View Full Version : Favorite "bad" movie?

04-27-2014, 12:21 AM
So I got to thinking, I really enjoyed the "Watchmen" movie, but many people see it as a flawed adaptation. So I thought it'd be fun to talk about movies that are "bad," in the sense that many people consider them technically flawed or unenjoyable, but which you personally happen to like. To be clear, I'm not talking about "so bad it's good," type movies. People talk about those all the time. I mean movies that are bad to where people say the movie just isn't fun to watch, but it happens to be a favorite of yours.

04-27-2014, 01:12 AM
I've heard Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children was bad. But I loved it and it gave far more meaning to Aeris sacraficing herself in the game as she wasn't mad at Cloud and in deed happy she could save the world.

04-27-2014, 03:09 AM
Coonskin, 1975. I gave this a bit of consideration, even typed up a list, and ultimately decided on this highly underrated Bakshi film based upon multiple criteria. Technically..., well let's just say even the cleaned up version looks like sixty year old film stock that was stored at the bottom of a lake, then dried in the sun. And then there is the subject matter. Some people consider it racist but I always find that to be a knee-jerk reaction from people who feel guilty about seeing black stereotypes. Yeah, it uses slang and stereotypes of the era but it uses them to illustrate that people are people and while cultures may differ, the dramatic themes that make up our lives are the same for everyone. Anyone familiar with Bakshi would recognize that it is a celebration of a unique culture in what should be a completely relatable way. So between the poor visual quality (if anyone finds a crisp digital copy, please let me know), and what many consider uncomfortable or objectionable content, it is my top choice.

I almost went with Santa Sangre except that even the "dirty" look of the film is perfect and Jodorowsky has no place on any "bad" film lists. Like Coonskin, the subject matter tends to disturb some people. And by people, I mean any guy who had a mother. People usually think I am exaggerating about this film. Then they watch it.

I took all films off the list that were technically flawed due to technical limitations of the time or social changes. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari is one of my all time favourites and the hokey looking set is anything but if one appreciates the gestalt art movement of the day. The twist is not such a twist anymore as it has been repeated ad nauseum over the decades yet it is brilliant when considering it was fresh when it was originally filmed. Roman Scandals is another, also with a M. Night Shyamalan-style ending, that looks its age and has some "uncomfortable (http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7wh9s_eddie-cantor-keep-young-and-beautif_music)" moments. Feminists hate this film. I also removed a couple of other musicals, Popeye and Paint Your Wagon being the first two to go, because they are technically fine and I do not consider musical numbers flaws. Phantom of the Paradise almost stayed on the list but it's technical flaws are minor and the dated nature of the songs was intentional for the story.

And in no particular order, the films that survived to the short list:

Highlander 2
Ichi the Killer
Dead Alive
Hell Comes To Frogtown
Repo Man
Reefer Madness

04-27-2014, 03:22 AM
Heh, I'm actually kind of surprised that Phantom of the Paradise isn't rated lower than it is. I mean, don't get me wrong, I thought that movie was great, even if it is more Faust than Phantom, but it's something that I would expect for critics to tear it apart. Can't really put my finger on why I'd expect that, other than that it's so different from what people might expect of an adaptation for Phantom of the Opera.

04-27-2014, 10:34 AM
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

I am too scared to watch that movie after seeing it in Portlandia.

My big movie confession is that I enjoyed the Star Wars prequels. I know they suck, I know they are not good, I have read all the insightful and lengthy criticisms, and I can even vaguely detect the cringe-worthy moments. Don't care. Still like them.

04-27-2014, 10:48 AM
You know, I think everyone enjoyed the Star Wars prequels at least somewhat. No, they weren't masterpieces, no, they didn't even hold up to the original trilogy (and let's be honest, it's not like the original trilogy didn't have its problems, either). But we all sat through all three movies. We bitch and groan, but we had to have been at least somewhat entertained if we kept watching them. Hell, I've seen the prequels more times than I can count, and yet I still can't admit that I enjoy them even a little, which obviously I'd have to if I kept rewatching them.

EDIT: Oh, that reminds me, I'd totally have to add Spider-man 3 to the list. Everyone thought it was over the top and ridiculous, too many villains, emo Peter Parker, etc., but to me, it all just made it feel like I was really watching a screen adaptation of a comic book. I mean, for better or for worse, comics have that kind of thing happen all the time. I felt like the movie was kind of an acknowledgement of that. Villain team-ups? Personal drama? New costumes? Heroes just acting kinda dumb? These are staples of comic books.

04-27-2014, 12:49 PM
Heh, I'm actually kind of surprised that Phantom of the Paradise isn't rated lower than it is. I mean, don't get me wrong, I thought that movie was great, even if it is more Faust than Phantom, but it's something that I would expect for critics to tear it apart. Can't really put my finger on why I'd expect that, other than that it's so different from what people might expect of an adaptation for Phantom of the Opera.
It's Faust, it's Phantom of the Paradise, it's The Picture of Dorian Grey, it's a searing indictment of the music industry of the day and the pop culture marketing machine behind it. Try not to get hung up on the name; they could only reference one thing with the title. Hmm, "The Tragical History of the Picture of the Phantom of the Paradise on American Bandstand," might have been interesting on a movie poster. Fun fact: Paul Williams who played Swan (the antagonist) and wrote the songs, created The Love Boat theme as well as the Muppet Movie soundtrack.

04-27-2014, 12:49 PM
EDIT: Decided I might have been being trollish. Sorry.

My favorite "bad" movie remains Tank Girl, which is tied for first place as my all-time favorite film. A close second is the third Mummy movie (Dragon Emperor).

Chris Miller
04-27-2014, 01:16 PM
I rather liked Predator 2.

04-27-2014, 07:01 PM
Don't misunderstand, I got nothing against it, just thought it was kinda funny how the title doesn't really fully convey what the movie is about. Like, it seems like it's just gonna be a straight-up modernization of Phantom, but then it adds so much more (for the better, in my opinion - without the extras, there would be no Swan, and the movie wouldn't be half as entertaining without Swan - just such a great villain).

04-27-2014, 07:58 PM
...without the extras, there would be no Swan, and the movie wouldn't be half as entertaining without Swan - just such a great villain).
Agreed. The character as villain is just as apropos today as he was then. It helped that Williams was both the embodiment and antithesis of Swan at that point in those days. Supposedly De Palma gave Williams' a lot of leeway as no one knew that story, at that time in the '70's music scene, as well as Williams. Extremely talented, he wrote many of the popular songs of the day both for himself and for other performers (he made The Carpenters... too bad he did not feed them as well) and was briefly considered a sex symbol in spite of his less than tall stature. Unfortunately, his similarity to Swan included an appreciation for intoxicants and between troubles with the music industry sharks and his own addictions, his career suffered until he finally got clean. I believe it was the cult popularity of Phantom', and himself by extension, that helped bring him back.

King Aquamentus
04-27-2014, 08:18 PM
As of right now, my favorite film is still a little story about a french vampire?/zombie? "american", his cheating fiance, a titular room, and a doggy. YOU'RE TEARING ME APART LISA

04-27-2014, 08:43 PM
As of right now, my favorite film is still a little story about a french vampire?/zombie? "american", his cheating fiance, a titular room, and a doggy. YOU'RE TEARING ME APART LISA

The Room. I knew someone would mention this at some point. I have gone out of my way to avoid watching this just in spite of my friends who have tried to make me watch it... nope.

04-27-2014, 09:34 PM
I really wouldn't count The Room, no offense, because it falls into that category of "so bad it's good." I mean, as far as I know, the only reason ANYONE likes that movie is because it's so fun to laugh at how terrible it is.

04-28-2014, 09:44 AM
Eight Crazy Nights

Too many people see this as a humorless story with a ton of jackass characters. I see it as an amazing Holiday tale of a guy who hates the holidays learning the error of his ways, in a good way. Let's talk about the things that people consider a "problem" for the movie.

Characters: This is one that I don't get. The fact that the characters are all "heartless assholes". The thing is, as this is suppose to be a mix between animated and realistic style, it makes sense for the characters to be assholes, as that is indeed a very true interpretation of the real world. The real world does have a crapton of assholes, and some of them even develop as the story goes. It's a very real way of saying that nobody in this world is perfect.

Now as for certain characters, let's talk about Davey Stone, the protagonist. A lot of people consider this guy to be a bad protagonist, which is just stupid. The tale of a grumpy jewish guy, while it doesn't sound like a great idea, oddly works, and works even better with Adam Sandler playing him, as the voice fits perfectly. Now for the character that people consider the most annoying character in the movie, Whitey Duvall. I don't understand why people hate this guy so much. If it's because his voice is annoying, then your ears must be messed up or something, as I don't mind his voice at all, it fits his personality, and I don't find it annoying either. Either way, the characters really aren't that annoying once you understand "why" they're like that.

Art Style: How could people not like this? It's so beautifully drawn, even to a Disney-esque Quality. I often see the argument that the art style doesn't fit the tone of the movie, which is silly. It's a Christmas and Hanukkah movie, it's common for the environments to be nice and beautiful, only for our protagonist to ruin them, and that's part of the comedy. Speaking of that.

Jokes: This is the only one I somewhat agree on. A lot of the jokes are crude, and take some getting used to, but at the end of the day, if you can look past some crude jokes, it's an amazing movie.

The Musical Numbers: Wait, seriously? People hated these? These are some of the best songs to set the tone for the movie, and they're essential for getting the plot going. Exposition is boring, and none of the songs are pointless whatsoever. The songs fit perfectly, that is all I have to say. They're also some of the most memorable songs you'll ever hear in a musical or movie in general.

All I'm trying to say is, Eight Crazy Nights is one of the most underrated Holiday Movies...no, Movies in general of all time, as well as my all time favorite holiday movie. If you see it at the store, buy it, you will not regret it.

King Aquamentus
04-28-2014, 08:51 PM
a close second:

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (1995)

Most of the problem with this film is that people saw it as a 90-minute version of the same 30-minute Tokusatsu/Saved by the Bell hybrid you'd get on Fox Kids, and the production values associated with the show already gave it a bad name with a lot of people. But in truth...

It's more of a 90-minute version of one of the show's gamechanging 120-minute miniseries, except replace Rito with Ivan Ooze, and Ninjor with a hot redhead in a bikini and barbarian boots. Oh, and a big Hollywood budget. It's the show, but better. Better music, Better production quality, better sets, better Angel Grove, better plot (I'm serious), better villains, better ranger suits (plated armor), and some kickass CGI Megazord fighting (ok I lied. the CGI sucks balls.)

The basic plot is that 6000 years ago, an ancient order of Power Rangers had sealed Ivan Ooze away, deep beneath Angel Grove. Once villains Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa found out where, they broke the seal and freed Ivan, asking only that in return, he destroy the rangers mentor and source of power, Zordon. Ivan has a personal beef with Zordon and is happy to oblige, but only for his own ends, because as soon as he's done, he also takes out Rita and Zedd, crowning himself the new ruler of the universe. With no powers and Zordon slowly dying, the rangers are forced to make a dangerous trek to a faraway planet in search of new powers which can save their fallen leader and destroy Ivan.

It's definitely not the greatest movie ever made, but still an entertaining action/adventure romp with the good sense to have some form of real conflict, rather than just summon the megazord and blow the monster up. The plot of this film is the same kind of plot that made up the beginning of the show's second season, and also the Evil Green Ranger saga (aka the show's most memorable moments), and it works well in that regard. The characters are pretty flat, but mostly because the children are already expected to know how they've evolved up to now (the movie is set between seasons 2 and 3), and the parents aren't going to care anyways. Of particular mention is Billy, the nerd of the group. He doesn't even wear glasses in the movie (by request of the actor, who had trouble with the frames) or even demonstrate his intellect, essentially making him a blue version of the red and black rangers. However, these are again characters who have already had personalities established outside of the film, so most kids would fill in the blanks.

All in all, if you're curious enough to watch it, it's not a terrible movie. In fact, in many ways it is pretty badass. It's just... well... It's Power Rangers.

04-28-2014, 10:10 PM
Oh my god, you have NO IDEA how many times I watched the Power Rangers movie when I was a kid, as a matter of fact, neither do I. I've forgotten most of the movie, except the beginning when they're skydiving, as well as the line, 'Guys and girls, girls and guys, gather round and feast your eyes!'

King Aquamentus
04-28-2014, 10:28 PM
Oh my god, you have NO IDEA how many times I watched the Power Rangers movie when I was a kid, as a matter of fact, neither do I. I've forgotten most of the movie, except the beginning when they're skydiving, as well as the line, 'Guys and girls, girls and guys, gather round and feast your eyes!'
I promise you all, you just can't lose, when you've got your own supply of Ivan's Ooze!!

04-28-2014, 11:40 PM
I promise you all, you just can't lose, when you've got your own supply of Ivan's Ooze!!

Show it to your parents! Show it to your friends! When you've got some ooze, the fun never ends!

King Aquamentus
04-28-2014, 11:45 PM
Show it to your parents! Show it to your friends! When you've got some ooze, the fun never ends!

Take it home in boxes!

Take it home in cases!

If your parents try to stop you, just throw it in their faces!!

04-29-2014, 12:00 AM
Something tells me that this has gone on longer than it probably should have. I never even really liked Power Rangers as a kid, I just thought the movie was awesome.

King Aquamentus
04-29-2014, 12:12 AM
There are no limits, we are merely giving life to the thread where there was none

04-29-2014, 12:50 AM
You know it's funny, I never even saw the Power Rangers movie. I was a big fan of the show as a kid, but I think I might have just been about the age to be growing out of Power Rangers by the time the movie came out. Though I do remember playing the SNES game based on the movie.

Alright, let's get back on track here, maybe, I dunno. How about The Last Unicorn? Oddly enough, I myself hated the movie as a kid - maybe because my sisters watched it over and over again, and I kinda had the prejudice of "Oh, it's unicorns and love and shit, that's all too girly for me." Growing up, though, I came to love it, even though most people I know think the thing is just ridiculous. Plus, it had a damn nice (in my opinion) soundtrack by America. Oh, and super bonus points for having a young Jeff Bridges.

05-01-2014, 07:14 PM
One of my favorites is a little 80's movie called "Down Twisted." It's a low budget production so I think it qualifies, however I don't think I know anyone who has watched it. It features Charles Rocket and Bond Girl Carrie Lowell. An IMDB review has a better plot outline, but it's basically about a heist gone wrong and a normal girl gets mixed up in it because they think she is the key to fixing it. My favorite scene is at the climax when the thieves finally collect their money. Linda Kerridge is trying to walk out of the airport inconspicuously, while the of money stuffed into her blouse keeps falling out, leaving a trail behind her. This and a few other things in the movie make it a personal favorite of mine, but I can tell the production quality is low, the plot drags a bit in certain areas, and the dialogue can get a little cheesy which is why I give it the "bad movie" rating.

05-01-2014, 09:22 PM
a close second:

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (1995)

Most of the problem with this film is that people saw it as a 90-minute version of the same 30-minute Tokusatsu/Saved by the Bell hybrid you'd get on Fox Kids, and the production values associated with the show already gave it a bad name with a lot of people. But in truth...

It's more of a 90-minute version of one of the show's gamechanging 120-minute miniseries, except replace Rito with Ivan Ooze, and Ninjor with a hot redhead in a bikini and barbarian boots. Oh, and a big Hollywood budget. It's the show, but better. Better music, Better production quality, better sets, better Angel Grove, better plot (I'm serious), better villains, better ranger suits (plated armor), and some kickass CGI Megazord fighting (ok I lied. the CGI sucks balls.)

The basic plot is that 6000 years ago, an ancient order of Power Rangers had sealed Ivan Ooze away, deep beneath Angel Grove. Once villains Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa found out where, they broke the seal and freed Ivan, asking only that in return, he destroy the rangers mentor and source of power, Zordon. Ivan has a personal beef with Zordon and is happy to oblige, but only for his own ends, because as soon as he's done, he also takes out Rita and Zedd, crowning himself the new ruler of the universe. With no powers and Zordon slowly dying, the rangers are forced to make a dangerous trek to a faraway planet in search of new powers which can save their fallen leader and destroy Ivan.

It's definitely not the greatest movie ever made, but still an entertaining action/adventure romp with the good sense to have some form of real conflict, rather than just summon the megazord and blow the monster up. The plot of this film is the same kind of plot that made up the beginning of the show's second season, and also the Evil Green Ranger saga (aka the show's most memorable moments), and it works well in that regard. The characters are pretty flat, but mostly because the children are already expected to know how they've evolved up to now (the movie is set between seasons 2 and 3), and the parents aren't going to care anyways. Of particular mention is Billy, the nerd of the group. He doesn't even wear glasses in the movie (by request of the actor, who had trouble with the frames) or even demonstrate his intellect, essentially making him a blue version of the red and black rangers. However, these are again characters who have already had personalities established outside of the film, so most kids would fill in the blanks.

All in all, if you're curious enough to watch it, it's not a terrible movie. In fact, in many ways it is pretty badass. It's just... well... It's Power Rangers.

I hated the show, but the movie for some reason worked. I don't know why.


05-04-2014, 11:25 AM
Anyone else besides me enjoy the movie Galaxy Quest? I have some friends who can't stand it for some reason but it's another one of those movies that I have to watch if it's on.

05-04-2014, 03:01 PM
I friggin' love Galaxy Quest, but then, I've never known anyone who thought it was a bad movie. Actually, it's one of those movies that's really kinda grown on me - not that I didn't enjoy it the first time I saw it, but I wasn't super-familiar with Star Trek when I did (I mean, I watched it when it was on and whatnot but I wasn't like a diehard fan at the time), and I certainly wasn't really aware of all of the behind-the-scenes drama and whatnot they were spoofing.

05-04-2014, 11:38 PM
I loved Galaxy Quest. I haven't seen it in ages, though, so who knows if I'd still enjoy it today.

My favorite bad movie has gotta be the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. No one I know enjoyed that movie, but I loved it.

05-04-2014, 11:51 PM
Aww heck, I hadn't even thought about the Hitchhiker's Guide movie in ages. I should watch that again sometime. I'll definitely agree that it hardly compares to the books, the radio show, or the TV show, and it relied way too much on slapstick, but it was enjoyable for what it was.

05-05-2014, 01:23 AM
I loved Galaxy Quest. I haven't seen it in ages, though, so who knows if I'd still enjoy it today.

My favorite bad movie has gotta be the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. No one I know enjoyed that movie, but I loved it.

I am deeply offended. Galaxy Quest was far from bad. My god, man! The Hitchhiker's Guide... movie, however, completely bad. It was funny. Though, not as much as it wanted to be. I enjoyed it but I have never been tempted to give it another go.

I think I only enjoyed the Power Rangers movie as an adult because of nostalgia. It was terrible. The only redeeming trait was Ivan Ooze. Even an awesomely bad villain can't make up for a garbage film.

My favorite bad fllm right now? (This is going to piss off some people) Terminator 2. I just recently rewatched this after not seeing it since i was either an early teen or a preteen. After watching the first and being blown away by how much better it was than I could have appreciated as a kid I started T2 with high hopes. It is amazingly bad for such a praised movie. The only thing that kept me watching was the Uber-Nostalgia. I will admit it is damn cool, but really a bad movie. How was it bad?

The acting: The Terminator was AHHHHNold best role. Why? It required absolutely no acting. All he had to do was look emotionless, intimidating, and awesome! The opening scene of T2 lets you know right away they ruined it. Instead of a killing machine we now have a goofy machobot. All the actors in the film seem to realize that despite the fact that their characters are in serious situations they are in a brainless action film and you cannot take any of them seriously. Not a single character in the film seems to grow at all besides Sarah Conner who seems to be regressing to a child from the badass heroine we got at first.

The Cool Villain: It's okay though, right? Arnold's Terminator getting the pop icon treatment is fine because we have a new monster, and this guy is actually a good actor! Of course, he gets no chance to act! He does his best cold killer routine in the beginning, which is somewhat convincing AND THEN HE DISAPPEARS! for the whole middle of the movie! WTF? The best part of his (I forgot his name and I dont want to look it up) terminator was when he was creepy. If only he was given a chance to be more than an obligatory obstacle.

The Plot: It isn't that bad so much as it is completely expected. Everything happens just as a brainless action movie should.

King Aquamentus
05-07-2014, 07:40 PM
Bad movie!? By Grabthar's hammer!! I loved Galaxy Quest. Apparently, a lot of the Star Trek cast did too, from multiple series (Takei, Frakes, and Stewart all have high opinions of it)

05-07-2014, 10:56 PM
Yeah I never thought Galaxy Quest was bad, and I'm not surprised many of you at AGN like this movie too lol. I just had a few friends that weren't into it so for them it was "bad" but really they probably just didn't get it.

05-20-2014, 03:13 AM
Anyone mention "Howard the Duck" yet? Hands down one of the best bad movies of my generation. For some reason I have to watch the beginning of the movie whenever it comes on. I don't know why either.

06-09-2014, 04:45 AM
I recently rediscovered another one... Kung Pow: Enter the Fist. So terrible, but I still love it so very much.

06-09-2014, 09:11 AM
I loved Kung Pow. My wife and I saw it in the theater. We still use the phrase "Thats a lot of nuts!" any time we are cooking with nuts...or other nut based activities.

06-09-2014, 07:48 PM
I LOVED both Galaxy Quest AND Kung Pow.

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