View Full Version : Super Metroid vs Castlevania Symphony of the Night

02-09-2016, 07:58 PM

I worked my ass off on this video. And I'm STILL not happy with it. So many things I could have said. So many better technical things I could have fixed.

Anyway. Super Metroid or Castlevania?

02-10-2016, 12:57 PM
Damn. That's a tough choice for me. I love both games (and their series) to death. I'm afraid though that if I have to pick one, I'd edge out to Super Metroid. Its very close though.

02-10-2016, 03:05 PM
I've never really played many of the Castlevania games except for Super Castlevania IV but I've always loved Super Metroid (which was my introduction to the Metroid series). Since I've never played SotN I can't actually choose. I will say that I prefer Super Metroid over Super Castlevania IV, but those two games are very different.

Lelouche Vi Britannia
02-10-2016, 11:42 PM
I love them both for different reasons. Honestly, we share a lot of the same opinions on this subject. Both games are awesome, but if I only have a few hours to burn on a game, Super Metroid would probably be my first choice. If I got the days off to spend though... Symphony all the way. I could spend days on that game just leveling up and farming items.