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View Full Version : Seeking a clue or a hint for Origins 1st Quest

06-01-2014, 05:31 PM
Hello. I am currently playing through the older Legend of Zelda Origins 1st Quest by ShawdowFall1976 and need some help. I've made it to Level 9, obtained the Red Ring, but cannot go further than a few more rooms as it looks like I need other items to progress.

From reading other threads, it appears I am in need of a hookshot, flippers, a stronger shield, a stronger power bracelet (titan's glove) and the strongest of the swords in the game.

I have the coin purse which allows 999 coins and I currently have 17 and 3/4 heart containers.

I also see from the description of the game itself that there is another dungeon.

If someone has completed this game, can you share a hint or a clue as to where I might find my next step forward?

I've been thinking that if there is another location on the map that it's going to be somewhere around the edges. The top left most grave doesn't produce a ghost, but also doesn't move (yet?). Also, on the very top right, where the secret is 100 rupies, there is a block behind the house that also doesn't move (maybe also yet?).

Not looking for a walk-through, just a hint to get me going again.


-Jared aka Logicfire