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View Full Version : what let's players do you watch?

10-06-2014, 10:08 AM
like the topic title said, who do you watch play games?

i watch a lot, markiplier, yamimash, jontron, pewdiepie, eddytheoliveira, joelmacool, daviawesome, and a lot more. i like let's plays, so i watch a lot.

also you don't limit youself to just let's players! maybe you like other people? i like creepsmcpasta, and people who upload/remix/create their own soundtrack.

so who do you watch?

10-06-2014, 07:02 PM
I really like Replayability. https://www.youtube.com/user/ReplayAbilityVG
I'm also a fan of Game Grumps. Those guys never fail to make me laugh.

10-13-2014, 12:06 AM
i too like gamegrumps. though i don;t like egorapter or whatever name he goes by.

10-13-2014, 12:28 AM
I haven't really watched many lets plays I watched one in the past of LoZ:LA where this guy glitched the whole game it was very entertaining, lol.

10-13-2014, 01:57 AM
I watch GameGrumps quite a lot. I also watch PBG Gameplay, Previously Recorded, and Swordless Link.

10-13-2014, 09:39 AM
Sorry to join the crowd, but I'm also a fan of Game Grumps. Actually, it's one of the few Let's Plays I honestly enjoy - I like the concept, but too few people really get the idea that you're supposed to be entertaining, and just talking about what you're doing in the game can get really boring. But then, I suppose part of that is the advantage of having two people, because it's easier to go off on tangents or bring up amusing anecdotes with another person there.

10-13-2014, 11:07 AM
Hell I might have to check out Game Grumps seems quite a few people enjoy watching them. I also remembered about PeanutButterGamer I've really enjoyed his videos quite a bit.

10-13-2014, 11:18 AM
I watch The Runaway Guys the most, though I do watch Wii Rike To Pray and Swordless Link on occasion.

10-13-2014, 12:54 PM
Game Grumps, TFS Gaming, some others I can't remember the name of. I will say that as far as TFS gaming is concerned, I love all the times TFS Krillin is forced by Vegeta to often play games that scare him so bad he needs new pants. Still haven't finished the FNAF vids for them though... :sweat: