View Full Version : [2.6] String Control Warps

01-16-2015, 07:37 PM
It might be nice (and by might be, I mean most definitely) if there were a way to trigger warps with a string control code. Simply put, these controls would warp Link to the specified DMap and DMap screen when encountered.

I'll call them "P" and "S" for now, since appropriate numbers can be assigned after the fact:


Pit warp Control
X denotes the target DMap and Y the target DMap screen as read in hexidecimal. Since it's a DMap screen we don't have to worry about any of the hex values using non-decimal values. For instance, the syntax wouldn't have to account for screen 1A since that isn't a valid DMap screen number.
Z denotes the animation style of the warp, in order from the pulldown with 0 being the first option.


Stair warp Control
All syntax is the same as the pit warp control except for the new argument Q, which is valid for numbers 0 to 3 and tells the code which return point to use with the warp.

I don't know how feasible this is. Still, I think it's a feature many quest makers would appreciate, especially those who are minimizing or avoiding scripts.