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View Full Version : Isle of Rebirth

Cody Storm
12-30-2014, 03:13 AM
I really have been wanting to play isle of rebirth but when i downloaded both zelda classic and isle or rebirth to play i could not figure it out and the isle of rebirth file just turned into an adobe reader document. PLEASE HELP

12-30-2014, 04:14 PM
Which version of Zelda Classic did you download, and what operating system are you using? Zelda Classic 2.5 has issues with Windows 8; if you are using that OS you'll need a newer version (Which I don't believe is on ZC.com yet, somebody'll have to post the link to the download).

As for the quest file turning into an Adobe reader document, it sounds like you've associated the file extension with the wrong program. Download the quest again (just to make sure you didn't corrupt the file by opening it with another program). Then, open ZC with the ZLaunch Program (Has a yellow key icon) and select the quest by registering a name, pressing the button assigned to "A" (default is CTRL I believe), and finding the quest in your file folder.

Cody Storm
12-31-2014, 02:21 AM
I downloaded 2.5 and I'm running off of Windows 7 and thank you for your help CJC appreciate it because i have really been wanting to play it, it looks like an awesome quest, and again thanks for your help.

Cody Storm
12-31-2014, 02:44 AM
OK i did what you said but i think i did corrupt the file because it is still showing as a adobe reader file, side note zelda classic is running fine on my computer i had tried it.

Cody Storm
12-31-2014, 03:15 AM
Never mind i figured it out, thanks for the help