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View Full Version : Boomerang Spamming

07-09-2013, 01:26 AM
In the original LOZ you could spam your boomerang quickly to make enemies have a higher droprate. This is not a function in this game. To make it like the actual it needs to be implemented.

King Aquamentus
07-09-2013, 10:47 AM
I've never even heard of this.

07-11-2013, 07:57 PM
Are you sure spamm'n the rang actually does that or maybe you would just get luckier than usual by projecting your high rate of actions into the circuitry whilst playing LoZ?

I mean, stuff happens.

07-11-2013, 10:24 PM
I think he means there is no cool-down period when Link catches the boomerang in the NES version.

I don't know anything about boomerang affecting drop rate - especially since the boomerang can't even kill enemies. :\

07-11-2013, 10:38 PM
It's something I would have to try myself. Since I don't have an original cartridge though, and by the time I get one it could've been modded I'm going to opt out of investigating this one.

Maybe it's a thing where the drop rate resets every time the enemy is stunned or something.

One time I accidently found the whole NASDAQ looking at source code stuff.

07-27-2013, 05:33 PM
There's no difference in timing that I can discern. If throwing the boomerang repeatedly has some invisible effect, we need more information. A repeatable experiment, a memory location to watch, something like that.

11-08-2013, 12:03 AM
I don't know about boomerang spamming, but remember "10th enemy has the bomb"? This has been interpreted as meaning that 10 consecutive enemy kills, without getting any damage to yourself, would cause an enemy to drop bombs 100% (unless the enemy was one which had a no-item drop set). I have not tested that theory, but it seems reasonable and should be easy enough to try.

11-08-2013, 12:09 AM
I don't know about boomerang spamming, but remember "10th enemy has the bomb"? This has been interpreted as meaning that 10 consecutive enemy kills, without getting any damage to yourself, would cause an enemy to drop bombs 100% (unless the enemy was one which had a no-item drop set). I have not tested that theory, but it seems reasonable and should be easy enough to try.

Well, technically the tenth enemy is supposed to drop it's best (rarest) item which is usually bombs or blue rupees. I can't remember though if this was only in the prototype and the string was just left over.

11-08-2013, 12:56 AM
That would make more sense, thanks.

Even so, my point was more that "ZC doesn't replicate the item drop system." I'm guessing that with a fairly simple global script that could be duplicated fairly closely though. (In no way does that mean it should not be made a built-in feature if NES consistency bugs are ever addressed).

11-08-2013, 02:09 AM
That would make more sense, thanks.

Even so, my point was more that "ZC doesn't replicate the item drop system." I'm guessing that with a fairly simple global script that could be duplicated fairly closely though. (In no way does that mean it should not be made a built-in feature if NES consistency bugs are ever addressed).

(I feel like we've discussed this here at AGN before)

It would be a simple script. Especially since I didn't know npc->ItemSet existed.

11-08-2013, 02:42 AM
I'm getting dejavu over here. Anyway, I think you'd have to create an item dropset for every item where rate == 100% on each. From there you have an array:

array[10 *N_unique_10drop_enemy_sets];
enemy->DropSet = array[GetEnemyDropTypeBasedOffHits(enemy, consecutive, kills)];
//keep track of enemy kills...

That should give you the exact NES enemy->item look up table in the ROM.

The reason "tenth enemy has the bomb" is because the first item id in that group of 10 possible items is a bomb IIRC.