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View Full Version : Legit Survival Games

02-20-2017, 01:37 PM
So I've been like super big into RUST for a few months, but I'm curious to see what else is out there in this genre. I usually play solo, because I like the immersion and prefer to play as low-key espionage as possible.

Now I absolutely love how RUST is updated every single thursday like clockwork with new stuff to keep it fresh, but I'm looking for something else.

I checked out ARK and didn't care for it a whole lot. I also checked out the new Conan Exiles game - didn't like it either. I'm looking for any other multiplayer/survival/crafting/base building/persistence games (so when you log off, your stuff is still active on the server).

I've also played a couple thousand hours of Starbound - but I don't consider that really survival. I usually just build stuff on there.

02-21-2017, 01:24 PM
Well there's 7 Days To Die, but its kinda iffy as its not "Gold" (aka non-aplha/beta/whatever). Its playable, but there are issues with some bugs here and there (especially with the minibike) that have turned some away from playing it until its at the point it would be "Gold" level of quality for a game (as in the usual finished state of a game for the general public). However it is sold as if were a finished game (It goes for about $25 I think, but I'd get it on sale if you plan on getting it) both on PC and on XB1/PS4 (which are behind in updates to its PC big bro as they were released later). Its also got the whole Zombie Apocalypse thing going for it gameplay wise, so if that is something you get tired of easily you might wanna skip it.

Don't Starve is a surivival game, however it doesn't have a "active on server" thing like you are asking (or at least I'm pretty sure it doesn't, I haven't played it on PC for over a year, mostly on XB1/PS4/WiiU - ya, I quad dipped into it. I like it that much. If Switch gets a port I might quintuple dip, but I'll burn that bridge when I get to it)) though it does have a rouge-like sense to it as if you die, that's it. End of world. Unless you have one of the very hard to craft auto-revive items on you or found the very rare auto-revive structure in world that can only be found(not crafted), otherwise you have to gen a new world and start from scratch. But it does have all of what you are asking for (except persistence/server thingy to my knowledge)

And that's all that I've personally tried myself (and liked)

02-21-2017, 08:20 PM
I saw a bit of 7 Days to Die, and it seems alright. I'll check into it.

Don't Starve didn't interest me when I first played it a couple months ago. It's alright, but not what I'm looking for.

I almost wanna get Eco, except the current price tag is too high ($40 USD) and it doesn't seem to have that same sense of constant urgency that games like RUST offer.