View Full Version : Community Judging Pledge List

12-24-2013, 12:22 AM
(No, we are not raising money for cancer.)

Since things have slowed considerably and there are no "official judges" I have decided to try something to get more testers and feedback. I am making a list of all entries organized by priority. Quests which haven't been played by very many people will have high priority. Each entry will be assigned a person who pledges to play the quest completely or until it is deemed impossible to complete(hopefully this wont happen.) Once entries in the high priority section have been assigned a player then the mid priority will be assigned player and so on. When you pledge to test a quest you promise to do your best to play the quest completely in a timely manner. We understand people are busy we just want to to try to give that quest as much time and effort as you can.

Reply to this thread to pledge to play a quest or with any questions. If you have completed any entries or could not complete any please let us know! Also please report any bugs, issues, or tell us how you feel in the entry's official thread. It is essential to the contest that you do!

(List order subject to change.)

High Priority:
Hero of Fire

Mid Priority:
Love For Fire

Low Priority:
Chris Miller

Love For Fire
12-24-2013, 01:02 AM
I like this idea. I'll sign up for Nethis' Quest.

12-24-2013, 01:41 AM
Pledging for LFF and Imzogelmo.


12-24-2013, 02:25 AM
At this time we are only doing one User per Entry and one Entry per User. Obviously if you choose to play more than one at a time no one can stop you but please put as much or more focus to your pledged entry.

12-24-2013, 04:22 AM
Here's the order of my to-do list for 5th quests I haven't played yet:
(Others in no particular order: Chris Miller, QW, HOF...possibly others)

12-24-2013, 05:54 AM
I finished 'DCSyxx' a couple days ago, and hope to finish 'Chris Miller' soon. Going away for a bit, but if no one pledges a High Priority quest by the time I return, I can help.

Of course, I'd need to give point breakdowns; I did not do so with 'DCSyxx' as of now.

BTW: I always wanted to get in on this, but I could never open the original quest to work on it, as I don't have the password for it. Little help?

12-24-2013, 11:31 PM
Here's the order of my to-do list for 5th quests I haven't played yet:
(Others in no particular order: Chris Miller, QW, HOF...possibly others)

Can I persuade you to take one of the two left in the High Priority list first instead?

I finished 'DCSyxx' a couple days ago, and hope to finish 'Chris Miller' soon. Going away for a bit, but if no one pledges a High Priority quest by the time I return, I can help.

Of course, I'd need to give point breakdowns; I did not do so with 'DCSyxx' as of now.

BTW: I always wanted to get in on this, but I could never open the original quest to work on it, as I don't have the password for it. Little help?

Thanks for your support. Be sure to report thoughts and issues to the Entry threads. As for the original Nth Quests check the database for Example_1st and Example_2nd. I think they are in there. Some people around here should have Example_3rd and Example_4th. I think I do but I am not sure where I put them.

12-26-2013, 11:02 PM
I've got hero of fire

12-27-2013, 10:18 AM
Done with Imzogelmo for the most part. It was fun.


12-30-2013, 09:33 AM
Thanks for your support. Be sure to report thoughts and issues to the Entry threads. As for the original Nth Quests check the database for Example_1st and Example_2nd. I think they are in there. Some people around here should have Example_3rd and Example_4th. I think I do but I am not sure where I put them.

I'm working on 'zcfan' next.

I have the first four quests, but they all require a password.

12-31-2013, 01:37 PM
Finished the one by zcfan27330 (after having to go into the Quest editor to render a couple changes). Posted my thoughts.

12-31-2013, 08:58 PM
Finished BtjCraft's a few days ago and posted my thoughts. Have yet to hear back from the quest creator.

01-30-2014, 08:29 PM
I have ignored this since my computer died because I loathe posting from my phone. I can finally play ZC again but all my files are on an IDE drive I cannot access. Which means my ZC save file. I was half way through peteandwally's quest so I don't think I will be restarting that one. I also haven't kept up with whos played what since atleast a month ago. Any ideas on new priority quests will help. Also any recommendation I can get started on until I get my save file back.