with what you were allowed to do at certain times. Dungeon Impossible had the puzzle of figuring out how you were supposed to take on each room. "The Most Difficult Quest Ever Created TM" was the same type of puzzle as Liberation.

That puzzle is the true core of Type B quests. Type A players prefer different types of puzzles, but at the core, both types are puzzle focused.

Please tell me, where's the puzzle in Anarchy's Quests? Figuring out the creator wants you to kill 50000 enemies to get enough rupees to proceed through his arbitrary requirements? He could have put a gauntlet or a minidungeon to get those required items, but instead he chose to go with forced grinding! He could have removed the grinding/shops entirely and the quest would be better for it! Instead of me going "He expects me to grind up 200 rupees for a hookshot and shield before level 1? WTF!?", I'd be going "He expects me to take this challenge on with only the wooden sword? All right, bring it on!". By having them there, he dangles this easier option in front of you and tells you "hey, you're supposed to have these at this point! GrindGrindGrind! Bore you out of your mind!" and it's like come on, Type B quests don't dangle the easy option in front of you! Type B quests don't tempt you with cheap nerfs! Just give the required items when you absolutely need them for free, unless you have a dungeon or dungeon segment revolving around grinding like Liberation of Hyrule, but even then too much of those can be boring!

I think it's probably very clear at this point that forced grinding is a huuuuuge pet peeve of mine and pretty much an instant -1 star at the very least

03-25-2018, 05:44 AM
Show me where I admitted trying to get someone's review removed, and where I called said person out.

Quoted from 6th Quest Invitational thread:

The most annoying thing is when some idiot one stars your quest for being too hard, or because they were too dumb to figure out that they ventured out to a part that they lacked the gear to explore without getting outright clobbered, and the admins at pure do nothing about it. It's quite irritating.

"The admins at pure do nothing about it" clearly means you expected them to remove or at the very least change it even though it was a well thought out review by one of the nicest people you'll ever meet in the ZC community. At the time of this post, only his review was on one of your quests so the call out was obvious. And even then you flamed this guy, pretty much insulting his skills showing this is more than just " review-bombing ". I said more than I needed to. I requested to be not dragged into this any further previously, I will be just not answering at this point. Apologies for the serious posts.

03-25-2018, 08:12 AM
Gleeok: Wasn't really going to post in here again and I don't intend on having this post spark a argument, I just want to clarify that I genuinely had played at least half of the quest and gave a review back on the year it was released. It was only until last year I requested all my reviews to be deleted because 2/3 of them were pretty bad and outdated. I was writing up an actual review after playing it and I have the notepad to prove it, I was writing something fairly large and tend to have a habit of leaving a rating before I post a review since I do take a bit of time with them and because PureZC treats ratings and reviews separately. Now was a 0 extreme? In retrospect, yeah. I probably would of bumped it to a 1 if I could post the review due to proper reflection after writing the review down. But I'm not going to admit something that wasn't my intent because frankly, I don't even know Anarchy personally enough to dislike him, I just think uploading that video was a dick move and merely wanted to point that out since it was the right thing to do. Now can you please not drag me into this nonsense again? This isn't even about the reviews at this rate. I only joined this nonsense for shitposts but more importantly because I wanted to clarify that Anarchy uploaded a video of an innocent person who doesn't even know what's going on and got sidetracked by some type a/type b nonsense. If you wanna believe I review bombed, that's perfectly fine, I don't blame anyone who'd think that but I was going to post that review if the quest remained public. I will however will be no longer taking part in this nonsense if that makes you feel any better as I had been doing prior to this. Sorry for the long post, but I really wanted to clarify on a misunderstanding here, it was an easy conclusion to jump to so I take some blame, but I didn't anticipate that I wasn't going to be able to post my review. :P

Also as a side note, Anarchy called out one of the nicest people in the ZC community, calling him an idiot a month or so ago and admitted that he tried to get his rating (2 stars, I think) and well thought out review removed on his other quest showing that this is more about negative ratings in general than review bombing. :shrug:

Thanks Shane for the clarification. I appreciate it. Yes, you may now go back to frolicking in greener pastures. (purezc joke? You decide.) :P

And you have to admit that multiple 0-ratings on a complete full-length quest to start this shit off is a big giant red flag that needed to be addressed. Especially considering that 0-ratings are reserved for quests that don't work or are unplayable. Also the fact that to actually play through half of a full-length quest so terrible you deem worthy of giving 0-stars makes absolutely zero sense. You can see why the whole thing seems suspect.

03-25-2018, 04:56 PM
0 Stars only recently became """reserved""" for broken shit, and I frankly don't give a shit that it's """reserved"""". Having broken shit be reserved to 0 star ratings is absurd, so I'll just keep using the 0 star as it used to be: For incredibly shitty quests.

Also, I played through a decent portion of the quest, and no other quest I've played came to terms of how thoroughly unenjoyable it was. Given that I've rated other quests 0 stars, and this was the least enjoyable quest I've ever played, it made sense to, ya know, not rate it higher than the other quests I enjoyed more than it.

Though let's be completely frank, this thread was never about his quest. Me insulting his "masterpiece" was just the icing on the cake. If he was a sane human being, he would have just accepted my rating. Instead, he threw a hissy fit and overreacted. Basically, he became a Puzzledude. Congrats! That's why I'm a bit insulted that this is being boiled down to a "type A/B issue". It's not. This thread is about my personal beef with Anarchy, and given that this started by him responding to my polite post over in his LP thread with essentially "fuck off", me rating his quest poorly isn't the core of the issue here. It's purely out of my contempt for what a miserable piece of human filth Anarchy is. Now please, can we stop with the "Type A/B" shit? We can easily make another thread for it if we want to discuss it, but this thread, nor the issues here, have barely anything to do with my or his quest preferences.

03-26-2018, 12:00 AM
A strict reading and interpretation of my original definition confirms that Anarchy's quest is a type B quest:

Type B players are the exact opposite of type A and they like very challenging quests with high difficulty and the rest of the quest including graphics, puzzles, storyline is a nice bonus but isn't very important.

Only the high difficulty part needs to be satisfied and no one can deny that Zelda 3 indeed does have high difficulty. Plus, it does not have to include puzzles. Puzzles aren't very important - they are purely optional. If you want to expand the definition to include puzzles then that will be your type B definition - not my original. Plus, Liberation of Hyrule's puzzles are difficulty/combat related. Not only do you have to initially figure out what you need to do, but to actually pull them off takes a fair amount of skill and is quite difficult, which is in stark contrast to type A puzzles. And finally, I had no intention to ever make Liberation a puzzle quest. Its not a puzzle quest - yes, you need to be very smart about how you fight at times but it wasn't meant to be a puzzle - more of a statement that type B players aren't just robots that are good at fighting, we have brains too.

Also, forced grinding does not exclude a quest from being type B according to my original definition. I have to somewhat agree with you on this one, it makes the difficulty ambiguous since a player can artificially make the quest easier by grinding for items - a cheap nerf more or less. But is it truly forced grinding? Can the quest be played with no grinding regardless of the author's intentions? Take for example Armageddon Quest, you can choose to grind for keys to make things artificially easy, or you can play OUCH's true hard mode with no grinding but you'll face the full fury of his monsters and dungeons unleashed. Insanely hard but possible without too much luck to a highly skilled type B player. From what I've played of Zelda 3 (up to the third dungeon), the game is possible to play without any forced rupee grinding but it takes a lot of skill. Are you 100% sure you've got the forced grinding part right Dimentio??

Finally, type A/type B goes to the very heart of your beef with Anarchy so I don't see why you find it irrelevant. If both you and Anarchy had understood and accepted the dichotomy before you had played, none of this conflict would be occurring.

03-26-2018, 04:54 AM
James24 wins this thread.



This kind of ties in to Type A/B personality traits which explains why Type A players are more likely to get angry and rage-quit. Of course the game must be flawed or the game designer is being cheap and unfair. They are doing gods work and rating the quest poorly as to expose this great injustice done unto them.

Finally, type A/type B goes to the very heart of your beef with Anarchy so I don't see why you find it irrelevant. If both you and Anarchy had understood and accepted the dichotomy before you had played, none of this conflict would be occurring.

They didn't understand. :shakehead:

03-26-2018, 08:00 AM
Finally, type A/type B goes to the very heart of your beef with Anarchy so I don't see why you find it irrelevant. If both you and Anarchy had understood and accepted the dichotomy before you had played, none of this conflict would be occurring.
I mean, most of my issues came from Anarchy calling Saffith a fucking retard and saying Saffith was a dev who ruined everything, and him calling Eddy a retard, and him telling me to fuck off when I tried to point out (polite-fully) stuff from his playthrough that I didn't like. Are any, much less all 3, based at the core of Type A/B philosophy?

This has nothing to do with me disliking his quest, it has everything to do with him being an asshole and him (a 30-something adult at least) somehow acting more childish than me (a 17 (almost 18) year old).

From what I've played of Zelda 3 (up to the third dungeon), the game is possible to play without any forced rupee grinding but it takes a lot of skill. Are you 100% sure you've got the forced grinding part right Dimentio??

The forced grinding comes after level 3, IIRC. You need to grind up for a 100% required raft that costs 500 rupees to even access the overworld area with level 4 (and presumably 5 and 6), AND you need to buy the hookshot (around 100ish rupees) in order to even proceed past the first/second room in level 4. That's around the part where I quit, because the game lacked the addictiveness every other Type B quest I've played had for me. Maybe it's because it lacks the thought the other Type B quests I've played had?

03-26-2018, 09:37 AM
Quoted from 6th Quest Invitational thread:

"The admins at pure do nothing about it" clearly means you expected them to remove or at the very least change it even though it was a well thought out review by one of the nicest people you'll ever meet in the ZC community. At the time of this post, only his review was on one of your quests so the call out was obvious. And even then you flamed this guy, pretty much insulting his skills showing this is more than just " review-bombing ". I said more than I needed to. I requested to be not dragged into this any further previously, I will be just not answering at this point. Apologies for the serious posts.

No it wasn't, I was referring to a review that NO LONGER EXISTED because I erased it with a Z3 update. And yes, I have EVERY RIGHT to be annoyed when someone pushes others away with low rating, b/c s/he ventured some place under equipped. Nice person or not, it would annoy most people. Perhaps not you, but it was not an unreasonable annoyance.

Also, if you're talking about Eddy's Review of the One Week Late adventure, that's idiotic because he was nowhere NEAR that unreasonable with his review. I was referring to someone else who literally gave a 0 star review based ONLY on him/her going some place while lacking in gear, and for Z3. You literally started a hate boner over nothing. I will admit I didn't think he was entirely fair, but I DID feel he tried to be.

Literally the only video I've disliked is one LP video you made. I'm not the only person who dislikes your content, and I have better things to do than wasting my time downvoting every single video you've ever made, so stop being delusional, kthx.

THE SAME DAY that Chris Miller told you to shut the hell up in my LP, ALL EXISTING ones got a dislike, then, for WEEKS after that, EVERY UPLOAD had one WITHIN MINUTES (whereas this hadn't been happening previously upon me uploading stuff) . I will admit that Shane is showing that there is a SLIGHT possibility it was him, but I'd put more weight on the guy who's held a grudge against me for a couple years now (you)

I mean, most of my issues came from Anarchy calling Saffith a fucking retard and saying Saffith was a dev who ruined everything, and him calling Eddy a retard, and him telling me to fuck off when I tried to point out (polite-fully) stuff from his playthrough that I didn't like. Are any, much less all 3, based at the core of Type A/B philosophy?

Case in point, you can't let the Saffith stuff go, even though I apologized, even though Saffith himself doesn't care and never did (I reached out to him myself), even though I fully admit being in the wrong. You claim not to be obsessed, but you just PROVED you are.

03-26-2018, 10:15 AM
Case in point, you can't let the Saffith stuff go, even though I apologized, even though Saffith himself doesn't care and never did (I reached out to him myself), even though I fully admit being in the wrong. You claim not to be obsessed, but you just PROVED you are. I was stating why I started it, dumbass. How the hell was I supposed to know that at the time?

I was willing to ignore the fact that you got triggered at Saffith, but then you ohsokindly told me to fuck off when I tried to give an opinion on your quest, in your official quest thread here on AGN. So I figured I'd try this """masterpiece""" that got you so worked up originally at Saffith, and guess what? It played like shit, thanks to your gay-ass forced grinding. So when I rate it poorly, and start typing up a review explaining why I disliked it, you throw a hissy fit, try to get it deleted before I could even finish the review, then when Eddy refused to let you delete the rating, you asked the quest be removed entirely, downvote bomb all of Nightmares Quests because I polished them up graphically and thus had my name on them, steal a video from KenMeister and insult him because I do collab videos with him, and renamed your Pure LP topic to insult me. All this because you thought I downvote bombed you (here's a hint asshole: I didn't. I don't need to downvote your pitiful channel to point out how bad it is.).

For the record, I haven't needed to stalk you. All my discord buddies "helpfully" point out when you've acted like a toddler for me. Grow up.

03-27-2018, 08:15 AM
Don't forget to visit the quasi-official ZC channels and downvote everything. there, so that they have some activity.

03-27-2018, 10:50 PM
If this was all about a conflict with Saffith and such then why bring Zelda 3 into the mix? You should have just kept your criticism to "Anarchy is bad because he flamed Saffith" not "Anarchy's Z3 is bad because it had rupee grinding amongst other things". Judging from your comments in Zelda 3's lets play and the opening post on this thread it comes across as a type A player criticising a type B quest maker. If the only reason why Zelda 3 was brought into the mix was to give it 0 stars in retaliation for flaming Saffith and other events then that's just not ok.

Anarchy also has room to learn as a quest maker - maybe its because its only his first quest. He should have known about the world of type A players and their culture and anticipated that they will go into areas unequipped, they will rage-quit when they die too much and they will review bomb quests for completely unrelated reasons. Best to anticipate these kinds of things and exclude type A players explicitly when advertising your quest.

Chris Miller
03-28-2018, 12:16 AM
It's just such a type A thing to do. Fucking assholes.

03-28-2018, 02:57 PM
Wow type A players have their own culture, I never new that. I found these when doing a search on google, uh oh, type a has a higher risk of heart attack, stroke, and other cardiovascular conditions.

* The rhetorical What Would MacGyver Do? attempts to
harness some of the aggressive type A tendencies at Method by defining
resourcefulness as “not accepting no for an answer” and “looking
under rocks for what other have missed.”

The two men who coined the term ‘Type A’ in the 1960s were also goal-oriented, high achieving types. But they wanted to be Type B: easygoing, take every day as it comes type people. Because while many people now use the term Type A as a badge of honor, the two men were cardiologists, and they invented the term Type A to describe stressed patients who were at a higher risk of heart attack, stroke, and other cardiovascular conditions.

03-29-2018, 07:22 PM
I mean, I literally only put up a sentence and some screenshots about Zelda 3. Also, this entire spat happened because he insulted me in his Zelda 3 thread, hence why I brought it up. I'm not a "type A" player (can we please come up with better names than "Type A and Type B"?). Also, James, if I wasn't a Type B player, why have I played Dungeon Impossible, Isle of Rebirth Hero Mode (hell, I even suggested that to you), Armageddon Quest, and hell, Liberation of Hyrule; much less beaten all of them legit?

I don't like Zelda 3 as a type B quest. High difficulty != good Type B quest. The execution could have been much better, and when I tried to polite-fully bring this up, Anarchy told me to fuck off and proceeded to disregard my criticism. Hell, I could probably make a harder version of Zelda 3, using only the classic tileset, and people, Type A and B. would like it more than Anarchy's attempt. Though this is in part because it's his first ques,t that does not give him the right to delete ratings from his quest simply because he doesn't like them (the other part of the reason I dislike him, asides from the cringeworthy (and apparently outdated?) Saffith spat).

Maybe I give too many craps about presentation? I understand that fangame creators can't be expected to appeal to everyone, but you can do a lot with boosting presentation in minimal time. Also, my main reason I brought up Zelda 3's look in the thread was because it's calling itself Zelda 3 and saying Link to the Past isn't. If he's going to be so egotistical to make such a claim that his fangame is more deserving of the title of Zelda 3 than the legendary Link to the Past, I expect him to back it up with a product that *is* of higher quality in every regard. I would consider Isle of Rebirth Hero Mode more deserving of the title of Zelda 3, than his Zelda 3.

03-29-2018, 08:07 PM
I was stating why I started it, dumbass. How the hell was I supposed to know that at the time?

I was willing to ignore the fact that you got triggered at Saffith, but then you ohsokindly told me to fuck off when I tried to give an opinion on your quest, in your official quest thread here on AGN. So I figured I'd try this """masterpiece""" that got you so worked up originally at Saffith, and guess what? It played like shit, thanks to your gay-ass forced grinding. So when I rate it poorly, and start typing up a review explaining why I disliked it, you throw a hissy fit, try to get it deleted before I could even finish the review, then when Eddy refused to let you delete the rating, you asked the quest be removed entirely, downvote bomb all of Nightmares Quests because I polished them up graphically and thus had my name on them, steal a video from KenMeister and insult him because I do collab videos with him, and renamed your Pure LP topic to insult me. All this because you thought I downvote bombed you (here's a hint asshole: I didn't. I don't need to downvote your pitiful channel to point out how bad it is.).

For the record, I haven't needed to stalk you. All my discord buddies "helpfully" point out when you've acted like a toddler for me. Grow up.

Your complaint was:

"Oh I don't mind 8 bit but you should have updated the 8-bit"

You are going to be told to fuck off when you tell people that. And the fact that you started all this shit with me cus your criticism was idiotic, and I told you so? Yeah, that's pathetic.

I mean, I literally only put up a sentence and some screenshots about Zelda 3.

Original post was a LOT more than a sentence. ALSO, you DID NOT type up a review, you just straight up 0-starred it, then cried like a bitch when I did it back. You're trying to claim you reviewed it to save face, but you didn't.

Maybe I give too many craps about presentation? I understand that fangame creators can't be expected to appeal to everyone, but you can do a lot with boosting presentation in minimal time. Also, my main reason I brought up Zelda 3's look in the thread was because it's calling itself Zelda 3 and saying Link to the Past isn't. If he's going to be so egotistical to make such a claim that his fangame is more deserving of the title of Zelda 3 than the legendary Link to the Past, I expect him to back it up with a product that *is* of higher quality in every regard. I would consider Isle of Rebirth Hero Mode more deserving of the title of Zelda 3, than his Zelda 3.

You are LITERALLY calling me egotistical for saying a PREQUEL, is, in fact, NOT a SEQUEL. Do you see how dumb you are now? And as for your claim that your discord circle-jerk spent weeks refreshing my youtube page and downvoting every upload, not you, pics or it didn't happen. I'm open to the idea it could have been Shane, but he only recently became obsessed upon his own idiotic assumption that I was bashing someone who I clearly was not. It's a LOT less likely to have been him, than someone like you who's had a years-long blood grudge now.

03-29-2018, 11:34 PM
I was referring to someone else who literally gave a 0 star review

'The most annoying thing is when some idiot one stars your quest for being too hard


03-30-2018, 12:00 AM
You are LITERALLY calling me egotistical for saying a PREQUEL, is, in fact, NOT a SEQUEL. Do you see how dumb you are now? No, I'm calling you egotistical for calling your quest Zelda 3 and acting like it's the true sequel to Zelda 2, when it's a 4th wall breaking edgy piece of fan fiction about Zelda and SelfInsertOC in an edit war. Fucking retard.

Your complaint was:

"Oh I don't mind 8 bit but you should have updated the 8-bit" No, I'm saying you're calling your quest Zelda 3 and then acting like it's the logical progression to Zelda 2, when it's inferior. Fucking retard.

than someone like you who's had a years-long blood grudge now. No, I actually defended you back then even though you were being an absolute cringelord, and I was willing to let that go until you starting acting like your quest was the second coming of god and insulted me over my criticism. Fucking retard.

And as for your claim that your discord circle-jerk spent weeks refreshing my youtube page and downvoting every upload, not you, pics or it didn't happen. How would I have pics? I don't fucking know who did it. Why the fuck would I go over to your youtube channel and downrate all your shit? That seems like a childish way to resolve a petty spat at the time. Fucking retard.

Original post was a LOT more than a sentence. Original post only had one sentence about Zelda 3 and the rest was bitching about you as a person. Fucking retard.

ALSO, you DID NOT type up a review, you just straight up 0-starred it, then cried like a bitch when I did it back. You're trying to claim you reviewed it to save face, but you didn't. No, I'm saying I was in the middle of typing up a review when you deleted your quest off the database, thus saving me the effort of finishing it. Fucking retard.

You are going to be told to fuck off when you tell people that. And the fact that you started all this shit with me cus your criticism was idiotic, and I told you so? Yeah, that's pathetic. No, actually, a lot of people would just take the criticism and improve their quest with it, or at worst take it and then silently ignore it. You, however, started name-calling like a dumbass preschooler, cause that's all you are: a fucking manchild, you fucking retard.

03-30-2018, 07:54 PM
No, I'm calling you egotistical for calling your quest Zelda 3 and acting like it's the true sequel to Zelda 2, when it's a 4th wall breaking edgy piece of fan fiction about Zelda and SelfInsertOC in an edit war. Fucking retard.

No, I'm saying you're calling your quest Zelda 3 and then acting like it's the logical progression to Zelda 2, when it's inferior. Fucking retard.

When did I EVER say it was a "true sequel" to Zelda 2? You are making that up. I never pretended it was anything more than a non-canon sequel (and it;s more a sequel to the lost Link Paradox quest anyway).

No, I actually defended you back then even though you were being an absolute cringelord, and I was willing to let that go until you starting acting like your quest was the second coming of god and insulted me over my criticism. Fucking retard.

No, I NEVER said my quest was perfect, I said your criticism was idiotic, and it was, Your criticism was "You called it Z3, but, but graphics man", and no, that is NOT a legit criticism. Unless you think Mega Man 9 has no right to be called that, cus, you know, graphics.

How would I have pics? I don't fucking know who did it. Why the fuck would I go over to your youtube channel and downrate all your shit? That seems like a childish way to resolve a petty spat at the time. Fucking retard.

You are a lying, racist sack of shit. The downrating started when Chris Miller told you to stop derailing that thread, but yeah, "just coincidence". You even ADMITTED ABOVE that you spent two years being pissed with me over a drama that no one but YOU still cares about, bitched to your discord buddies about me until they came here to defend you, but nah, it COULDN'T have been you. And no, you DID NOT defend me back then, you condemned me with everyone else, not saying I didn't deserve it, but I AM saying you are a liar who will say anything to save face. Just like you will lie to your discord buddies about you being racist against me. Although you got your racial slurs wrong (I am not black, nor Jewish, but hispanic), the fact is you proved you are a racist fuck. Go ahead, deny that too.

Original post only had one sentence about Zelda 3 and the rest was bitching about you as a person. Fucking retard.

No, I'm saying I was in the middle of typing up a review when you deleted your quest off the database, thus saving me the effort of finishing it. Fucking retard.

Sure you were, just as you didn't downrate my YT videos. Just as you didn't act racist towards me.

No, actually, a lot of people would just take the criticism and improve their quest with it, or at worst take it and then silently ignore it. You, however, started name-calling like a dumbass preschooler, cause that's all you are: a fucking manchild, you fucking retard.

Not when that criticism is "But, like, graphics and stuff". And since you are CLEARLY too dumb to go back and read the Let's Play thread, I said SEVERAL TIMES I would indeed talk with you and James 24 about the non-graphics stuff IN ANOTHER THREAD. But you are too busy getting pissy to see that. Go ahead, drop the n-bomb on me again.

Shane, Okay fine, I said ONE star when I meant to say ZERO, but I also said "too hard" which was NOT a criticism Eddy levied against me. His review was about him not liking the overall way my quest played, it wasn't about the difficulty. So it was still pretty dumb of you to assume I was talking about him, given that difficulty wasn't one of the things he criticized. There's also the fact that I had updated it AFTER his review WITHOUT purging his review. Kinda dumb to assume I had a problem with it if I didn't erase it when I had the chance, no? And again, HE DID NOT CRITICIZE THE DIFFICULTY. So you were out of your mind either way.

04-01-2018, 05:05 AM
Not gonna deny I'm a racist, we're all racist deep down inside, you fucking mexican.

"Not when that criticism is "But, like, graphics and stuff""
If you fucking read the thread, I said I was confused by the choice. I didn't say your quest was a shitty quest, I said the choice confused me, and you told me to fuck off.

"And since you are CLEARLY too dumb to go back and read the Let's Play thread, I said SEVERAL TIMES I would indeed talk with you and James 24 about the non-graphics stuff IN ANOTHER THREAD."
Nah, too much effort to make a new topic to discuss an obscure quest nobody gives a shit about. Except me, obviously, since I'm still wasting my time shittalking it for some reason.

" The downrating started when Chris Miller told you to stop derailing that thread, but yeah, "just coincidence"."
I had no reason to downrate you until you started ratings bombing me. If you want me to downvote you, I can fucking downvote you so goddamn hard, you'll be shitting salsa from all the tacos you've been eating, pablo

"When did I EVER say it was a "true sequel" to Zelda 2? You are making that up. I never pretended it was anything more than a non-canon sequel (and it;s more a sequel to the lost Link Paradox quest anyway)." Why get pissy at people for calling LttP Zelda 3 then? Seriosuly, get back behind Trump's wall where you belong.

04-01-2018, 04:28 PM
You're lucky photobucket went paywall, I'll find ANOTHER site in a day or two and post your racist rep comments that I screencapped. Let's see you save face once I do that.

04-01-2018, 11:08 PM
*Sigh* .... You know I can see your rep comments, right Dimentio?

Not cool... >:(

04-02-2018, 12:30 PM
Like I said: IDGAF.

We're all racist, and I knew you were white when I called you the N word (I saw your cringey master hand and crazy hand videos). Also, the discord server literally has hitler emotes, I don't think anyone really gives a shit that I called you a jew.

Chris Miller
04-02-2018, 12:48 PM
It would appear that this particular dumpster fire has run its course. And while it was a glorious dumpster fire, worthy of song, all good things must come to an end. I will, however, leave General Bitching open for the time being.

04-04-2018, 04:02 AM
Well wasn't that special? (Dana Carvey Show R.I.P)

All random nonsense aside:
Dimentio, even though it took you 8 pages to fess up about starting the whole poop-slinging fest with Anarchy, we already knew it from the start. I even let the purezc staff know that this was not at all a one-sided affair last week after you played the helpless victim role to help get Anarchy banned at purezc. The point is that this sort of shit doesn't help anybody, especially the ZC devs or forum mods, or even the ZC community as a whole. It was a long time ago that Anarchy went off the rails at Saffith - I even heard it directly from Saffith, also regarding a few other members, who were causing him some frustration at the time - and while that was a complete overreaction you have to realize that sort of thing is not uncommon drama for ZC. In fact, before 2.5 someone would bitch about a new bug or feature every month - heck, sometimes every week! (and these were from long time ZC contributers too) - and if everyone held that type of grudge there wouldn't be any forums, everyone would either be banned or gone. Yes, Anarchy did make some jerkish comments; they haven't gone unnoticed and he was already warned for them by my understanding. You just have to find a way to let things go and not take everything so personally. If somebody is harassing other members just let the mods take care of it. This cross-site trolling/flaming war is no good for anybody. All it's doing is pissing off everybody else, both here and at purezc. Just take a deep breath and realize how stupid this whole thing is. Let it go man.

04-05-2018, 06:37 AM
Well wasn't that special? (Dana Carvey Show R.I.P)

All random nonsense aside:
Dimentio, even though it took you 8 pages to fess up about starting the whole poop-slinging fest with Anarchy, we already knew it from the start. I even let the purezc staff know that this was not at all a one-sided affair last week after you played the helpless victim role to help get Anarchy banned at purezc. The point is that this sort of shit doesn't help anybody, especially the ZC devs or forum mods, or even the ZC community as a whole. It was a long time ago that Anarchy went off the rails at Saffith - I even heard it directly from Saffith, also regarding a few other members, who were causing him some frustration at the time - and while that was a complete overreaction you have to realize that sort of thing is not uncommon drama for ZC. In fact, before 2.5 someone would bitch about a new bug or feature every month - heck, sometimes every week! (and these were from long time ZC contributers too) - and if everyone held that type of grudge there wouldn't be any forums, everyone would either be banned or gone. Yes, Anarchy did make some jerkish comments; they haven't gone unnoticed and he was already warned for them by my understanding. You just have to find a way to let things go and not take everything so personally. If somebody is harassing other members just let the mods take care of it. This cross-site trolling/flaming war is no good for anybody. All it's doing is pissing off everybody else, both here and at purezc. Just take a deep breath and realize how stupid this whole thing is. Let it go man.

Pretty much this. I brought this up weeks ago, on the PZC Discord server, and Orithan accused me of victim-blaming or some such nonsense. I'm sick of seeing the anti-Anarcy discussion at every turn:

Making it sound like it's entirely his doing and that you are reacting to his actions, is nonsense, and we all know (and see) that.

Moreover, what's on display here, is a complete disregard for your own actions, and reactions; as much as anything else. Did Anarchy overeeact and do shyte that he shouldn't've done? Sure, probably; lacking true evidence, save coincidental. It's equally possible that one of his mates did the stuff, or that someone else didn't cade for what you are doing, and troll-rated your videos.

Regarding the 0-star rating: The entire argument of 0-star reviews being based on a personal standard, rather than the 'general consensus of the community' regarding what a rating means is rubbish. In fact, I recall you arguing against that, when Lunaria and the PZC staff argued over how the ratings scale should work!

In this world, you reap what you sow: You're lucky that I'm not the one who adjudicated your ban duration. I'd've slapped you with 14 or 30 days.

04-07-2018, 01:23 AM
I would prefer it if you didn't put words in my mouth with the topic title; I do not, nor will I ever consider Anarchy, to be """Type B""". If you want me to stop dramaing, being a dick and trying to change my thread titles to opinions I do not hold is not the way to do so.

Also, Anarchy called me out publicly, numerous times, yet got little warning besides a slap on the hand here. I make this thread, and now I'm the bad guy? And I'm sitll the bad guy, even after he goes as far to attack someone innocent who wasn't involved in this drama, at all? Fucking. Wow. I really have to appreciate AGN's priorities.

Regardless, fuck it, he wins or whatever. I don't give a shit about this thread anymore. I've already convinced everyone who has a brain cell that Anarchy's a giant douche, there's really no need to shout insults at a brick wall at this point. This drama continuing is only going to result in Anarchy attacking more people unrelated to me (regardless of whether said people consider it his fault for being a douche, or my fault for """provoking him""" (seriously, that's a real fucking dumb argument right there. Either you're implying that he's not accountable for his own actions because he's above the rules, or he's not accountable because he's an inferior lifeform. Pick one or drop the argument)). I find it hard to believe anyone can actually defend someone as toxic as Anarchy, but hey, that's just my opinion.

Anyways, I'm out. This thread was cancer, but I hope some of you enjoyed my dramafest. Bye.

04-07-2018, 03:16 AM
I would prefer it if you didn't put words in my mouth with the topic title; I do not, nor will I ever consider Anarchy, to be """Type B""". If you want me to stop dramaing, being a dick and trying to change my thread titles to opinions I do not hold is not the way to do so.

Also, Anarchy called me out publicly, numerous times, yet got little warning besides a slap on the hand here. I make this thread, and now I'm the bad guy? And I'm sitll the bad guy, even after he goes as far to attack someone innocent who wasn't involved in this drama, at all? Fucking. Wow. I really have to appreciate AGN's priorities.

Regardless, fuck it, he wins or whatever. I don't give a shit about this thread anymore. I've already convinced everyone who has a brain cell that Anarchy's a giant douche, there's really no need to shout insults at a brick wall at this point. This drama continuing is only going to result in Anarchy attacking more people unrelated to me (regardless of whether said people consider it his fault for being a douche, or my fault for """provoking him""" (seriously, that's a real fucking dumb argument right there. Either you're implying that he's not accountable for his own actions because he's above the rules, or he's not accountable because he's an inferior lifeform. Pick one or drop the argument)). I find it hard to believe anyone can actually defend someone as toxic as Anarchy, but hey, that's just my opinion.

Anyways, I'm out. This thread was cancer, but I hope some of you enjoyed my dramafest. Bye.

I am not taking any sides here. I was simply pointing out that you were less than honest from the beginning, and that has a side-effect where people begin to trust you less. I don't see how Anarchy_Balsac "wins" anything from this either. Please show me where he attacked and/or called out any members, including yourself, and he will get the same treatment of anyone else; because I am just not seeing it. Of course Anarchy is accountable for his actions just like everybody else here. I promise you no one is giving him any special permissions. I certainly don't "agree" with either of your actions, and I sure as shit am not defending any of the actions of either of you either.

Show me where/how we fucked up and I'll look into it. Or if you are still just ranting then put your money where your mouth is.

04-07-2018, 05:03 AM
I would prefer it if you didn't put words in my mouth with the topic title; I do not, nor will I ever consider Anarchy, to be """Type B""". If you want me to stop dramaing, being a dick and trying to change my thread titles to opinions I do not hold is not the way to do so.

Also, Anarchy called me out publicly, numerous times, yet got little warning besides a slap on the hand here. I make this thread, and now I'm the bad guy? And I'm sitll the bad guy, even after he goes as far to attack someone innocent who wasn't involved in this drama, at all? Fucking. Wow. I really have to appreciate AGN's priorities.

Regardless, fuck it, he wins or whatever. I don't give a shit about this thread anymore. I've already convinced everyone who has a brain cell that Anarchy's a giant douche, there's really no need to shout insults at a brick wall at this point. This drama continuing is only going to result in Anarchy attacking more people unrelated to me (regardless of whether said people consider it his fault for being a douche, or my fault for """provoking him""" (seriously, that's a real fucking dumb argument right there. Either you're implying that he's not accountable for his own actions because he's above the rules, or he's not accountable because he's an inferior

Gleeok beat me to it, but, there's this little button marked 'Report Post'. If someone clicks that, and creates a ticket complaining about TOS abuse, mods and admins look at it. I read the infractions and the reported posts topics. There are none from you on this matter, at all.

We don't all read every post, of every thread, to notice every infraction. Some are subtle, and easy to overlook, too; so, when you don't report abuse, and later bitch that we do nothing: Well, what'd'you expect?

04-07-2018, 01:01 PM
Show me where/how we fucked up and I'll look into it.

Over on Pure, he changed the topic title of his LP thread to "Dimentio is an obsessed stalker" (which has been changed back by Pure mods), after I rated his quest a 0 (only thing I did at that point along with giving my thoughts on his quest over in his LP thread (which I did start off politely, so since that's the "starting point" and his first response was to tell me to fuck off, he started this whole thing off maliciously while I was being benign), and only things I've done to this point besides making this thread and rep-bombing him towards the end). He also rated all my quests 0's over on Pure at the same time he changed his LP thread name (said ratings thankfully also deleted by the Pure mods). Then when I reported him and he got in shit for both of those, he came over on AGN and started "subtly" insulting me, as seen over in his LP thread (http://www.armageddongames.net/showthread.php?98152-My-Shameless-self-playthough-of-Zelda-3-The-Return-of-Gannon&p=917150&viewfull=1#post917150). Then Chris Miller decided to reopen GB, so I decided I'd call him out on it by making this topic. Then I learned that he had taken a video of KenMeister's (whom I'm currently collabing with) several days beforehand and had started reposting it to several video sites under incredibly insulting names, so I sent him 2 copyright strikes on the 2 sites I could find (which got the videos taken down) and called him out on it in this thread directly. Then he started making more subtle insults towards me over how his video was copyrighted over in his LP thread, before finally joining this thread, where he continued to insult KenMeister based on said videos, solely because of KenMeister's affiliation with me (and because he was too fucking stupid to take one damn look at the videos and realize me and Ken were 2 separate people (and he still kept insulting Ken even after I proved Ken wasn't me)).

While I did have some memories about Anarchy's spat with Saffith, that in no way influenced the start of the drama. I had heard that Anarchy had been deleting reviews off his quest, which sounded really shady to me, so when I saw his LP thread I went over, watched part of his LP, and gave my opinion on it. He told me to fuck off, I decided to give his quest a go, and I found it to be incredibly unenjoyable, to the point where even the high difficulty couldn't save it. So I rated it low, and he proceeds to throw a hissy fit. That's how this shit started.

Either way, this thread was a trainwreck, so I'm done. I have no interest in """stirring the pot""" with Anarchy anymore in this thread.

04-07-2018, 08:20 PM
Like I said: IDGAF.

We're all racist, and I knew you were white when I called you the N word (I saw your cringey master hand and crazy hand videos). Also, the discord server literally has hitler emotes, I don't think anyone really gives a shit that I called you a jew.

Hispanics ALSO have light skin sometimes, ever hear of Mexico City?

I am not white, I am Venezuelan. And I suspect you are only confessing this to save face. You probably thought I was black because my Ex-Wife was from Africa, which is also racist because it assumes black people only marry one another. Sure, I can't prove any of that, but I find it likely given your character.

Oh and I put it in my sig, I suspect your buddies at Pure will respect you MUCH less now.

Over on Pure, he changed the topic title of his LP thread to "Dimentio is an obsessed stalker" (which has been changed back by Pure mods), after I rated his quest a 0 (only thing I did at that point along with giving my thoughts on his quest over in his LP thread (which I did start off politely, so since that's the "starting point" and his first response was to tell me to fuck off, he started this whole thing off maliciously while I was being benign), and only things I've done to this point besides making this thread and rep-bombing him towards the end). He also rated all my quests 0's over on Pure at the same time he changed his LP thread name (said ratings thankfully also deleted by the Pure mods). Then when I reported him and he got in shit for both of those, he came over on AGN and started "subtly" insulting me, as seen over in his LP thread (http://www.armageddongames.net/showthread.php?98152-My-Shameless-self-playthough-of-Zelda-3-The-Return-of-Gannon&p=917150&viewfull=1#post917150). Then Chris Miller decided to reopen GB, so I decided I'd call him out on it by making this topic. Then I learned that he had taken a video of KenMeister's (whom I'm currently collabing with) several days beforehand and had started reposting it to several video sites under incredibly insulting names, so I sent him 2 copyright strikes on the 2 sites I could find (which got the videos taken down) and called him out on it in this thread directly. Then he started making more subtle insults towards me over how his video was copyrighted over in his LP thread, before finally joining this thread, where he continued to insult KenMeister based on said videos, solely because of KenMeister's affiliation with me (and because he was too fucking stupid to take one damn look at the videos and realize me and Ken were 2 separate people (and he still kept insulting Ken even after I proved Ken wasn't me)).

While I did have some memories about Anarchy's spat with Saffith, that in no way influenced the start of the drama. I had heard that Anarchy had been deleting reviews off his quest, which sounded really shady to me, so when I saw his LP thread I went over, watched part of his LP, and gave my opinion on it. He told me to fuck off, I decided to give his quest a go, and I found it to be incredibly unenjoyable, to the point where even the high difficulty couldn't save it. So I rated it low, and he proceeds to throw a hissy fit. That's how this shit started.

Either way, this thread was a trainwreck, so I'm done. I have no interest in """stirring the pot""" with Anarchy anymore in this thread.

All of which has already been addressed earlier in the thread, I'm not repeating myself because you won't listen.

One major difference between me and you Dimentio, is that I NEVER, not once claimed to be innocent or a saint. When I am wrong, I admit it and own up to it. YOU do not, you abuse ties to admins so you can break PURE ZC's rules about 0 stars, abuse those same ties to make sure it CAN'T HAPPEN BACK TO YOU, bring up old shit that no one but YOU cares about, and cyberstalk people's youtube channels, but complain when they downrate yours back. And now that it's come to light that Saffith himself and I are good, you are trying to pretend that had nothing to do with you creating the topic, or why you started your recent shit with me in the first place. I also take responsibility when I am in the wrong, YOU try to pretend you're not wrong and deny ANY wrong doing for as long as you plausibly can.

You are NOT a good or innocent person.

04-08-2018, 12:11 AM
The whole rating system for quests is broken and has no credibility to begin with. How can it be that players who play for a few minutes (or not at all) or watch a video of a quest be permitted to rate a quest? And it is entirely possible that someone who doesn't like a quest or its creator can create a clone army to rate the quest 0 stars. Further, admins can modify user's ratings because they are not "in-line with community expectations" (see Lunaria). The whole rating system is a joke to me and I certainly don't base what I play on ratings. Finally, even if the entire ZC fanbase rates a quest 0 stars but the quest creator thinks it is 5 stars then nothing will change - I can guarantee that. So what is the point of it all if you can't get change in the end? To end up with disputes like these?

Dimentio, you ought to have realized that Anarchy is a type B player and quest maker and that type A criticisms like "but your graphics aren't good" and "there are no puzzles in your quest just a big slugfest" will at best be ignored and at worst end up in conflict like you're seeing now. Anarchy won't change because he does not see graphics as valuable enough to spend his precious quest-making time fixing. Precious time that you aren't paying for... So what is the point of speaking your mind? Why can't you simply just accept that the game wasn't made for your graphical tastes and move on to the next quest?

As for this whole racism thing, I am always one for free speech even like this. I support free-speech because its far better than the alternative - one where the racist person hides their true feelings and quietly and subtly discriminates against people of different races and never says his true reasons. What does it matter what someone says? Its what they do and how they act that truly matter.

04-08-2018, 12:28 AM
Dimentio, you ought to have realized that Anarchy is a type B player and quest maker and that type A criticisms like "but your graphics aren't good" and "there are no puzzles in your quest just a big slugfest" will at best be ignored and at worst end up in conflict like you're seeing now. Anarchy won't change because he does not see graphics as valuable enough to spend his precious quest-making time fixing. Precious time that you aren't paying for... So what is the point of speaking your mind? Why can't you simply just accept that the game wasn't made for your graphical tastes and move on to the next quest? If the reason were just "bad graphics" and "no puzzles", I'd have ignored the quest. The quest is just the wrong kind of difficulty; it's not hard, but it's repetitive, mindnumbing, and boring. It's nowhere near the quality of quests such as Liberation, Armageddon Quest, Dungeon Impossible, etc. Hell, James, I can prove it for you; Make a Zelda-1 graphical demake of Liberation, and I'll beat it, and enjoy it.

Also, I have no qualms with using the n-word if it won't get me banned. This was a flaming-allowed forum, so I figured using the n-word as an insult comparable to fucker was completely fine. Not that I knew that the comments actually reached you; 90% of the shit in this forum is broken as fuck and I just assumed this was another one (though if I did know I'd still have called you it, since it seems to have triggered you badly ;) ).

Anyways, goddamnit, I told myself I'd stop posting in this thread; look at what you made me do > : (

Chris Miller
04-08-2018, 01:50 AM
Oh and I put it in my sig


04-08-2018, 03:18 AM
Could someone please set the thread title to something like "Anarchy Balsac rant thread"? This new title pisses me off and I want it gone.

Chris Miller
04-08-2018, 03:23 AM
You're bitching about it, so I guess it's working just fine given the nature of this particular forum.

04-08-2018, 03:33 AM
It's also putting words in my mouth; Anarchy is not a Type B quest creator. I also don't give a shit what graphics he uses. Tell me how he is """Type B""".

Chris Miller
04-08-2018, 03:37 AM
Oh, that sort of question is out of my realm of expertise. Paging James24.

04-08-2018, 04:07 AM
Over on Pure, he changed the topic title of his LP thread to "Dimentio is an obsessed stalker" (which has been changed back by Pure mods), after I rated his quest a 0 (only thing I did at that point along with giving my thoughts on his quest over in his LP thread (which I did start off politely, so since that's the "starting point" and his first response was to tell me to fuck off, he started this whole thing off maliciously while I was being benign), and only things I've done to this point besides making this thread and rep-bombing him towards the end). He also rated all my quests 0's over on Pure at the same time he changed his LP thread name (said ratings thankfully also deleted by the Pure mods). Then when I reported him and he got in shit for both of those, he came over on AGN and started "subtly" insulting me, as seen over in his LP thread (http://www.armageddongames.net/showthread.php?98152-My-Shameless-self-playthough-of-Zelda-3-The-Return-of-Gannon&p=917150&viewfull=1#post917150). Then Chris Miller decided to reopen GB, so I decided I'd call him out on it by making this topic. Then I learned that he had taken a video of KenMeister's (whom I'm currently collabing with) several days beforehand and had started reposting it to several video sites under incredibly insulting names, so I sent him 2 copyright strikes on the 2 sites I could find (which got the videos taken down) and called him out on it in this thread directly. Then he started making more subtle insults towards me over how his video was copyrighted over in his LP thread, before finally joining this thread, where he continued to insult KenMeister based on said videos, solely because of KenMeister's affiliation with me (and because he was too fucking stupid to take one damn look at the videos and realize me and Ken were 2 separate people (and he still kept insulting Ken even after I proved Ken wasn't me)).

While I did have some memories about Anarchy's spat with Saffith, that in no way influenced the start of the drama. I had heard that Anarchy had been deleting reviews off his quest, which sounded really shady to me, so when I saw his LP thread I went over, watched part of his LP, and gave my opinion on it. He told me to fuck off, I decided to give his quest a go, and I found it to be incredibly unenjoyable, to the point where even the high difficulty couldn't save it. So I rated it low, and he proceeds to throw a hissy fit. That's how this shit started.

Either way, this thread was a trainwreck, so I'm done. I have no interest in """stirring the pot""" with Anarchy anymore in this thread.

Yes, but like I said: the purezc staff already banhammered him. Not only that, but they deleted some of his posts, his LP thread, and it looks like he even deleted his quest there. They sent in the whole cleaning crew. They were also pretty fast about too.

So how is this still going on? Because you followed him over here and trolled him in the LP thread. I'm sorry but I'm just not agreeing with the point of you you have about Anarchy insulting you and being for worse in his LP thread here. It looks like the thread got derailed as soon as the one at purezc was closed I have to tell you the reason you guys were told to take it to GB is because we don't really like giving infractions for such stupid shit. No one here is Breaker; we got rid of all those types. At the same time this can't continue indefinitely. Maybe you guys can agree to something where he takes down the video of Ken?

This is why we hate these cross-site shenanigans. How about this for an idea: Let's all go over to purezc and continue the discussion over there where the whole thing started. Just say rainbows and bunnies or come up with stupid pop-culture references instead of swearing/flaming. We can start a dead pool on how long it takes before the entire purezc society collapses, or until the staff freaks out and closes/bans stuff... Put me down for 38 hours Russ closes the thread and then Chris_Miller gets banned somehow, idk how yet but... :P

Oh and I put it in my sig
Uhh...no, that's not going to work. You were gone the last few days, but we didn't allow that sort of thing from Dimentio as a personal message, so we definitely can't allow you to have that public. You can post it here if you want though.

04-08-2018, 09:41 AM
You're bitching about it, so I guess it's working just fine given the nature of this particular forum.

I will have to side with the OP on this. The topic title should be Dimentio's Anarchy_Balsac Hate Thread. Renaming it to something that is only remotely topical was not appropriate. Actually, intentionally mock-quoting, and similar, should probably be included in our TOS considerations.

Over on Pure, he changed the topic title of his LP thread to "Dimentio is an obsessed stalker" (which has been changed back by Pure mods), after I rated his quest a 0 (only thing I did at that point along with giving my thoughts on his quest over in his LP thread (which I did start off politely, so since that's the "starting point" and his first response was to tell me to fuck off, he started this whole thing off maliciously while I was being benign), and only things I've done to this point besides making this thread and rep-bombing him towards the end). He also rated all my quests 0's over on Pure at the same time he changed his LP thread name (said ratings thankfully also deleted by the Pure mods). Then when I reported him and he got in shit for both of those, he came over on AGN and started "subtly" insulting me, as seen over in his LP thread (http://www.armageddongames.net/showthread.php?98152-My-Shameless-self-playthough-of-Zelda-3-The-Return-of-Gannon&p=917150&viewfull=1#post917150).

He was punished on that site for his infractions there. What actual infractions are you bitching about, that occurred here (and didn't report)?

I am also aware that a motivation for you rating his quest, was to prove that he would try to purge the review and rating. That means that you were trolling him in the process. Is it 'shady' to do that? Possibly? I have always felt that quest authors should be able to disable ratings and reviews.

If not for wishing to test if he would purge it, I doubt that you would have bothered to rate it at all, so, stating that your rating is 'legitimate' stretches credence.

WRT rules, profanity and general flaming that are topical are permitted, but racism and anti-semitism are not; and, beyond this, you extended your flaming to reputation comments, which was clearly outside the scope of the GB forum. We are discussing how best to clear up the GB rules t present.

Chris Miller
04-08-2018, 03:23 PM
You are gay, and a fag.

04-08-2018, 06:26 PM
Still not a fan of that topic title. This was never about that Type A/Type B flat-earth bullshit. This was specifically to call Anarchy out for being a general asshat who couldn't accept criticism. "Anarchy Rant Thread" works just fine, thank you.

You are gay, and a fag.

Wow, fuck off edgelord.


Chris Miller
04-08-2018, 06:46 PM

04-08-2018, 08:30 PM
Mostly want it changed because James is just gonna bitch about his moon-theory even more. This thread is not a Type A/B thread.

Chris Miller
04-08-2018, 08:43 PM
That's one of the highlights of this uber-shitpost.

04-08-2018, 09:39 PM
As for this whole racism thing, I am always one for free speech even like this. I support free-speech because its far better than the alternative - one where the racist person hides their true feelings and quietly and subtly discriminates against people of different races and never says his true reasons. What does it matter what someone says? Its what they do and how they act that truly matter.

He's free to speak his mind, but freedom of speech also means being free to expose others.


Gleeok Had Dimentio reached out to me sometime before ratings bombing my quests and youtube videos, and lied to his buddies at pure to make them think I'm the bad guy, ensuring I can NEVER have a fanbase within this community, it probably would have been possible for us to reconcile. Now that the damage is done, it is not. Making this worse is that he started the whole thing because of an old drama that I have made amends for that he wasn't even the target of.

And then there's the racism thing, I'm not a fan of racists. I know he is NOT merely being an edgelord because he did this thinking his rep comments wouldn't get out then when, surprise, his exposure was forthcoming, he came out with "well everyone is a racist" to save face.

04-08-2018, 11:55 PM
Dimentio is simply expressing how he truly feels about people of colour. I see no difference between that free-speech and other free-speech that people get uncomfortable about. Why should it be that that particular form of free-speech is banned? As for your challenge of remaking LoH, well it would take me a long time and you'd know the background so it wouldn't be a fair challenge. See what happens when the next type B quest comes out - and believe me, it will come out.

Anarchy, even if Dimentio had never become involved in rating and criticising your quest, I can guarantee you that you would NEVER have had a fanbase within this community. Type B quests have never gained popularity throughout the history of this game - in almost every other game I know of as a matter of fact. Why would yours be any different? Simple fact is that type A players don't like getting their asses handed to them and when they do, they will scream about it and reject it en masse. Your quest does that almost as well as mine.

I remember back to the days Nightmare and his challenge quests - he had tons of complaints about it being too hard. Before Pure got renovated, I remember quite clearly that certain type A players like Ms_Zelda_Lady were hugely critical had to be lectured on why quests were made this way. She was told that Nightmare is a very good player who made quests that he liked. Then came Armageddon Quest and if you do a quick search you'll see type A players like Elise challenging OUCH! to make quests that everyone enjoys. Then Liberation of Hyrule and once again the same thing happened. History repeated itself and the type A players came out with their pitchforks. Then Isle of Rebirth. Granted this was a little delayed because there were 3 cheap nerf modes but eventually it happened - see Lunaria's infamous rating

See the pattern here? If you choose not to follow type A rules then type A will reject your quest and you will have no fanbase other than a tiny minority of type B players. Having easy and super-easy modes won't work either because they are cheap nerfs and type A will see through it eventually. No, if you want acceptance by type A you will spend your precious time making the next Lost Isle. That's the way it is.

04-09-2018, 07:32 AM
Dimentio is simply expressing how he truly feels about people of colour. I see no difference between that free-speech and other free-speech that people get uncomfortable about. Why should it be that that particular form of free-speech is banned?

I actually agree, but with his freedom to express his racism should come the freedom of others to express disgust with it.

Anarchy, even if Dimentio had never become involved in rating and criticising your quest, I can guarantee you that you would NEVER have had a fanbase within this community. Type B quests have never gained popularity throughout the history of this game - in almost every other game I know of as a matter of fact. Why would yours be any different? Simple fact is that type A players don't like getting their asses handed to them and when they do, they will scream about it and reject it en masse. Your quest does that almost as well as mine.

I remember back to the days Nightmare and his challenge quests - he had tons of complaints about it being too hard. Before Pure got renovated, I remember quite clearly that certain type A players like Ms_Zelda_Lady were hugely critical had to be lectured on why quests were made this way. She was told that Nightmare is a very good player who made quests that he liked. Then came Armageddon Quest and if you do a quick search you'll see type A players like Elise challenging OUCH! to make quests that everyone enjoys. Then Liberation of Hyrule and once again the same thing happened. History repeated itself and the type A players came out with their pitchforks. Then Isle of Rebirth. Granted this was a little delayed because there were 3 cheap nerf modes but eventually it happened - see Lunaria's infamous rating

See the pattern here? If you choose not to follow type A rules then type A will reject your quest and you will have no fanbase other than a tiny minority of type B players. Having easy and super-easy modes won't work either because they are cheap nerfs and type A will see through it eventually. No, if you want acceptance by type A you will spend your precious time making the next Lost Isle. That's the way it is.

Not a massive one, no. But NOT getting my quests ratings-bombed MAY have attracted a decent niche, I'd have been happy with that.

04-10-2018, 02:08 AM
I still think you greatly overreacted to the whole situation about your quest over at purezc Anarchy_Balsac. You should put your quest up here and at pure - let time tell. Sure, Dimentio will 1-star it, but whatever. A few bad ratings aren't going to matter much; there's always the people that come along after those ratings 'bombs' and rate higher to counteract those obvious bad ratings. I've done this a few times myself.

Another thing you should keep in mind is that the general age of members there are much lower than here, so it does kind of make you look more of a jerk than normal if you insult someone or get too defensive.

04-10-2018, 02:09 AM
The niche type B players know about what's going on and have the wisdom to see past type A rating-bombs especially if they themselves have been subjected to it.

04-10-2018, 08:50 AM
I still think you greatly overreacted to the whole situation about your quest over at purezc Anarchy_Balsac. You should put your quest up here and at pure - let time tell. Sure, Dimentio will 1-star it, but whatever. A few bad ratings aren't going to matter much; there's always the people that come along after those ratings 'bombs' and rate higher to counteract those obvious bad ratings. I've done this a few times myself.

I'd have more confidence in that idea, if not for the fact that it was up for 2 years, and no one did. You're right though, in that, had that happened, it wouldn't have been a big deal.

Another thing you should keep in mind is that the general age of members there are much lower than here, so it does kind of make you look more of a jerk than normal if you insult someone or get too defensive.

Noted, but in that case, the admins should be a bit more careful taking people like Dimentio and Shane at their word, and shouldn't have been so dismissive about my concerns. Part of the problem is that the admins backed dimentio, telling me to just deal with the ratings bombing while fully condemning me for doing it back and undoing it without question, it was also part of their ban reason. I suspect after seeing his racist remarks, they may be less inclined to keep their ties with him, but it shouldn't have come to that.

James24 Maybe, either way, I think I'm moving on to doing more general freeware, kinda wanna make my own Mega Man game. Hell, unlike ZC, there's ZERO risk of a DMCA takedown any time soon.

04-10-2018, 10:49 PM
If you were smart about taking revenge for his rating bombings, you would have waited a while and at least pretended that you had played his quests before 0 staring them. Hell, you could even have created a few clones on your friend's computers and collectively 0-starred them over a long period of time so as not to raise suspicions. But 0 starring in revenge is just asking for them to remove your ratings.

04-11-2018, 01:06 AM
Could someone please set the thread title to something like "Anarchy Balsac rant thread"? This new title pisses me off and I want it gone.

You no likey fun time happy title? Alright. How about this:

They fight, and bite;
they fight and fight and bite;
fight, fight, fight;
bite, bite, bite;

04-11-2018, 02:35 AM
If you were smart about taking revenge for his rating bombings, you would have waited a while and at least pretended that you had played his quests before 0 staring them. Hell, you could even have created a few clones on your friend's computers and collectively 0-starred them over a long period of time so as not to raise suspicions. But 0 starring in revenge is just asking for them to remove your ratings.

I didn't even know there were rules about it, other than about extreme cases like Lunaria. Either way, they should have enforced it against Dimentio as well, instead of pretending it was ok.

04-11-2018, 04:34 AM
I didn't even know there were rules about it, other than about extreme cases like Lunaria. Either way, they should have enforced it against Dimentio as well, instead of pretending it was ok.

That's probably equLly true. I have exactly nil participation, and nil influence over staff decisions there; but aye, the age categories between the sites is a clear issue..

Freeware Rockman is no less of an IP issue than ZC...is it? If you use Rockman gfx and mechanics, you merely trade from being up against Nintendo, to being against Capcop (a Nintendo 2nd-party developer).

I am trying to move ZC in a direction that saves it from AM2R's fate. :shrug:

04-11-2018, 05:07 AM
That's probably equLly true. I have exactly nil participation, and nil influence over staff decisions there; but aye, the age categories between the sites is a clear issue..

Freeware Rockman is no less of an IP issue than ZC...is it? If you use Rockman gfx and mechanics, you merely trade from being up against Nintendo, to being against Capcop (a Nintendo 2nd-party developer).

I am trying to move ZC in a direction that saves it from AM2R's fate. :shrug:

Capcom doesn't DMCA fan games, and in some cases, even actively supports them. Of course, the key words are "Any time soon", Nintendo once took the approach Capcom currently does, so it's hard to call if that will continue to be the case in the long run.

04-11-2018, 05:47 AM
What the heck is Freeware Rockman? Google doesn't seem to know...

04-11-2018, 06:41 AM
I'd actually like to know this as well as my google search seemd fruitless after going down about 100 pages of almost nothing except emulation/romhacking bs with a spattering of tumblr every now and then before I got bored.

04-11-2018, 10:58 AM
What the heck is Freeware Rockman? Google doesn't seem to know...

Other than Mega Maker, there is no one program or method, Unlimited was made in Game Maker, which is the most common way other than rom-hacking, but there are indeed a LOT of Freeware Maga Man games, Day in the Limelight 1 & 2, Revolution, Rock Force, Super Fighting Robot, 2.5D and more.

Though, a quick search for Mega Man Game Maker DID reveal what I already suspected, that there indeed is Mega Man Canned Software:


And the comments reveal that there were others predating this (though supposedly not as good)

04-11-2018, 08:10 PM
Either way, they should have enforced it against Dimentio as well, instead of pretending it was ok. The difference is, I rated your quest a 0 (which is highly frowned upon, but isn't against the rules so long as it's not excessive and fairly justified (which I did have to justify, btw)), while you blatantly revenge-bombed Nightmare for being associated with me, which is against the rules (ratings manipulation). Also, let's be honest, you still would have bombed me and done all that shit if I rated you a 1 instead of a 0 (which isn't frowned upon nor against the rules), given how you've been doing this ratings-wiping shit ever since Zelda 3: The Return of Ganon was released.

Also, kind of curious. LttP isn't Z3 cause it's a prequel, so why then is your quest Z3 when it's a sequel to some obscure quest and not Z2? :thinking:

04-11-2018, 09:26 PM

You did it because you were pissed that you had to stop derailing my Let's Play thread, now go away you racist fuck, we're talking about Mega Man games.

Go try to justify your hatred against black people by talking about a White Genocide in South Africa that even BREITBART says is bullshit:


It WAS funny seeing you suddenly bring that up in discord, right as pics were coming out about your n-bomb dropping, even though this has been a hot topic for MONTHS, if not a couple of years.

04-11-2018, 11:03 PM
I can guarantee you Anarchy that this political problem will follow you no matter where you go. Megaman or Zelda or whatever other game you make. There is no escape.

Difficulty is a political problem that has existed ever since the first games were made. And the simple reality is that most players do not like hard difficulty because they get their asses handed to them. If you bring your Type B culture to Megaman, you're going to face the same 0-star ratings for being too hard and not enough focus on graphics etc... It might not be Dimentio in that case, but there will be some other type A player there who will criticize it for sure.

I played Megaman 3 (aka Rockman 3) a while back and there were energy canisters that were put in for precisely this reason - to make it easier for those who would complain. Game is playable without using a single energy canister but its really, really hard. Politics have common threads wherever you go.

04-11-2018, 11:56 PM
I vote that James24 is put in charge of overseeing all senior gameplay jobs at Square Enix. Besides amazing programming and art content most of their newer games in the last decade are fucking bore-fests.

Also, are all those Mega Man Enigines Game-Maker? Because that majorly sucks.

04-12-2018, 08:34 AM
I vote that James24 is put in charge of overseeing all senior gameplay jobs at Square Enix. Besides amazing programming and art content most of their newer games in the last decade are fucking bore-fests.

Also, are all those Mega Man Enigines Game-Maker? Because that majorly sucks.

The one that I've seen is GM, aye; and I hate GM. It has a script engine that's likely 1/10 as efficient as ZASM.

Why not try Saffith 's Rockman script set for ZC (https://www.purezc.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=72522&hl=%2Bmegaman#entry1023370)?

P.S. Weren't you just bitching about thread derails Anarchy_Balsac? It'dbe more logical IMO, to discuss Rockman stuff in a normal thread; a new topic. Discussing it here, just opens up this thread to other issues, and moreover, limits your views to those who have opted in to GB. :shrug:

04-12-2018, 04:42 PM
I can guarantee you Anarchy that this political problem will follow you no matter where you go. Megaman or Zelda or whatever other game you make. There is no escape.

Difficulty is a political problem that has existed ever since the first games were made. And the simple reality is that most players do not like hard difficulty because they get their asses handed to them. If you bring your Type B culture to Megaman, you're going to face the same 0-star ratings for being too hard and not enough focus on graphics etc... It might not be Dimentio in that case, but there will be some other type A player there who will criticize it for sure.

I played Megaman 3 (aka Rockman 3) a while back and there were energy canisters that were put in for precisely this reason - to make it easier for those who would complain. Game is playable without using a single energy canister but its really, really hard. Politics have common threads wherever you go.

Believe it or not, in the Mega Man community, it ISN'T. While not all of the freeware mega man games are insanely tough, enough are that it shouldn't be a problem. Revolution and Day in the LimeLight 2 are particularly known for it, and those two are well liked.
ZoriaRPG Touche, this probably should be split ChrisMiller
Gleeok and Zoria, Game Maker is FAR superior to the Platformer Starter Kit I built the Marauder Shields Video Game on, so meh. Maybe it ain't the best, but it's damned good enough for me. Hell, programming custom bosses in ZC is WAY harder than doing it in C/C#/C++, because you have to program AROUND a pre-existing AI.

04-12-2018, 11:17 PM
I don't know for sure if what you are saying is true or not because I haven't seen it with my own eyes. For all I know, maybe those players who do not like insanely tough difficulty just keep quiet and don't play those games instead of voicing their 1 or 0 star opinions. But if they silently avoid it and just don't speak their mind then what difference does it make? It is still rejection just said in another form.

If a game requires far above average skill to play then by definition only a small percentage of the population will have the aptitude to play the game. And of those who have the aptitude only a small fraction will have the time to master the game. The masses will simply get locked out and have nothing to play. How on earth can they be happy like that? I just can't see it happening.

04-13-2018, 08:50 AM
Well for the most part, they CAN'T ratings bomb them. Many, such as Unlimited, Rock Force, 2.5D and others have their OWN WEBSITES, and are pretty much exclusively hosted/downloaded from such.

04-14-2018, 12:12 AM
Ah I see. Simply suppressing people's ability or means to say what's on their mind does not mean that they truly accept the game. They probably still think its a 0 or 1 star game but just can't communicate it to you - that's all. And in a way it does make sense that a free developer would supress people's ability to communicate to them what they think of the quest. It doesn't matter what they think or what they want - the game was purely made for the enjoyment of the free developer. What people want is irrelevant as long as they aren't prepared to pay for it or spend the time making it themselves.

I personally think people should be able to express what they think. At least you know what's on their mind and I can deal with a few harsh words. With this system of suppression, you can potentially lose valuable information and insights which you might otherwise overlook.

04-14-2018, 08:24 AM
Ah I see. Simply suppressing people's ability or means to say what's on their mind does not mean that they truly accept the game. They probably still think its a 0 or 1 star game but just can't communicate it to you - that's all. And in a way it does make sense that a free developer would supress people's ability to communicate to them what they think of the quest. It doesn't matter what they think or what they want - the game was purely made for the enjoyment of the free developer. What people want is irrelevant as long as they aren't prepared to pay for it or spend the time making it themselves.

I personally think people should be able to express what they think. At least you know what's on their mind and I can deal with a few harsh words. With this system of suppression, you can potentially lose valuable information and insights which you might otherwise overlook.

It doesn't, but without a HIGHLY VISIBLE rating, it keeps them from disuading others from trying it, or at least makes it harder. I'm okay with people being able to express dissenting opinions, what I am NOT okay with, is dipshits having the ability to turn people away out of spite by just clicking a rating, or people with the stupidest of complaints (i.e. I played your game like an idiot, that's your fault and not mine, 0 stars) being able to do the same.

Or TLDR - Ratings are too easily abused and I don't wanna deal with that.

04-14-2018, 11:22 PM
Your statements are highly contradictory. You say you are okay with people expressing dissenting opinions but a dissenting opinion by very definition has the potential to turn people away. Even if you suppress their ratings, people are still able to communicate through other means and they will surely tell others what they truly think there. And if a site gets a reputation for suppressing or altering user opinions/ratings then it loses all credibility. I don't take any rating on purezc seriously anymore ever since the Lunaria scandal and now this.

I don't think a highly visible bad rating turns your target audience away from the game anyway. I mean when I picked up Armageddon Quest it was 2 stars. When I picked up your quest it wasn't rated at all probably because you deleted the bad ratings. And Type B players know about and most have played LoH and LoH:IE and the initial rating bombings from type A players didn't deter them. It did deter other type A players though and I think that is a good thing - type B quests should not be played by type A players simply because the two camps have very different ideas of what is good enjoyment.

Finally, I don't see why it really matters to you so much that other people play your game or not. Did you make the game to please others? If yes, then you'd be playing by their rules and making the next Lost Isle. If no, then why would you care? I agree that its a nice feeling if someone says they like your game but it pales in comparison to your own enjoyment and satisfaction of playing your own work.

04-15-2018, 09:00 AM
Your statements are highly contradictory. You say you are okay with people expressing dissenting opinions but a dissenting opinion by very definition has the potential to turn people away.

The problem is this assumes people are simple, and they are not. Yes, a negative opinion can turn people away too, but those not too lazy to read said opinion are more likely to think about it critically. Said lazy people are NOT too lazy to just judge something by a rating, however.

The point is, matters involving people are far more complex than your post indicates.

04-15-2018, 10:27 PM
The "lazy" people as you call them are the type A players who like to judge everything quickly by appearance. In this case, they make a quick judgement based on ratings never stopping to think anything more. Type B players can often see past appearances, quick ratings, graphics and think critically.

You acknowledged it before: you only hoped to win over a niche Type B audience. So what does it matter whether a type A player is dissuaded from playing your quest because of other type A player's 0-star ratings? I say that that's a healthy situation - the people who your quest is not targeted at are not playing and probably for the greater good. The type B audience who can see past these kinds of ratings things will still play your quest regardless of type A review-bombings.

04-16-2018, 04:30 AM
It's kind of true, I don't judge anything based off of ratings alone. In fact, when I first messed around with ZC most of the quests I played were about 3/5 at the most. Trinkets, relics, and trash--to each his own.

04-16-2018, 08:34 AM
The "lazy" people as you call them are the type A players who like to judge everything quickly by appearance. In this case, they make a quick judgement based on ratings never stopping to think anything more. Type B players can often see past appearances, quick ratings, graphics and think critically.

You acknowledged it before: you only hoped to win over a niche Type B audience. So what does it matter whether a type A player is dissuaded from playing your quest because of other type A player's 0-star ratings? I say that that's a healthy situation - the people who your quest is not targeted at are not playing and probably for the greater good. The type B audience who can see past these kinds of ratings things will still play your quest regardless of type A review-bombings.

I'm not so sure about that, laziness transcends all types. It may be that type B's are LESS likely to be turned off by bad ratings, but I doubt they are entirely immune, at least on the whole.

04-16-2018, 09:32 PM
I think all type B players know what's going on and know exactly how the ratings system works. My evidence: LoH:IE is widely accepted by the type B community despite the review-bombings of LoH. Ratings that are dominated by a type A audience and have lost all credibility as I said before.

04-17-2018, 02:03 AM
You did it because you were pissed that you had to stop derailing my Let's Play thread, I don't get a shit about your LP thread, asides from you changing the name to harass me. Though your LP thread was what convinced me to give your quest a go when I noticed "2.50.2 FUCK SAFFITH" in one of them (which was what convinced me you still had beef with Saffith), and I ended up disliking it, for reasons other than this binary type A/B nonsense (sorry James, I don't believe you can narrow down people into just 4 groups, much less 2, unless you get really specific. See the LGBT movement). You seem to think this is all about you and your LPs, when in reality it's about your shitty quest. If you're soooooo attached to your LPs to the point of delusions and are absolutely convinced I dislike bombed them, I can show you what dislike bombing is, and bomb you all the way down to the center of the earth, bitch.

04-17-2018, 04:16 PM
I don't get a shit about your LP thread, asides from you changing the name to harass me. Though your LP thread was what convinced me to give your quest a go when I noticed "2.50.2 FUCK SAFFITH" in one of them (which was what convinced me you still had beef with Saffith),

THEY WERE OLD VIDEOS you idiot, I didn't even remember that was in there, and the NEWER ones, since you failed to notice, clearly DID NOT have it. And I was talking about you derailing the thread HERE, where the title WASN'T changed, you dumb fuck. Even the one on Pure was only changed after your ratings bombing, and only so the admins there would delete it.

So you're trying to claim you started crap with me in the first place, for:

1. Something that DIDN'T happen until LONG AFTER you started your crap.

2. A minor misunderstanding about stuff that was in VERY OLD videos, which you could have easily brought up with me in a calm manner and quashed this whole thing about.

04-19-2018, 10:26 AM

Are we there, yet?

Chris Miller
04-19-2018, 05:30 PM
There's some good fuckin' left in that horse.

04-22-2018, 03:27 PM
Is the horse type a or type b?

Chris Miller
04-23-2018, 12:19 AM
Type Q - Rancid

04-23-2018, 03:26 PM
Naw, Type C, for Corpse.

04-24-2018, 11:56 AM
Naw, Type C, for Corpse.You stole my joke, except I was going to say Carcass.

04-25-2018, 07:24 PM
I think its type D - for Dead Horse...or is that joke to obvious?

04-28-2018, 02:04 AM
Type E for emaciated.

04-29-2018, 02:49 PM
That pic made me think of this....

05-02-2018, 12:46 PM
I still say Fluttershy is the cutest MLP.

05-02-2018, 01:02 PM
https://mlpforums.com/uploads/post_images/img-3403634-1-it__s_dangerous_to_go_alone__take_fluttershy_by_sh ado013-d5rl4kk.png
https://mlpforums.com/uploads/post_images/img-3406694-1-552811__safe_fluttershy_animated_faic_uncanny%20va lley_filli%20vanilli_spoiler-colon-s04e14.gif
https://mlpforums.com/uploads/post_images/img-3406694-2-553078__safe_solo_fluttershy_animated_hub%20logo_d ancing_shyabetes_spoiler-colon-s04e14_filli%20vanilli.gif

05-02-2018, 10:43 PM

05-03-2018, 09:47 PM
What'd I miss. these two still duking at it like Mike Tison and Lil Mike?

05-04-2018, 11:30 AM
https://mlpforums.com/uploads/post_images/img-3403634-1-it__s_dangerous_to_go_alone__take_fluttershy_by_sh ado013-d5rl4kk.png
https://mlpforums.com/uploads/post_images/img-3406694-1-552811__safe_fluttershy_animated_faic_uncanny%20va lley_filli%20vanilli_spoiler-colon-s04e14.gif
https://mlpforums.com/uploads/post_images/img-3406694-2-553078__safe_solo_fluttershy_animated_hub%20logo_d ancing_shyabetes_spoiler-colon-s04e14_filli%20vanilli.gifHELP! KAWAII OVERDOSE! I'm DYING FROM CUTENESS!

05-05-2018, 07:53 PM
This topic should be pinned. It's just so damn good. Weapon grade shit in here.
It's like a guilty pleasure. just when your done with it... IT PULLS YOU RIGHT BACK IN!

05-05-2018, 11:11 PM
This topic should be pinned. It's just so damn good. Weapon grade shit in here.
It's like a guilty pleasure. just when your done with it... IT PULLS YOU RIGHT BACK IN!

I second this. It should be preserved for future generations. Or for whenever someone needs a good laugh.

05-05-2018, 11:51 PM
ur mums a good laugh

05-07-2018, 11:05 PM
What is this snot soup?

Oh, it's your mom's homemade cooking.

05-08-2018, 01:28 AM
when a gb thread devolves into ur mom jokes...