View Full Version : Map 5 Dungeon Glitchy

09-23-2015, 06:23 PM
I have my level 3 dungeon on map 5, and weird things are happening. First, walk-through doors are treated as walls. Next, bombable walls don't let you through. Finally, shutter walls appear as open doors, and sometimes don't work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

09-23-2015, 06:56 PM
Did you make sure you set the DMap type to NES Dungeon? Doors only work with dungeon screens. This includes screens on NES Dungeon DMaps that do not have the 'Treat As Interior Screen' flag checked, and screens on non-dungeon DMaps that have the 'Treat as NES Dungeon Screen' flag checked. These two flags can be found in the Screen Data menu.

09-26-2015, 07:30 PM
Did you make sure you set the DMap type to NES Dungeon? Doors only work with dungeon screens. This includes screens on NES Dungeon DMaps that do not have the 'Treat As Interior Screen' flag checked, and screens on non-dungeon DMaps that have the 'Treat as NES Dungeon Screen' flag checked. These two flags can be found in the Screen Data menu.

Hi! Thank you, I had accidentally pressed interior. I have a question: For the most part it is fixed, but on one screen, I have an Oval Patra, and the flags "Enemies->Secret" and "Enemies->Secret is permanent" are checked. The left and right doors are shutter. When I kill the Patra, the doors open as usual, but I cannot go through the right door. I can go through the left door, though. Do you know how to fix that?