View Full Version : Halp... pls and a request

09-25-2015, 02:05 PM
Now I know this may now be a good place to ask this but... when I obtain the triforce in the second dungeon, it does the cutscene and redirectes me outside but it just doesn't give me the triforce and it acts like I haven't beaten the dungeon... at all...

And also can someone please find/make me a minish cap like Link for Zquest... Thanks

09-25-2015, 02:35 PM
Okay, is the first problem occurring in a quest you created, in a custom quest, or in one of the default quests (1st through 5th)? If it is the first, it is possible you have not set the dungeon number on the dMap correctly. If it is the second, there's not much that you can do, the quest might have compatibility issues. If it is the third, we need to know which nth quest has the problem so that the developers can fix the issue.

As for your second request, this is what I've found with a quick search:
Minish Cap Link (PureZC Database) (http://www.purezc.net/index.php?page=tiles&id=566)

Our affiliate community PureZC has a database with tiles and other resources which you can use as a source for your ZQuest needs. If these tiles do not suit you (or do not rip into your project well) you can search their database for other tiles and tilesets.

Hope this helps!