View Full Version : Unofficial 6th Quest Contest: Anybody interested?

11-17-2016, 05:00 AM
No package in this time, but I'd like to throw a contest of my own.

Shortly after the 5th Quest contest wrapped up, we were kinda rebuked by Nintendo. They wanted to see more creative, more wild stuff, by releasing Mario Maker.

So let's put this to the test:

Unofficial 6th Quest Contest: Winners will be personally played and streamed by me.

The rules:
1. You may not change the Overworld unless it's to show a secret or a level.
2. Underworld, feel free. Change the graphics if you please. No color restrictions either.
3. Scripting allowed, try to keep it in the spirit of Zelda and the NES.
4. New enemy tiles allowed, but must fit an NES theme.
5. This is unfortunately a must. You MUST use a custom soundtrack. A lot of people are getting into copyright trouble, so it is now required that there is replacements to the NES Zelda tunes. Go to http://www.vgmusic.com if you need to download new tunes.
6. Your difficulty should start at 2nd Quest level and be no harder than 3rd Quest's. It has to be hard, but innovative at the same time. If it's James Quest level, it's probably at the absolute hardest it should be.
7. No maze paths in the Underworld, and you may not change the Maze Paths in the Overworld.
8. You are allowed to make cosmetic changes to enemies (like new colors for grave Ghinis, or new colors for the old same colored Octorocks)
9. New enemies should be featured within and showcased. No Kaizo Enemies like Death Knights.
10. You must have 9 normal levels, 10 levels tops. Uses for a 10th level could be a bonus level, a hidden level at the end of Level 9, or Level 9 is a preparation for Level 10. Absolutely not required to have a 10th level.
11. Quest Rules: Keep in spirit of the NES, fast scrolling allowed, multiple strings allowed. No advanced things like screen wipes. All NES bugs must be present. Level 3 color difference not required.
12. TEST FOR BUGS! Buggy quests will not be considered.

Have fun. I don't have any type of deadline planned at the moment.


12-19-2016, 09:22 AM
I'll make one provided you change the rules so that the 6th quest must be harder than the previous 5. :D :D

Let's do this one right!

12-19-2016, 01:08 PM
I'll make one provided you change the rules so that the 6th quest must be harder than the previous 5. :D :D

Let's do this one right!

Hit me up in chat tonight. We'll talk.


12-22-2016, 12:25 PM
Sorry, fell asleep at 2:30 in my chair, lol.

But anyway, it seems Kaizo is the order of the day at Mario Maker. I'd still like to see some more creativity though, like dungeon graphics, new enemy tiles, things like that (except the Overworld). New enemies a must, think Mario Maker as an example.

I think at this point we can throw NES limits out the window with file size, groups, and limits. That should help people a lot.


01-01-2017, 11:45 PM
Time to bring the Baby Dodongos and Moas out of retirement. :spin:

Soundtrack... should be easy enough. I like making custom sound effects too, which I assume would be legal provided they aren't too hi-fi (weird noises, yes; me reading the text in a funny voice, no).

No maze path in the underworld? But that's one of my favorite tricks... Oh well. I'll have to get a lot of caffeine to think up new tricks.

And difficulty? There's different kinds of difficulty. Overpowered and hugely damaging enemies = bad kind of difficulty. I like to make the level layouts and room designs fuck with your brain though. Surely that doesn't have to stay within the 2nd quest difficulty regime?

01-02-2017, 07:03 AM
Time to bring the Baby Dodongos and Moas out of retirement. :spin:

Soundtrack... should be easy enough. I like making custom sound effects too, which I assume would be legal provided they aren't too hi-fi (weird noises, yes; me reading the text in a funny voice, no).

No maze path in the underworld? But that's one of my favorite tricks... Oh well. I'll have to get a lot of caffeine to think up new tricks.

And difficulty? There's different kinds of difficulty. Overpowered and hugely damaging enemies = bad kind of difficulty. I like to make the level layouts and room designs fuck with your brain though. Surely that doesn't have to stay within the 2nd quest difficulty regime?

I'm looking for more of a "Mario-Maker" approach.


01-06-2017, 04:43 AM
What does "Mario-Maker approach" mean?

01-08-2017, 04:44 PM
What does "Mario-Maker approach" mean?

Something similar to http://www.twitch.tv/GlitchCat7 's channel. Watch it and you'll see what I'm kinda looking for.


02-24-2017, 06:27 AM
I know official quests have always been reserved for big new releases, but maybe we should start doing them once a year or something?

We never did one to celebrate open source...the new zeldaclassic.com...Why not?

03-14-2017, 12:04 AM
I don't know if I will bother, but will ask some questions.

Could I move the sword again?

04-08-2017, 02:32 PM
Besides the people here, heard some interest.


Chris Miller
Matthew Bluefox

And anybody else notable.

ctrl-alt-delete, you want to be the judge? That'd let Gleeok and me participate. I can repost this on PZC to expand it. Also, ZC.com invitational sounds so much better than 6th Quest.

Also, if we are to get serious about this, maybe a few pictures would be cool on things that we could vote on/approve/disapprove. A little tech demo video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FeWoOs5gRIk&feature=youtu.be

Basically some expansions to Zelda NES Remastered in terms of palettes and some reworking of the enemy palettes to reflect more Zelda 2. Please do not make public beyond here and PZC, since it's nothing coming out and a pure demo.

Things I'd like to see added to this contest for sure:

New enemy palettes to go with new enemies (so we're not restricted to the old Zelda enemy set or old balance/BS Zelda balance (though overworld enemy selection still has to reflect either old Zelda balance or BS Zelda Balance, your choice)
No reason to keep enemy groups at this point. It was a hot topic last time, Mario Maker allows everything, so let this R.I.P. Strength-based dungeons welcome
Allowance to change level palettes freely. Once again, no "real" reason why this needs to be restricted if we're expanding beyond the NES cart.
Maybe some variance in item sprites, like blue flames for the Blue Candle, etc.


04-25-2017, 04:18 AM
I *might* do one. Most likely I'll "fix" my 5th entry. ..and by fix I mean put back the original difficulty; ie.; it'll be too hard for most people to like. ;)

Also Nightmare please update the rules, because nobody likes the weird 'mario maker' rules; it's confusing.

04-25-2017, 04:33 AM
I'll create a new thread for this: Just lock this for now. I'll post after I talk to TK: 4 people is enough if we get him. No one has time to play 20 quests.
