View Full Version : What do you fear?

07-12-2014, 12:00 AM
I was inspired by King Aquamentus with his "scariest video game moment" thread... It got me to start thinking about my fears outside of video games. So... what freaks you out IRL?

For me, it's aliens. I don't even really believe in aliens (okay, I believe there is probably extraterrestrial life out there - visiting this planet is another matter entirely), but the thought of aliens coming along and beaming me out of my bed to do horrible experiments on me scares the crap out of me. Not often, but very rarely, I've even had nights where I couldn't sleep because the thought scared me so bad. I don't know why - probably watching too many shows about UFOs as a kid (to say nothing of the way I pretty much raided the paranormal section of the local library as a kid). But it's like - I get why the idea scares me so bad, but I don't know why it scares me even though I know it probably can't even happen. I don't believe in alien abductions - but I'm afraid of them. It's a weird disconnect. But yeah, as a corollary to that, I'm also afraid of Grey Aliens - the bug-eyed freaks just unsettle me on a primal level.

07-12-2014, 07:33 AM
I fear sleep paralysis and anything related to sleep paralysis. There is always the notion of a presence involved. In some cases, there is even auditory hallucinations and physical sensations. It is something that will never cease to creep me out. Lately I have had trouble falling asleep over it.

07-12-2014, 01:50 PM
When I was younger I was really afraid of aliens and being abducted, I'm not anymore though, I actually kinda want to be abducted by aliens now. I was also afraid of ghosts when I was younger and now I want to go ghost hunting. I once had something similar to sleep paralysis, I woke up and I couldn't feel or move one of my arms at all, I thought it was kinda fun actually, I was just playing with it, picking it up and moving it around with my other arm.

I guess one of the main things I fear is people, have social anxiety problems and their are way to many idiots and assholes out there... I also feel kinda uncomfortable around men in suits.

07-12-2014, 04:33 PM
I'm afraid to share my fears on the internet!


I also have problems with tight spaces. If I can't turn around under my own power, it's a problem.

Chris Miller
07-12-2014, 06:02 PM
I'm afraid of those giant roaches that come in from outside, off the oak trees. I don't run from them, but I'll shriek like a girl if one crawls onto my face in the middle of the night(this has happened three f'ing times!)

07-12-2014, 07:02 PM
Feer of dark. I has messed up childhood. I've seen creepypastas, cuz some of my friends are into that and try to show me. Just today, my friends told me to listen to "Jingle Bells Reverse" and I wasn't up for it. Whenever an innocent song is in reverse, prepare to sh1t br1x. At the end, it like plays the part in reverse like normal, and just like most other reverse song, sp00ks. To explain in one word, welltechnicallynotaword, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAaAaaAaaaaAaAaAaa

07-12-2014, 07:13 PM
One thing I'm scared of is bees and wasps, because their sting is very painful, and whenever a bee or a wasp comes near me, I always freak out, because I fear that they'll sting me.

I'm afraid of those giant roaches that come in from outside, off the oak trees. I don't run from them, but I'll shriek like a girl if one crawls onto my face in the middle of the night(this has happened three f'ing times!)

Ugh... speaking of cockroaches, I used to always be scared of them back when I was a kid, mostly because my brother would scare me with dead ones. But even today, I still hate cockroaches.

Chris Miller
07-12-2014, 07:43 PM
One thing I'm scared of is bees and wasps, because their sting is very painful, and whenever a bee or a wasp comes near me, I always freak out, because I fear that they'll sting me.

Wasps hate me. They seem to enjoy flying right into my face. >.> You have to watch out for the yellowjackets in particular. You can just be sitting around and they'll land right on you and sting you for no reason. >.<

07-12-2014, 09:38 PM
Ya know that part in Kill Bill where the main character gets buried alive? That. That's why when I die, I'm getting cremated. Or something, I don't know yet. I'm just not gonna be buried so I don't have that happen.

Also, sleep paralysis a bit. And walking home late at night from work. Or walking by groups of teenagers who give me odd looks. Or crossing the street (have had VERY real-ish dreams where I was I get hit by a car crossing the street and shit hits the fan every time, in a different way that is ALWAYS bad)

King Aquamentus
07-14-2014, 06:00 PM
Ya know that part in Kill Bill where the main character gets buried alive?

That and the scene at the end of Dante's Peak where Harry is in the mine and goes back to his truck to activate the beacon. There's a cave-in right on the truck, and everything starts closing in more and more on him, pinning him so he can't move at all, with a BROKEN ARM STICKING OUT OF HIS ELBOW. The worst part of it? When his friends back at mission control see the signal and ask "how long has that been beeping?" the guy is like "I dunno, a couple of days..." They get him out of there and everything is ok but holy shit.

07-17-2014, 07:53 PM
Bees and wasps will actually have me so scared, I start crying if one is near me and wont go away... ya, crying...

Heights , I hate them. I will never fly a plane or ride a coaster due to heights

Death due to cancer or illness. Witnessed it and it is now my greatest fear.. after bees and wasps

07-17-2014, 11:05 PM
I fear failure. I fear failure so badly that I have anxiety attacks at work fairly often. Thankfully I have my own office so I don't make an ass out of myself.

07-19-2014, 04:11 PM
I would either like to add to my previous fears, or throw them out for fear of this gif: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2F33.media.tumblr.com%2F8 5a36c1112436ed44017d44d54761252%2Ftumblr_mvjni1V2g a1rq2k7zo1_400.gif&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2F40whacks.tumblr.com%2F&h=218&w=281&tbnid=sur4X6kcLzXNnM%3A&zoom=1&docid=lqSBl7u3871eOM&ei=ZtDKU-mLMsmqyASJmIKIBg&tbm=isch&ved=0CDAQMygSMBI&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=323&page=2&start=16&ndsp=23

Have fun with that...

Chris Miller
07-19-2014, 07:02 PM
If that had been in Majora's Mask, Nintendo would've had to pay some therapy bills. XD