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View Full Version : An idea for Zelda Classic

02-16-2014, 07:46 PM
I think save states might be a good idea for Zelda Classic. I think the reason it might be a good idea is because if I wanted to save where I was like starting a certain dungeon; I would not have to start all the way at the start. I also think with difficult custom questions that save states would help anyone play the custom quest. This is just an idea I have, if anyone thinks it is a good idea. If is not a good idea, that is fine too.

02-17-2014, 02:41 AM
Your ideas are completely possible right now. Though "save states" are only feasible in emulated games. A quest maker could make mid-dungeon and on demand continue points. This is completely up to them. Unfortunately a lot of quest makers don't make mid dungeon continue or easy ways to skip the portions of the dungeon that a player has completed. The only way to get these things into a quest is to ask the quest maker.

02-17-2014, 03:33 AM
ZC is just not set up to be able to de/serialize that amount of data willy-nilly like. The reasons emulators do it is because it is easy once all the hard work of emulation is done. For PC and console games this requires much more investment in writing code beyond save-files. What is usually more common is a debug console or other debugging features during development. There's also the matter of pushing script-states and other corner cases I can't think of right now. Of course once the source code is made available someone is welcome to try it, but I would think it low priority.

Also, save states make games too easy. ;)

02-18-2014, 12:49 AM
It was just an idea that I had. I understand why it might not be a good idea. I just wanted to throw the idea out there, and see what people thought.

02-18-2014, 02:31 PM
Isn't the lack of on-demand saves part of the fundamental mechanics and strategy of the game?

02-19-2014, 05:53 PM
Ya, you are right. I just was trying to see if it was really a good idea or not.

02-22-2014, 01:46 AM
Isn't the lack of on-demand saves part of the fundamental mechanics and strategy of the game?

This isn't necessarily true anymore. ZC has grown quite a bit and most custom quests are very different from the original game. I am not saying save states exactly but limited on demand continue points (similar to how OoT did it) and convenient mid point continues and short cut warps that came about in later Zeldas are not only possible (with and without scripting) but can also make quests more enjoyable.