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View Full Version : All enemies above e255 are deleted when Grabbing tiles from an older quest

07-12-2016, 08:51 PM
I kept running into this by accident for months before I figured out what's happening. Once I did, I tested it by doing the following:

(0) Open ezgbc25.qst in 2.50.2, then save it as "ezgbc25notsuck.qst".

(1) Make a new quest file.

(2) Set enemy editor data for e255, e256, and e257, turning them into "255 Dorknut", "256 Bore-iya", and "257 Bug-uamentus", and go to File -> Save as -> Pre-bug.qst.

(3) Go to Quest-> Graphics -> Tiles -> Grab -> File -> ezgbc25notsuck.qst

(4) Click cancel, then done, then go to the enemy editor. 255 Dorknut, 256 Bore-iya, and 257 Bug-uamentus are all intact.

(5) Go to Quest-> Graphics -> Tiles -> Grab -> File -> ezgbc25.qst (this is the original, saved in an outdated ZC version.)

(6) Click cancel, then done, then go to the enemy editor. 255 Dorknut remains, but 256 Bore-iya and 256 Bug-uamentus are reverted to e256 and e257 with no data.

My best guess is that the maximum enemy slot number was increased at some point, but that when you go to grab tiles from another quest, ZQuest loads all kinds of data from that other quest temporarily as though opening it entirely, and that this reduces the number of counted enemy slots, eliminating everything above 255. Or something like that.

This problem occurs in both 2.50.1 and 2.50.2 (I first discovered it in 2.50.1, but did the above test in 2.50.2).

Any fix in the future would be appreciated, but at the very least I'd suggest having ZQuest give the user a warning if they try to open a quest file from an older version in the tile editor, that it may eliminate all their enemy data above e255.

(also, a brief aside as long as I'm here: Zeldaclassic.com does not feature the latest version of ZC, 2.50.2. I didn't even know 2.50.2 existed until a few days ago, because the only way for anyone to find it is by word of mouth or going to the ZC Discussion forum (even PureZC's main page, under "Download ZC", will simply forward users to the Zeldaclassic.com downloads page). Which kinda undermines the entire purpose of Zeldaclassic.com, and I suspect very few casual players, or antisocial people such as myself, will be using 2.50.2, which in turn means they may have problems playing quests that developers make in 2.50.2... long story short, I'd strongly suggest someone update Zeldaclassic.com to host 2.50.2.)

Thank you for your time, and have a nice day. : )

07-12-2016, 09:08 PM
I've heard of that happening once or twice, but I never was able to reproduce it. Thanks for working it out.

07-12-2016, 09:31 PM
Glad to be of help. Thanks for all your work on ZC, it's a pretty amazing program these days. : )

07-13-2016, 01:36 AM
What the f---... I suppose that ones my fault when I upped the enemy count. ... I.. should of thought of that at the time..or something. O_o

Consequently, if you do that exact sequence in reverse order it opens up a portal to hell. :P

07-13-2016, 04:53 AM
What the f---... I suppose that ones my fault when I upped the enemy count. ... I.. should of thought of that at the time..or something. O_o

Consequently, if you do that exact sequence in reverse order it opens up a portal to hell. :P

Hahah. Of course it does. Let me know when you manage to fix this one.
Mitsukara Gleeok Saffith Many thanks all around.

07-13-2016, 05:38 PM
Should be fixed now.