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View Full Version : Zelda series on Netflix?

02-06-2015, 10:03 PM


Excuse me Princess?

Could this happen? Should this happen? Will Link talk? What do you guys think?

I really would love to see a live action version of The Legend of Zelda, but I scared that it won't be done "right." I have one of the cartoon DVDs and it so terrible. The IGN trailer was pretty good. I just hope that if this does indeed happen, the get someone from Nintendo on the project to say "Yes, that's good" or "No, you can't do that," in regards to the writing and characterization.

02-06-2015, 10:39 PM
Whatever it is it will be nowhere as good as "The Legend of Neil"!

Besides having the name going for it, I just can't picture any serious attempt at a live action Zelda being bearable without it being a soft-core porn parody of some sort. :P ...Of course I could be wrong about this, though, I have to mention that there's really not much going on plot-wise to get excited about. *Points to what Hollywood did with all those crappy fairy tale stories with huge budgets. *coughful* ...*

"The last thing that Neil remembers; he was drunk playin' a game of Zelda, when he whipped out his member and started masturbating to the fairy 'cause she was kinda hot, and that somehow transported him into the game."

[edit] lol

King Aquamentus
02-07-2015, 01:32 AM
Gleeok, do you perhaps play...

...the Money-Making Game????

02-07-2015, 02:02 AM
Not a bad idea. Netflix series are very good. Well the ones I have seen. I definitely think the franchise is better suited for a series than a film. Don't forget Nintendo may just cock-block us once we finally get our prom date to take her top off.

02-07-2015, 10:50 AM
I just hope that if this does indeed happen, the get someone from Nintendo on the project to say "Yes, that's good" or "No, you can't do that," in regards to the writing and characterization.

An article I read said they are indeed working with Nintendo on this project, so there's hope.

02-07-2015, 10:48 PM
I am skeptical at best about this. Not many video game adaptions to live action have been anything to write home about or whatever. There are a few gems, but the rest are turds that are still turds no matter how much you polish them. Plus, if this does happen, I'll have to resub to netflix.

02-08-2015, 11:37 AM
Well, you know who should be in this, right?


Chris Miller
02-08-2015, 08:56 PM
Well, you know who should be in this, right?

(pic of Captain N)


King Aquamentus
02-08-2015, 09:15 PM
I like how Link actually got kissed by Zelda in his final appearance on Captain N. Its sort of a nice way to conclude all of that as a whole, if you think of it like a continuation of the Zelda cartoon.

02-08-2015, 09:51 PM
Even though this will get me pummeled with tennis rackets, I have to say they would do well to subvert the fantasy like they did with the Mario Brothers movie.

Audiences love when something fantastic can be explained by a combination of mundane truths, and the modernization of older mediums has experienced a recent surge of popularity (consider how many television series are based around that guy from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's works, and think about how many of them are presented in a modern context).

The question is how much subversion should the writing staff conduct? Is the Triforce a set of defense codes for a nuclear arsenal? Is it a computer virus written by Mister Dragmire but then broken into three pieces when he was arrested? In such a scenario it's clear Zelda would serve as some sort of federal agent that he abducts to get what he wants, but who would Link be in a modern context?

Food for thought.

02-08-2015, 10:27 PM
Keep in mind that while many outlets are reporting this rumor, neither Nintendo nor Netflix have commented on it.

Even though this will get me pummeled with tennis rackets, I have to say they would do well to subvert the fantasy like they did with the Mario Brothers movie.

Audiences love when something fantastic can be explained by a combination of mundane truths, and the modernization of older mediums has experienced a recent surge of popularity (consider how many television series are based around that guy from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's works, and think about how many of them are presented in a modern context).

The question is how much subversion should the writing staff conduct? Is the Triforce a set of defense codes for a nuclear arsenal? Is it a computer virus written by Mister Dragmire but then broken into three pieces when he was arrested? In such a scenario it's clear Zelda would serve as some sort of federal agent that he abducts to get what he wants, but who would Link be in a modern context?

Food for thought.

While that's an interesting idea and I'd kinda like to see some form of that, I don't think that would be right at this time. Fans of the series want a representation of they already know. I want to see Link feeding bombs to dinosaurs. I want to see Link fighting a multi-headed dragon, and watch the heads fly around the room trying to kill him before he finishes the job. The flim/TV version of LoZ needs to be established before they can go tweeking with it's components.

P.S. Link would be the lone programmer kid who's and introvert and doesn't speak, but becomes the one who has to reassemble the virus when Zelda's partner, Impa runs into him in a dark alley after the abduction. Or something. I dunno, but I wanna go watch Hackers now.

02-09-2015, 02:07 PM
If this happens, I REALLY hope they don't try to do it like they did with the Super Mario Bros. movie. ANYTHING but that! I'd rather watch the cartoon series of Legend of Zelda than a movie like that. Of course, my thoughts on the SMB movie are well-known.

A live-action movie that retains the fantasy elements of the LoZ games would be best, I think. My question is simply this: where in the Zelda timeline will this take place? Or will it have a timeline of its own? Something to think about.

03-23-2015, 10:04 PM
Nintendo says, "NOPE!"


03-24-2015, 05:28 PM
Nintendo says, "NOPE!"


She's right. That wording is pretty damn dodgy! HOPE SURVIVES!

Chris Miller
03-24-2015, 05:29 PM
It might be for the best. I have a hunch that it would have turned out like a 21st-century equivalent to the ill-fated Battletoads cartoon.

03-27-2015, 03:16 PM
She's right. That wording is pretty damn dodgy! HOPE SURVIVES!

There could be something lost in translation, but yeah. They aren't going to say never, just not now.