View Full Version : [3.0]Suggestions for the Palette Editor

04-22-2014, 02:25 PM
You know what features I think the Palette Editor to use?

1. Why not give is the ability to delete a palette just by using the delete key. It would save the trouble of having to copy blank palettes just to get rid of an existing palette, or editing the palette just to make it blank.
2. Why not add a switch button, so that you use the copy button for one palette, then choose another palette and press the switch button to switch those 2 palettes. It would save the trouble of having to copy those palettes from place to place.
3. On top of that, for the combo and tile editors, why not give us access to CSets 12-14. I know those are currently used for GUI and crap, but if you take a look at example_1st.qst, you'll see that the 200 rupee is set use CSet 12. Plus, it's also possible to make enemies use CSets 12-14 by checking the Use Pal CSet Box, then un-checking it and using minus on the Num pad, although using plus makes it skip to CSet 0 if you're on CSet 12, 13, or 14.

01-11-2015, 11:29 AM
Actually CSet 14 is reserved for the sprite palette that is loaded by enemies and would be overwritten mind you if your using them.
My thoughts on the palette editor is that it's not very user friendly and pretty archaic since it hasn't been changed much.

01-11-2015, 06:36 PM
Actually CSet 14 is reserved for the sprite palette that is loaded by enemies and would be overwritten mind you if your using them.
My thoughts on the palette editor is that it's not very user friendly and pretty archaic since it hasn't been changed much.

I know that, but as mentioned above, if you go back to the enemy you were editing, and you un-check the use Pal CSet box and set the Pal CSet to -1, then it would use CSet 14 from the main palette, and not one of the Pal CSets. You know what would be even better is if we had a dropdown box for the pal CSets to replace both the text box and the check box. And the first choice in the dropdown menu would be none.

01-12-2015, 10:36 AM
I agree with the dropbox menu. The problem with access to CSet 14 is if new people start using it and don't realize enemies use it then what happens! Yeah there's a problem in your logic.

01-12-2015, 12:02 PM
Well, there is one other thing about CSet 14. When there's more than one enemy on the screen that uses a Pal CSet, they all use the same Palette instead of using separate palettes. I swear, there should be a quest rule that fixes this kind of behavior. Of course, being able to use CSets 12-14 for enemies in the enemy editor may not have actually been intended behavior back then.