View Full Version : Wrapping up

12-21-2014, 06:16 AM
Alright guys, I think we're about ready to wrap this thing up shortly. :)

First off, everyone give a big thanks to CJC for helping out around here to keep things going smoothly, and for being an all around cool guy in general. Also thanks to Nightmare for practically trying to run the thing :P, and of course to everyone else that entered! There were some really, really good quests--I'm sure it's going to be close!

Of course, with the holidays and the new year we'll keep it open for a few more weeks. If you're still busy playing any of the quests, you might want to think about finishing them ASAP.

As far a judging is concerned what I had in mind was not only a requirement to have played every one of the final quests, but have a sign-up as well, although the first point is probably enough. Nightmare has suggested something less restrictive: to have an open poll, or posting, in case not that many people managed to play them all. I'm a bit skeptical of this, actually. I mean, would I want someone who hasn't played my quest to have equal say vs. someone who actually has? Not really. Feel free to suggest something, especially if you are one of the 5th finalists.

12-21-2014, 06:29 AM
Well, first of all, let's give people the holidays to watch the videos and enjoy the Let's Plays and play anybody they haven't touched.

I think this needs to be done in a hierarchical structure. As much as I hate subjective voting, as I have seen the evils of it (:: cough :: Smogon suspect tests :: cough ::) I think paragraphs (or a few) need to be required in this case. The people voting must prove that they have at least picked up the quests (and not died in Level 1) and watched all the Let's Plays to completion.

Then, the order of opinion should probably go like this:

1. Those that played them all, ESPECIALLY those to completion. As of now, this would include Gleeok, Nightmare, and Zweldron.

2. ZC Developers. Saffith mainly, but not limited to.

3. AGN Staff. SUCCESSOR, CJC, Chris Miller, ctrl-alt-delete among others who really stuck it out.

4. Other 5th Quest entrants. MischaPetya, Love For Fire, HeroOfFire, bigjoe. Entrants may not vote for themselves in first place.

5. Everybody else.

I think this is the best we can do considering everybody's skill level I followed and not have this drag on for years. The devs would like to wrap up ZC Development and start a new engine I would imagine.

Best I can really think of at the moment.


01-08-2015, 05:21 AM


*the bumpinator*


*I'm going to 'bump' .. you up*

*bump up the jam*

*goin' bump in the night*


Chris Miller
01-08-2015, 05:46 AM
You forgot bumpin' 'n grindin'.

01-11-2015, 08:03 PM
I managed to play all of the six finalists' quest submissions to completion, with the exception of not finding the silver arrow in Chris Miller's quest. Here is a summary post I made a while ago - http://armageddongames.net/showthread.php?96582-5th-Quest-Voting-Time!&p=902687&viewfull=1#post902687

If folks think my input would be useful I'd be happy to vote or comment or do whatever you guys think would be helpful. Note that I haven't played any of these quests since January 2014, so I haven't experienced any of the modifications/changes that have been made since then. Fwiw, I think my memory of what I did play (combined with the notes I made in my previous posts) is pretty good.

01-29-2015, 03:27 AM
Sorry, January sucks. Plus it's the coldest month out of the year, which makes it suck even more. I vote to remove January from the annuls of history. All those in favor? ...Done. Next order of business.

So... it has come to my attention that we can do this thing whenever. I'm thinking of a color between 1 and 100. First person to guess right wins the contest.

01-29-2015, 04:44 AM
For those participating he's talking about palette entries.

01-29-2015, 08:01 PM
So... it has come to my attention that we can do this thing whenever. I'm thinking of a color between 1 and 100. First person to guess right wins the contest.

Blue. All colors between 1 and 255 are blue.

Wait, does that mean I won the contest? I'm not even a finalist!