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View Full Version : Friday Food Poll: Ramen

03-01-2014, 12:11 AM
How do you like your ramen noodles?

I like to doctor mine up with a splash of oyster sauce, some sesame oil, and either scallions or chives from my potager. Sometimes I add diced tofu when we have it. Sambal is a must for shrimp-flavoured ramen.

(I decided to revive the Friday food polls of EaTS 'cause traffic is slow and everybody eats.)

03-01-2014, 11:52 AM
Oddly enough ramen is best when you don't even use the damn "flavor-packet" they give you and add exotic things like shrimp or a few things you mentioned (I suppose that's not odd at all), which is somewhat ironic since most of the time you'd eat ramen noodles if you were broke.

I am referring here to the poor mans ramen noodles and not the home-made, Japanese, Vietnamese, or Pho variants, since I don't like those.

03-01-2014, 01:54 PM
Honestly, I can't really stand ramen myself, and almost never touch the stuff if it can be helped. I do remember, though, when I was working as a teacher's aide, some of the kids in a cooking class fried up some ramen noodles with all sorts of stuff (can't remember what all they added, except I know soy sauce and oyster sauce were involved), and that turned out really good.

Chris Miller
03-01-2014, 02:50 PM
I don't really care for it, but I'd eat it if that's all I had to eat.

Aegix Drakan
03-01-2014, 05:43 PM
I.....have a weird relationship with Ramen.

On one hand, LOVE instant noodles. Love the HELL out of them. I cook 'em, eat em with chopsticks, sometimes crack an egg in there (friend showed me that. It actually works out pretty well)...

Instant noodles are my comfort food. Always makes me feel better.

On the other hand, the only time I've had ACTUAL Ramen at a Ramen restaurant (I went for as plain as possible my first time)...I...Kinda got some kind of food poisoning or something. I woke up at 2 in the morning and spent a good hour or two on the bathroom floor in the greatest pain I have ever suffered in my entire life. I wanted to DIE.

So....I...Kinda got scared away from ramen that's not the instant noodle variety. Extreme pain will do that to you.

03-02-2014, 12:31 AM
I love instant noodles, simple good clean eating!. Though I pass up the powder flavor they give you and just use a bullion cube of chicken or beef. then I'll add a splash of soy sauce. :3
Sometimes I'll use the flavor packet but then add corn, peas, and two fried eggs... (I only eat like that when I'm in need of energy!)

03-02-2014, 01:39 PM
I'm not big on broth-y foods, but Ramen is the exception. Prepared as directed, delicious.

03-03-2014, 12:50 AM

03-03-2014, 11:58 PM
I throw whatever into my Ramen. I hardly ever eat the stuff. Usually an egg, onion, garlic, some spices, maybe some veggies, corn, red pepper, worschestershire(that is not spelled right) sauce. Whatever sounds good at the time. It usually comes out tastey.

Aegix Drakan
03-04-2014, 03:26 PM
...Well damn. I kinda screwed up instant noodles. XD

I didn't find the usual kind my grandma buys and gives me, so I went with the mr noodles kind, where a pot is basically mandatory.

...First, I put the noodles in while the water was cold. Then I put too MUCH water in, so that it was hard to pour it into a bowl. -_-

.......Was still totally worth it. XD

03-04-2014, 06:51 PM
I love Pasta. I love soup. Together, I love ramen soup to a ridiculous degree. I probably wouldn't bother with the flavor packet, though I might add it to whatever ramen combination I have just for the lulz. I then add copious amounts of tomato sauce, because I always have some on hand, and just soup the hell out.