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View Full Version : Any one getting them Final Fantasy rereleases

09-24-2015, 09:22 AM
YOu know, the ones on steam?

09-25-2015, 08:38 PM
Not really. From my understanding they are the same ports as the ones on iphone/smartphone/whateverphonetheyareon, which to be perfectly blunt, look horrible in comparison to me with the "updated graphics" they supposedly have. Plus I already have them on PSP (FF Classics, FF4 Complete Collection, and FF5-9. I have FF3 for DS AND PSP) so unless something happens to those within the next decade or so, I'm gonna pass on them. Unless SE brings out a collection that includes all those games for consoles. Then I might spring for that. As long as it isn't the ports from iphone/whatever anyway.

09-25-2015, 09:51 PM
I found the FFV rerelease to be passable, but the FFVI rerelease looks kind of shoddy and I'm not so sure I want to get it because the game deserves a top notch remake.

09-26-2015, 04:22 PM
I found the FFV rerelease to be passable, but the FFVI rerelease looks kind of shoddy and I'm not so sure I want to get it because the game deserves a top notch remake.YES! They should give this game a remake like they did with FF4. However, it's unlikely that will happen as nobody is making DS games anymore, and remaking this game in 3D might be asking too much. I'd love to see a real remake of FFVI but I'm not going to hold my breath.

09-27-2015, 04:51 AM
I didn't know they remade VI. Is there a hard mode or some other settings to adjust on it? I'm guessing not. I bet the sprite work is good though.

edit: Oh noes. I was was wrong. It looks awful. D:


09-27-2015, 11:56 AM
The character portraits for it look great, but the sprites suck big time. The GBA port was awesome, especially with the edited dialogue. This remains one of my favorite Final Fantasy games, especially because this is the first Final Fantasy game where the story doesn't revolve around the "four elemental crystals." (I know, Final Fantasy II doesn't either, but it was a long time before the US ever saw that game, so in my own personal experience, it was the first).

10-05-2015, 03:47 PM
Final Fantasy VI is my favorite of the series. I have yet to play the GBA port of it though (I have the GBA port of IV as well a Dawn of Souls) despite that the additions to it interested me (I also haven't played the GBA port of V, which is one of the few games in the series I haven't finished, despite it being in my Top 5).

I do have to agree with Dark though. The portraits for the iphone/whatever games look nice, but that can't save it from the horrible mess of the sprites. I just can't look at them without wanting to bleach my eyes afterwords for some reason. That and the fact that on the iphone there is only touch controls. I would have tolerated use of a stylus over that (heck ya could probably use a stylus in theory I guess) but I just prefer a controller in my hands over a touch screen "controller" anyday. :shrug: