View Full Version : Ghost Hunters Anyone?

07-27-2013, 10:41 PM
Anybody here watch Ghost Hunters on SciFi Channel? If so, did any of you see the mid-season finale on July 17th?

I bring this up because the place I work at, The Elms Hotel, was where that particular episode focused on.

If you did see it, what did you think? I can tell ya that working there is at least interesting.

07-27-2013, 11:37 PM
Personal stories?

07-28-2013, 12:13 AM
I've got a few that happened to me.

I work in housekeepeing so its my job to clean stuff. Last summer I got a call that the women's restroom in the lobby needed to be serviced. I went in and saw
TP and paper towels EVERYWHERE. What stood out the most though was that the handicap stall in the back was locked from the inside with nobody in it. I crawled
underneath to unlock it and saw that somebody had taken the 2 rolls of TP in there and rolled them under the other stalls. At first I though it was some kid playing
a prank, but I found out later we had nobody with kids check-in (or out) the entire weekend.

A few weeks later, a girl who worked at the front desk at the time went into the same restroom and the same stall opened and closed by itself while she was in there.

A few months ago, another girl from the front desk was in there washing her hands with a guest in the stall, when it swung open slowly when the guest
swore she had locked it.

I'd like to make one note about the episode, if you watched it/plan to: everything that happens on the 5th floor fits the MO of a ghost the staff calls Charlie up there.
Room 501 is one of his main haunts there, though he's been causing mischief all-over the place up there. I've had him mess with the guest elevator while doing a ghost tour
on 5F twice. It came up when nobody on any floor had called it (you can tell with this elevator if its been called because it dings whenever a button is pressed, quite loudly), opened up on 5F, nobody in it, closed and went back down to the lobby.

07-28-2013, 01:05 AM
I want a free room.

07-28-2013, 02:22 AM
I've seen a few. Probably the worst ones though - the ones where the most abnormal behavior comes from themselves, and they basically reinvent the "jump-to-conclusions" thing from office space. So... probably from season 1 I'm guessing.

I've got a few that happened to me.

I work in housekeepeing so its my job to clean stuff. Last summer I got a call that the women's restroom in the lobby needed to be serviced. I went in and saw
TP and paper towels EVERYWHERE. What stood out the most though was that the handicap stall in the back was locked from the inside with nobody in it. I crawled
underneath to unlock it and saw that somebody had taken the 2 rolls of TP in there and rolled them under the other stalls. At first I though it was some kid playing
a prank, but I found out later we had nobody with kids check-in (or out) the entire weekend.

A few weeks later, a girl who worked at the front desk at the time went into the same restroom and the same stall opened and closed by itself while she was in there.

A few months ago, another girl from the front desk was in there washing her hands with a guest in the stall, when it swung open slowly when the guest
swore she had locked it.

The lock is just broken. :P

I'd like to make one note about the episode, if you watched it/plan to: everything that happens on the 5th floor fits the MO of a ghost the staff calls Charlie up there.
Room 501 is one of his main haunts there, though he's been causing mischief all-over the place up there. I've had him mess with the guest elevator while doing a ghost tour
on 5F twice. It came up when nobody on any floor had called it (you can tell with this elevator if its been called because it dings whenever a button is pressed, quite loudly), opened up on 5F, nobody in it, closed and went back down to the lobby.

That's because the elevator was sent up, and then retroactively recalled, from the lobby!

I want a free room.

I propose that we form a paranormal investigation team called, say, the Ghost-Busters, and will offer to investigate these strange behaviors at the hotel free-of-charge for a month. All we need is for mrz84 to make it happen.

07-28-2013, 09:33 AM
I propose that we form a paranormal investigation team called, say, the Ghost-Busters, and will offer to investigate these strange behaviors at the hotel free-of-charge for a month. All we need is for mrz84 to make it happen.

I'll join in if there is a banquet room set up so I can pull the tablecloth out from everything and proclaim "And the flowers are still standing!"

07-28-2013, 09:39 AM
I can't get free rooms, sadly. Only reduced prices for those who are of blood relation (parents, siblings, your kids) and your spouse. It is a sound idea and would be interesting.
At best though, the standard rooms cost about $120-ish per night (I haven't checked the prices since the renovations ended so I'm not sure how accurate this is) with our most expensive rooms on 5F where the GH had the most activity in the show.

And erm2003, you'll be glad to know we have 2 ballrooms and at least one is usually set up during the week (unless there's no events going on) though sometimes its for business meetings and not weddings or anything else with flowers on the tables.

07-28-2013, 02:54 PM
I work in housekeepeing so its my job to clean stuff. Last summer I got a call that the women's restroom in the lobby needed to be serviced. I went in and saw
TP and paper towels EVERYWHERE. What stood out the most though was that the handicap stall in the back was locked from the inside with nobody in it. I crawled
underneath to unlock it and saw that somebody had taken the 2 rolls of TP in there and rolled them under the other stalls. At first I though it was some kid playing
a prank, but I found out later we had nobody with kids check-in (or out) the entire weekend.
No smeared feces? Lucky you. I am not trying to debunk your ghost here but some people turn into rabid animals in public lavatories. The worst bathroom faux pas I ever remember from my school days was the occasional floater. As an adult, I have seen lav's turned into literal biohazards by adults. Pro-tip, never purchase any art books, manga, or remotely erotic literature from a bookstore with public lav's...not all of them follow rules on writing off books recovered from loos. Unfortunately, it's not just the men-folk *shudders* I worked at a company with a secured campus, security badges for every section and no children allowed, and the lavatories were often wrecked. On a good day they were merely festooned with paper-products and food stuff but often they were OSHA concerns. The occasional cup behind a commode was understandable (it's a...non-TP thing for some) but why take the time and effort to spread trash and biological substances around an entire room? And who thinks that is an appropriate place to have a nosh? Locking a stall then crawling out to leave it locked is amateur hour and I pity the adult whose self-worth is so low that get a sense of accomplishment out of such activity. Those who cannot create think destruction is a comparable substitute.

As for ghosts... not sure. I tend to go with the theory of lingering energy. No consciousness or new reasoning but the left-over habits of certain energies.

edited because I forgot to turn off spell-checker

07-28-2013, 06:35 PM
My general attitude toward ghosts and such is to avoid anyone who proclaims to have knowledge of ghosts and the otherworldly and is willing to have a television show based on their exploits. It's a lethal combination toward cold reading and the like. I've spoken with plenty of people with the aptitude toward knowing things they should not be able to know who absolutely refuse to have anything to do with the public, similar to how a witch would prefer to be reclusive to avoid the public's eye. It's quite understandable.

Also, I can certainly attest to some horrific biohazards appearing in public restrooms. Most of the bolder stories I could tell revolve around the central line "Oh god, it was on the ceiling!!" .. followed by me running away in abject panic.

07-29-2013, 01:10 AM
Ghosts are real.

I've seen some shit.

07-29-2013, 10:45 AM
Ghosts are real.

I've seen some shit.Stories?


I'm going to quote a few paragraphs from a book I have. Michael Newton's "Journey of Souls."

Before continuing with the passage of souls into the spirit world, I want to discuss
those entities who either have not made it this far after physical death, or will be
diverted from the normal travel route.

The Displaced Soul:
There are souls who have been so severely damaged they are detached from the
mainstream of souls going back to a spiritual home base. Compared to all returning
entities, the number of these abnormal souls is not large. However, what has
happened to them on Earth is significant because of the serious effect they have on
other incarnated souls.

There are two types of displaced souls: those who do not accept the fact their
physical body is dead and fight returning to the spirit world for reasons of personal
anguish, and those souls who have been subverted by, or had complicity with,
criminal abnormalities in a human body. In the first instance, displacement is of the
soul's own choosing, while in the second case, spiritual guides deliberately remove
these souls from further association with other entities for an indeterminate period.
In both situations, the guides of these souls are intimately concerned with
rehabilitation, but because the circumstances are quite different between each type
of displaced soul, I will treat them separately.

The first type we call ghosts. These spirits refuse to go home after physical death
and often have unpleasant influences on those of us who would like to finish out our
own human lives in peace. These displaced souls are sometimes falsely called
"demonic spirits" because they are accused of invading the minds of people with
harmful intent. The subject of negative Spirits has produced serious investigations
in the field of parapsychology. Unfortunately, this area of spirituality has also
attracted a fringe element of the unscrupulous associated with the occult, who prey
on the emotions of susceptible people

The troubled spirit is an immature entity with unfinished business in a past life on
Earth. They may have no relation to the living person who is disrupted by them. It
is true that some people are convenient and receptive conduits for negative spirits
who wish to express their querulous nature. This means that someone who is in a
deep meditative state of consciousness might occasionally pick up annoying signal
patterns from a discarnated being whose communications can range from the
frivolous to provocative. These unsettled entities are not spiritual guides. Real
guides are healers and don't intrude with acrimonious messages.

More often than not, these uncommon haunted spirits are tied to a particular
geographic location. Researchers who have specialized in the phenomena of ghosts
indicate those disturbed entities are caught in a no-man's land between the lower
astral planes of Earth and the spirit world. From my own research, I don't believe
these souls are lost in space, nor are they demonic.

They choose to remain within the Earth plane after physical death for a time by their own volition due to a high level of discontent. In my opinion, they are damaged souls because they evidence
confusion, despair, and even hostility to such an extent they want their guides to
stay away from them. We do know a negative, displaced entity can be reached and
handled by various means, such as exorcism, to get them to stop interfering with
human beings. Possessing spirits can be persuaded to leave and eventually make a
proper transition into the spirit world.

Of course, keep in mind that this is entirely out of context, and may cause more confusion than it may placate.