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09-15-2013, 10:02 AM
http://www.foxnews.com/health/2013/09/12/lobsters-may-be-answer-to-immortality/ o.o

09-15-2013, 11:19 AM
Of course, telomerase is also what causes cancerous cells to be able to grow out of control the way they do, so we might not wanna be mainlining lobster juice just yet.

09-15-2013, 12:07 PM
*in middle of experimental immortality potion tests* Eh? *awkward silence* Maybe I should get rid of this then..... *stares nervously at lobster juice-based potion in question*

[edit-o-vision] : after reading the article fully, it mentions that they REGENERATE, PERFECT CELLS. *lets that sink in*

09-15-2013, 04:41 PM

Please. Lobsters have always been a thing.

09-15-2013, 04:50 PM
New studies confirm that people will not only live hundreds of years longer, but will also taste great!!! :D
Unrelated new craze: Swimming. Pool installations rise an incredible 300,000 percent.

Warning: Side effects may include morning crabbiness, sideways pacing, tentacle growth, fear of boiling water, spontaneous fishing trips, kelp dreams, and monster face. Do not rub with butter or lemon.

The real story here is that sidebar. I mean, just look at this:

1)Woman suing hospital, doctors over prank during surgery
2)Woman sues hospital claiming vaginal ultrasound felt like 'rape'
3)Lobsters may be the answer to immortality
4)Ethiopian farmer claims he is 160 years old
5)Vaccine eradicates virus that causes AIDS in monkeys

09-15-2013, 07:15 PM
New studies confirm that people will not only live hundreds of years longer, but will also taste great!!!
I just watched The Happening last night so with the idea of the population problems that would arise from radically extended lifespans, I am getting a kick, yadda, yadda. The science is sehr cool but the sociological ramifications are intriguing, to say the least. Just imagine everyone's lifespan extended three times. "'Til death do us part," may not look so inviting after the first centennial wedding anniversary. Retire in your sixties? Good luck with that. Remembering the names of all one's grandchildren, great grandchildren, great-great grandchildren et cetera should not be all that difficult since there will have to be some severe procreation quotas in place. Inheritance laws will get more fun, though. Now imagine everyone that can afford it having their lifespan extended three times. How fast before the world is divided between the rich and the JF Sebastians?

Crab tastes better than lobster, anyway.

Incidentally, number five on Gleeok's sidebar list is a brilliant breakthrough. So far, they have succeeded in eradicating SIV (simian form of HIV) in over half the test subjects. A portion of the test subjects took bad turns related to the SIV before treatment could be concluded. This could mean the CMV (cytomegalovirus, it is a form of herpes that makes one crave Chuck Mangione music) is only about 50% effective unless researchers can determine variables for the subjects that did not recover. The form of SIV used is particularly virulent compared to HIV so that also raises expectations for CMV's effectiveness against HIV.

09-15-2013, 09:51 PM
I just watched The Happening last night so with the idea of the population problems that would arise from radically extended lifespans, I am getting a kick, yadda, yadda. The science is sehr cool but the sociological ramifications are intriguing, to say the least. Just imagine everyone's lifespan extended three times. "'Til death do us part," may not look so inviting after the first centennial wedding anniversary. Retire in your sixties? Good luck with that. Remembering the names of all one's grandchildren, great grandchildren, great-great grandchildren et cetera should not be all that difficult since there will have to be some severe procreation quotas in place. Inheritance laws will get more fun, though. Now imagine everyone that can afford it having their lifespan extended three times. How fast before the world is divided between the rich and the JF Sebastians?

Ender's Game?