View Full Version : Choose your death!

11-07-2013, 07:49 PM
Basically This or That but WITH DEATH!!

Drowning in a pool of bum urine or cooked in a giant low powered microwave oven?

11-07-2013, 11:57 PM
Drowning is agony. Being microwaved alive is also agony. But at least after being microwaved I'd be delicious!
I'm going to go with the microwave.

30k volts or a bath in Liquid Nitrogen?

11-08-2013, 12:00 AM
Liquid Nitrogen. Atleast then I might not shit myself.

Drinking antifreeze or eating crystal draino?

02-02-2014, 08:21 AM
Damned either way (which is the point of this thread) so I'll pick Antifreeze, cause eating myself to death sounds...I don't know...something one of my brothers would joke about.

Death by Alucard (Hellsing, either version, regular or Ultimate) or turned to stone like in the Rocky Horror Picture Show and have your statue dressed in lingerie. But you don't get un-stoned later (obviously since you need to stay dead for this to work)