View Full Version : Favorite Video Game Characters

05-11-2015, 12:02 AM
Whose yours and why?

Mine is definitely Tamamo below, out of all of the monsters from the hentai game she comes from she is the only one who is neutral. And I mean, True Neutral. She is a educator, and a damn good one at that.


05-11-2015, 11:12 AM
From the game I am currently playing (Baldur's Gate II), my favorite character is Nalia. Her thief skills and magic skills far surpass Imoen. And, on top of that, she looks like Drew Barrymore.

05-11-2015, 12:01 PM
had fun with that series last month... BG1 and 2.... That game set a lot of 'firsts'....I love being able to x-fer my characters from 1 to 2..... do you dave the Expansion....? if not maybe I could send it to you.
I have SoA and The Throne of Bahl as well as the Black Gate 2....

btw my favorite video game character was Simon Belmont when I was a kid...I really don't have a favorite anymore though....

05-11-2015, 03:06 PM
Intergalactic Bounty Hunter and Professional Destroyer of Planets and Species (not a real title in game, but it might as well with her track record), Samus Aran. Always loved the exploration aspect of the Metroid series. And eventually getting to know the tragic back story behind Samus Aran's origins brought some nice depth to the lore of the series, as well as her connections with the Chozo and the Space Pirates.

I will say that for the record, I don't hate Other M. I don't like it as much as the other games in the series, but I don't hate it. That is all I will say on the matter.

05-11-2015, 03:17 PM
My favorite character is Big Boss/Naked Snake from Metal Gear Solid 3/Portable Ops/Peace Walker/Ground Zeros. I love how he's evolved from a naive and somewhat green soldier in Metal Gear Solid 3 to a grizzled and jaded veteran by the time Peace Walker comes around.

05-11-2015, 03:53 PM
I'll be really original and say Link.

06-20-2015, 11:29 AM
I'm going to go a little old-school here and say that Terra (Tina) from Final Fantasy 6 is a personal favorite of mine.