View Full Version : I got a PS4...

08-21-2016, 06:38 AM
Never would have purchased one but the price was right--free.

My username or whatever it's called is diffikolt

Add me and suggest Playstation EXCLUSIVES I should get.

The only game I've gotten so far is The Last of Us. It's amazing and makes me sad I've neglected gaming for the past ten years...I probably should have added Sony to my repertoire during the PS2 days at least.

08-21-2016, 09:45 PM
Well, since I mostly like RPGs, that's most of what I can recommend for PS4 The Disgaea series being almost a PS exclusive with the exception of the first game getting a DS port so many years ago. It is a real grind fest at times though, more so than other RPGs that are notorious for grind fests, such as Dragon Quest. Which brings me to Dragon Quest Heroes, both the first one and its upcoming sequel feature a similar style of meshed game play to Hyrule Warriors, but it has more of the Dragon Quest charm of course. Then there's the Kingdom Hearts games (or at least,the HD Remixes of them - at least of the ones on PS4 anyway, the earlier HD Remixes are PS3 only at the mometn) with KH3 coming out...whenever...though that one is gonna be on XB1 as well. There's also the Final Fantasy HD remasters that are currently exclusive to PS4 (such as X & X-2, which I got last month for $20 pre-owned in excellent condition).

There is also this handy list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_video_game_exclusives_(eighth_generation)

I'll add ya later. :kitty:

08-22-2016, 02:29 AM
As soon as someone gives me a free PS4 I'll be sure and add you. :p

08-22-2016, 08:14 AM
Usually when I get a PS4 for free, the cops show up.

Nice find. Congrats. I moved away from consoles for the most part and just PC game now. I also have a decent sized TV in my room which is also connected to my PC. I have a broken PS3 on the desk though. :>

09-03-2016, 01:36 AM
My friend's PS4 stopped working so he bought a new one. I told him I would have looked at his old one to see if I could fix it for him so he just gave it to me. One new application of thermal paste later and it works like a charm.

Went ahead and bit the bullet on FFX/X-II Remaster. Really enjoying it so far. FFIV is one of my favorite games of all time and I've only ever played small parts of the games once they jumped ship to Sony. Can't wait for the VII Remake and I'm going to have to download IX on my PC as that is the one I'm probably most interested in. Thanks for the suggestion, mrz84.

Also got Bloodborne brand new for what amounts to $6 so I'll probably jump into it this weekend. Journey will be free in three days and I've heard great things about it so I'm looking forward to it too.

I'm not sure what my wife's laptop is capable of so I'm gonna test out GTAV. If no dice, I'll probably bite the bullet on it for PS4 and start saving up for a build. #pcmasterrace because piracy and whatnot.

I can't wait for Yooka-Laylee as I miss the DK64 style of collecathon. Gonna have to play through that again soon.

Other games on my radar at the moment are: Tearaway Unfolded, Infamous, Until Dawn, God of War III Remastered, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, and the Witness.

Feels good to be consistently gaming again.

09-03-2016, 08:28 PM

If you decide to jump onto Odin server, shoot me a message (my in-game character is Mangetsuzataka)

I'd also like to mention that the price of PS Plus is gonna be going up soon. I don't know how much, but I thought I'd just warn you in case you weren't aware of that already.

09-04-2016, 06:13 AM
mrz84 I'm confused, what game are we talking about?

Chris Miller
09-04-2016, 12:33 PM

09-04-2016, 10:36 PM
mrz84 I'm confused, what game are we talking about?

Final Fantasy XI. I'm on Odin server (you pick a server when you create your character, so I'm just letting you know which on I'm on if you want to kill stuff and quest together. Though if you already picked a different server its ok, there's a "world transfer" that let's you change servers for a fee of gold I think)

Unless I'm reading the IX wrong (in which case that would be FF 9, which would be my derp)

09-05-2016, 01:25 AM
mrz84 Yeah, 9.

09-05-2016, 11:42 AM
My derp then. For some reason I saw the IX and immediately thought of 11 for some reason. :shrug: No real harm done.

12-24-2016, 06:20 AM
Has anybody added me? I'm a pretty cool guy.

12-24-2016, 10:42 AM
I checked the FC/ID topic and not only are you not on the PS ID list, but I am not either (despite posting it all the way back in May of this year)....so I haven't added you. YET. Lemme know your ID and I'll add ya tonight after work. My PSID is AuthorNumber2.