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View Full Version : Screen->Wavy crashes ZC (2.50.2)

12-13-2016, 09:55 PM
While I was beta testing a quest, I kept on getting weird crashes 75% of the time I got the Screen->Wavy effect. However, when I set up a test quest to reproduce this, I couldn't get it to reproduce, no matter how high I set Screen->Wavy to. Later, while playing the recently released Yuurei, I got hit with another screen wavy effect, and crashed, yet during an earlier playthrough of it, it didn't crash. Some things in common with almost all of the times it has crashed is that I had not saved in a good while, and often times I was getting hurt when it crashed (Not all the time though; one time I wasn't getting hurt and it still crashed). It wouldnt crash immediately upon getting Screen->Wavy, but rather around 1-3 seconds later. The type of crash is of the "The program has stopped working properly" windows errors you get. Again, I have not been able to reproduce this at will.

12-13-2016, 11:11 PM

12-15-2016, 06:00 AM

What caused this one? I never ran into it.

12-15-2016, 11:22 AM
It copies the screen to another bitmap, then copies it back pixel by pixel. If the amplitude's too high, it reads beyond the end of the second bitmap.

12-15-2016, 09:44 PM
It copies the screen to another bitmap, then copies it back pixel by pixel. If the amplitude's too high, it reads beyond the end of the second bitmap.

Oh, aye. I remember reading inthe allegro docs that reading outside the bou ds of bitmaps with most if the 'fast' functions is a bad idea, for memory bitmaps in particular.

I was curious especially, as it seemed to happen to a few select users, rather than regularly cropping up for everyone, using the same quests, which often screams 'Windows issue'.