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View Full Version : Haven't been here in quite some time.

10-05-2013, 12:31 AM
Hey guys, I haven't posted anything here in years and I hope this doesn't go against any rules or anything, but since I joined these forums over 12 years ago this was one of the first places that came to mind when I was wondering where to post this.

For anyone that doesn't know me or just didn't know, I've been training Parkour and Freerunning for almost 8 years now and have decided to open up a gym in Chicago. Which is pretty damn expensive, so I'm asking everywhere I can to help out a bit in any way they can. Donations would be fantastic, spreading the link also great, thanks in advance. Also who all is still around? I'm sure there's still plenty of familiar names around here.


10-13-2013, 07:13 PM
See, if you were in eastern PA, I would be all about this.

10-15-2013, 12:19 AM
Hey guys, I haven't posted anything here in years and I hope this doesn't go against any rules or anything, but since I joined these forums over 12 years ago this was one of the first places that came to mind when I was wondering where to post this.

Welcome back. I am not particularly interested in Parkour but I am glad you are so ambitious. Hope it all works out.

10-16-2013, 07:37 AM
Woah woah woah - you totally have Mage Points in your signature still. Hold onto those, they're fucking ancient! The interest on them alone probably makes them worth 10x that.

03-29-2015, 10:37 PM
*Super Grave Digging Bump*

Logged on and saw a "post quote notification", took me back to this. Of course I still have the MP in my signature, as well as a link to my old website that flopped back in high school.

I should check back in here more often though, really glad to see this place still up after all these years.

Chris Miller
03-29-2015, 11:06 PM
Yo! It's great you're still around.
...man, I just noticed, you're the very first person I ever added to my AIM list. o_o

How have you been?

03-29-2015, 11:42 PM
Pretty damn good actually, pretty much just jumping and flipping on/off stuff, quit my job last week, and I'm going to Japan for 21 days in a little over a week. AIM, that's another thing I haven't checked in quite some time, I should really install that again some time and see who all is still on there. How about you?