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View Full Version : 2.5 help... Again

06-29-2013, 12:20 PM
I was wondering if there was a way to make a dungeon room where you kill all the monsters, and it will cause secret tile 0 to appear, but not secret tile 1, which is activated by pushing a block that you gain access to after killing the enemies. Also, I am unable to add my own music to the game, I get an error that says "Error loading tune (Song name)." My songs are located in a .nsf folder on my desktop, and are all .Mid.

07-05-2013, 03:28 PM
Right now off the top of my head I can only answer the music question. So you need to move the nsf folder to the same exact folder your quest is in, like I have my quest in the Zelda Classic folder, so move all your music to the Zelda Classic folder. Or just move your quest file to the desktop. Just to play custom music in Zelda Classic, your music has to be in the same exact place your quest file is in.

I think now that I think about it, you just need to put a flag down for secret tile 0 (known as flag 16), then in your screen data go to enemies then click the enemies trigger secret, or something like that.

Hope this helps!

07-06-2013, 05:56 PM
Actually, there is a way to do it. It's very hack'ish and crude, in the "hardcoded" sort of way, but it should work.

We'll be using Tiered Secrets, since the screen's secrets will effectively be triggered twice.

You'll actually need three secret combos for this one. In order of 16, 17, and 18:
Whatever is triggered when the enemies die.
Place this flag what you mentioned secret tile 1 would be before triggering the block's secrets after the enemies die. Then, Ctrl-Click it and select Secret Flag #18.
Okay, this secret combo is what the block trigger secret should be after you push the block due to the screen secrets triggering. .. again.

Of course, the actual block combo that you use needs to be the "Push, Wait" type combo of whatever heaviness desired. "Wait" means it waits for all enemies to be dead before it can be pushed at all. and the flag that you use is either Flag #2 or any of the "___, Trigger" block push flags.

Did any of that make sense? It's not very common knowledge.