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View Full Version : Revenge 2 (1.90 compatibility): Critical Bug: When you take an item the guy still showed up

07-17-2017, 08:18 AM
I took the item, went to go collect the Fire Boomerang, failed, came back, and the guy came back.

That's not exactly good news.

Other than that the quest worked fine.


07-17-2017, 11:43 AM
Like I mentioned in the other thread, can you explain a bit more what happened? You picked up an item in an item cave, saved, and when you returned a second copy of the item was still in the cave?

07-17-2017, 01:56 PM
I was in the Fire Boomerang cave. The Mushroom was the first item. Picked it up, went through the cave upwards. Hit the Fire Boomerang, couldn't blow open the blocks for the Super Bomb, left. Got stuck, Up and A. Continued, the guy still there, couldn't get the Fire Boomerang.

Need to test in 2.50.2


07-17-2017, 02:22 PM
The quest is here: http://www.purezc.net/index.php?page=quests&id=5
It's unpassworded.

The way this is set up is weird. The room the mushroom is in is actually a feed the goriya room, but picking up the mushroom makes the guy disappear and lets you proceed. In 2.10, he doesn't come back afterward, but he does in 2.50.

07-17-2017, 03:56 PM
Then I guess it's not on the dev's end or on mine, it's on PrinceMSC's. Thanks for looking into it. The version I had was passworded, so I couldn't check.



07-17-2017, 04:34 PM
No it's a compatibility issue; I will look into it when I get some time.

07-17-2017, 06:02 PM
I might be able to squeeze in a silent rule for it, purely based on the QHeader.
Nightmare: What about those 1.84 quest issues?

07-17-2017, 07:42 PM
Basically, not loading, period, looks like header and structure issues. I can send you the 1.02 and the 1.84 quests via Discord if you want.


07-17-2017, 07:57 PM
I spent some time looking at the 1.02 quest; unfortunately the .qst file format for how items and maps are stored was changed between 1.02 and 1.84 and the old .qst loading code is no longer available. Unless we find an old copy of the ZC source I do not think loading 1.02 quests will be possible.

We should be able to get 1.84 quests working, however.

07-17-2017, 08:01 PM
I spent some time looking at the 1.02 quest; unfortunately the .qst file format for how items and maps are stored was changed between 1.02 and 1.84 and the old .qst loading code is no longer available. Unless we find an old copy of the ZC source I do not think loading 1.02 quests will be possible.

We should be able to get 1.84 quests working, however.
War Lord might have the 1.xx code. Jeremy would too, I would think, if you want to send him a PM. It's pre-allegro *.cc code though, and it may not cross anyway. With enough work, it would be possible, but how man quests are in pre 1.84 format that anyone needs/wants to load?

We could make it a minor 2.60 goal, but I cannot say what the result might be. We would need to make a wholly different loading routine. Did 1.0x quests load in 2.10?

07-17-2017, 08:01 PM
I spent some time looking at the 1.02 quest; unfortunately the .qst file format for how items and maps are stored was changed between 1.02 and 1.84 and the old .qst loading code is no longer available. Unless we find an old copy of the ZC source I do not think loading 1.02 quests will be possible.

We should be able to get 1.84 quests working, however.

War Lord might have the 1.xx code. Jeremy would too, I would think, if you want to send him a PM. It's pre-allegro *.cc code though, and it may not cross anyway. With enough work, it would be possible, but how man quests are in pre 1.84 format that anyone needs/wants to load?

We could make it a minor 2.60 goal, but I cannot say what the result might be. We would need to make a wholly different loading routine. Did 1.0x quests load in 2.10?

07-18-2017, 12:16 AM
1.0x quests don't load in 1.84, period, end of sentence.

Also, PM's on vacation, so I can't ask him for a minimum of a few weeks.


07-20-2017, 12:18 AM
I did some investigation; looks like the change was introduced in SVN build 803 by _L_ (to fix a related bug where picking up a loose item on a screen would also remove the Item Room item; the issue is that both Item and Hunger rooms use the same BELOW flag to indicate they have been triggered.)

Easiest fix I guess is to add a compatibility quest rule, turned on for quests older than 2.11 b18, that restores the old behavior (picking up the loose item toggles both the ITEM and BELOW flag).

07-20-2017, 10:45 PM
Pushed a fix to both master and 2.50.x.