View Full Version : [2.53 or 2.55] Push Blocks and Conveyors on Layers 1, and 2

12-28-2015, 05:14 PM
Just as it says on the tin. At present, neither push blocks, nor conveyors seem to work unless they are on layer 0. Being able to place them on layers 1, and 2, without needing to script them from scratch, would be wonderfully useful.

01-09-2016, 09:50 AM
push blocks probably not, but we might be able to hack it in some how. I've taken a look at that myself it's ugly. "they use their own drawing layer actually which i believe is why this hasn't been done yet"
conveyors yeah we need to get on that.
Saffith Gleeok
can either of you confirm what i said about push blocks?