View Full Version : Multiple houses on one screen

01-18-2014, 11:15 PM
Ok, I'm new at the quest editor, and I'm sure others have had this issue as well. I have tried finding a solution; searching the internet and such, but with no luck, so I've decided to resort to asking for help.

Basically, my problem is that I want to make two doors on one screen that both lead to caves. The cave contains a guy that says a few lines of text. I want each door to lead to a seperate cave with a seperate guy, but at the moment both lead to the same cave. I'm not sure how to do it. The two doors are set with stairs a and stairs b, respectively. I'm not sure how else to describe this issue, but yeah. Have some images.





01-19-2014, 01:07 AM
The problem is that there is actually only one cave screen per DMap in ZC, so without further settings the entrances both lead to the same screen by default, the bottommost leftmost screen.

Under the top menu Screen, there is a tilewarp tab, and the settings for warps a-d are there.
They will be both set to Cave at first, that's why they both go to the same screen.

To remedy that, you'd have to set at least one of them to Entrance/Exit, and set the tile warp data for either a or b to something else, then go to that screen (the order of which that's done doesn't matter, you could set the other screen data first), and set it's tilewarp or side warp data and Use Warp Return Points data to the respective desired point.

01-20-2014, 12:06 AM
Ah, thank you, I think I'm getting there :)