View Full Version : *** Submitting Your Entry ***

11-03-2013, 01:51 PM
To officially submit your entry simply create a new thread in this forum for your entry. You may host your entry wherever you wish but please choose carefully so it isn't difficult(or a malware risk) to download your entry. Any entry not submitted here by the hard deadline(Currently Nov 12th) will not be accepted. Your entry's thread will serve as a place for the community to test your quest and rate your quest.

NOTICE: You can name your thread anything you want but it must start with "[5th Quest Entry]"

Playtesting: Instead of just playing a quest and saying whether you like it or not we hope that you will assist the contest a little more. Most importantly we need to know if and where a quest violates contest rules and bugs.

[This thread will be updated with important information so check in every now and then]

EDIT: (gonna try to tag those who havent made a submission post)
Dart Zaidyer
Love For Fire