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View Full Version : Is anyone still working on Zelda Classic?

10-19-2013, 02:39 PM
The changelog shows it's mostly been saffith, along with gleeok. the last change was over a month ago.

Nicholas Steel
10-19-2013, 07:52 PM
They're likely taking a long deserved break/giving the community a chance to get accustomed to the changes v2.5 introduces.

10-21-2013, 03:50 AM
I have about 2 bugs still on my todo list plus whatever Saffith wants to do, and then the 2.5 cycle should be finally over - Saffith's been doing most of the bug-fixing though. Whatever happens after that might be more based on an open-sourced, 3rd party, and/or community effort. It's entirely possible this would bring in new developers as well.

11-13-2013, 09:57 PM
Okay, now it's been over 2 months since the last bug fixes were committed (September 8) and we've been posting quite a handful of bugs since then. Like, here are some the ones I've reported over the last few months:


There are many other bug reports we've made that still need to be dealt with if we ever expect ZC to go open source, and yet, many of them still have not been dealt with. It's like the only two active developers have been so busy with other things like the 5th Quest Contest and new ZScript functions, that they've completely forgotten about the ZC bug forums. To be honest, another thing ZC really needs is a new development team, seeing as most of the other developers have since left the team.