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View Full Version : The E3 2013 Thread

06-10-2013, 11:52 PM
Its going to be made as either a single thread or several smaller threads so here it is. Discuss this year's E3 and its going ons.

I've only until an hour ago, engrossed in my copy of Animal Crossing New Leaf so I'm just now hearing about what's happened so far.

Concerning X1, nothing I cared about since I didn't plan on getting the system. Killer Instinct returning was predictable with the recent rumors (or at least to me) and surprise, a new Halo. The only true surprise for me was Dead Rising 3. Not worth a system for just it though and it will most likely not stay exclusive for very long, if at all.

Sony.......Kingdom Hearts 3 and FF 15 (maybe? I'm hearing that SE is testing people's reactions to the trailer, which I liked btw, to see if they want that as 15, or versus13 as the next FF game) are both surprises to me as I wasn't expecting them.

Ps4 will support used games and no online check (both nice to know), will cost $399, Elder Scrolls Online, and a mashup video of everything else sony's bringing: http://www.gamespot.com/e3/ea-e3-conference-2013-mash-up-6409675/ (you can probably look it up on youtube as well, but its late and work tomorrow so meh)

As for Nintendo's Direct for tomorrow, here: http://www.inquisitr.com/690152/super-smash-bros-e3-2013-nintendo-direct-to-host-first-coverage/

New Smash Bros coverage will be in it. [edit: Mega Man is confrimed]


06-11-2013, 04:54 PM
My only comment for now... Mega Man! Finally!

06-11-2013, 06:02 PM
This reminds me Sony made an how to share you games on PS4 video which is the best thing in the world.

06-11-2013, 07:27 PM
[edit]: somebody had the video removed so here's a longer, full video with Sakurai narrating.

06-11-2013, 07:36 PM
http://youtu.be/gv06zkALBPo -> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10691609/what/tumblr_inline_mh8wwnJZiG1rbw4b5.jpg

Glenn the Great
06-11-2013, 08:28 PM
Well guys, I stayed out of the current console generation, but I think I'm going to go ahead and sign up for my PS4.

As for the Wii U stuff, meh. Nintendo's just gotten too casual/kiddie/party for my tastes.
Is it just me, or does this new Smash Bros. actually look worse than Brawl? It certainly looks less realistic and more cartoony at the very least.
That and it doesn't play Blu-ray. I'll get just about as much use out of PS4 as a media center as I will playing games.

06-11-2013, 10:59 PM
Well guys, I stayed out of the current console generation, but I think I'm going to go ahead and sign up for my PS4.

As for the Wii U stuff, meh. Nintendo's just gotten too casual/kiddie/party for my tastes.
Is it just me, or does this new Smash Bros. actually look worse than Brawl? It certainly looks less realistic and more cartoony at the very least.
That and it doesn't play Blu-ray. I'll get just about as much use out of PS4 as a media center as I will playing games.

The only footage I saw that made me think it was too cartoony was for the 3DS version. I thought what they showed for the Wii U version was looking pretty good. I am sure I will at least invest into the Wii U version at some point.

06-12-2013, 12:43 AM
http://youtu.be/gv06zkALBPo -> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10691609/what/tumblr_inline_mh8wwnJZiG1rbw4b5.jpg

Ya, somebody in the vid I posted directed me to that. On one hand, I think its an interesting choice for a character, but on the other I feel somebody else could have had that spot. But the entire roster hasn't been revealed yet, so who knows who else will get in?

And judging from the Mega Man footage, my prediction for his moves list:

Final Smash: Super Armor (MM6/7) This is the only one I'm leaving on this list, as an edit of a previous post has gameplay of his moves being shown and talked about. Except for his Final Smash.

06-12-2013, 02:05 AM
I don't buy new consoles so it will be a while before I pick up a Wii U. I never got a PS3 but considering I will never get a Xbox One I may grab a PS4 someday. The 3DS however is quite tempting especially with ALTTP2 and SSB. I don't see myself getting one soon but certainly before a nextgen home console.

06-12-2013, 04:21 PM
Megaman. Finally.

Mario 3D world, amazing.

Mario Kart, strong innovation, looks like a blast.

Donkey Kong, another stellar title I'm sure.


If I ever start gaming again, I might get a PS4. Xbone is garbage.

06-12-2013, 04:27 PM
Yeah... Pretty much I'm not touching XBone with a 100 foot pole. I'll be pretty happy with a PS4.
And the ps4 has Final fantasy XV and Kingdom hearts III. So its a insta buy for me. :P

06-13-2013, 04:24 PM
Didn't know whether to post this tidbit in the X1 thread or here, but I'll post it here and it can be moved if it needs to.

Anyways. Nintendo (as most of you know, I hope) are doing a Best Buy E3 Experience with some of their demos and stuff at E3, at select Best Buys across the country. Well. Microsoft doesn't like that apperently: http://www.gonintendo.com/?mode=viewstory&id=205110

And their thoughts on what a next-gen game should be defined as: http://www.gamespot.com/e3/microsoft-on-what-defines-a-next-gen-game-6410188/

Also, some nifty Miyamoto info: http://www.gonintendo.com/?mode=viewstory&id=205134

06-13-2013, 06:04 PM
It's looking pretty good for the PS4 and Wii U. I never got into the current console gen much (have a 360 though), but I might just have to pick up a PS4.

Another thing worth mentioning is the OUYA: $99 open-console (ie; compile stuff for Android/ARM and install it directly from your computer) which you will be able to play (illegally probably) NES, SNES, SEGA, PSX, PSP, GBA, GAMECUBE, N64, DREAMCAST, SATURN emulators.
Something else I am thinking about.

This reminds me Sony made an how to share you games on PS4 video which is the best thing in the world.


06-13-2013, 06:54 PM
Another thing worth mentioning is the OUYA: $99 open-console (ie; compile stuff for Android/ARM and install it directly from your computer) which you will be able to play (illegally probably) NES, SNES, SEGA, PSX, PSP, GBA, GAMECUBE, N64, DREAMCAST, SATURN emulators.
Something else I am thinking about.

I've seen the OUYA, that is one thing I would love to buy when it comes out, Just thinking about the homebrew capability makes me interested it more then ever!.

You know the ESA called the police on them for having a thing going across the street from E3, I don't why that makes me laugh so hard... <.<

Read about it here; http://www.game-debate.com/news/?news=6415&game=None&title=ESA%20Not%20Happy%20With%20Ouya%20Next%20Doo r

06-15-2013, 01:14 PM
And with e3 wrapping up, here's some video news!



Big news: PS4 will have a sub service like XBox Live BUT it will only cost $5. Compared to 360's $9 per month, $30 for 3 months and $70 for a year.
If Live cost that much, I wouldnt be as bitchy about playing multiplayer on 360 all the time.

06-15-2013, 02:31 PM
Didn't know whether to post this tidbit in the X1 thread or here, but I'll post it here and it can be moved if it needs to.

Anyways. Nintendo (as most of you know, I hope) are doing a Best Buy E3 Experience with some of their demos and stuff at E3, at select Best Buys across the country. Well. Microsoft doesn't like that apperently: http://www.gonintendo.com/?mode=viewstory&id=205110

And their thoughts on what a next-gen game should be defined as: http://www.gamespot.com/e3/microsoft-on-what-defines-a-next-gen-game-6410188/

Also, some nifty Miyamoto info: http://www.gonintendo.com/?mode=viewstory&id=205134

It says, "Why would you buy a Wii U when X-Box1 is right around the corner?"

I was like, "Why would I have a sandwich today when I could have one tomorrow? Why would I eat 9 grain bread today when I can have a similar product with a different word on the package tomorrow?"

06-15-2013, 06:58 PM
So what you are saying is the Xbone is like 9-grain bread - nobody wants that many grains in their bread in the first place, and other grain distributors are upset that they're using up all the good grains....
So then the Wii U is like a Potato Bread, and the PS4 is the Whole Wheat of consoles.

You sir,must have reached a state of pure bread-like enlightenment for which I am envious.

PS: Can we finally get rid of raisin bread? ...please?

06-15-2013, 07:07 PM
So what you are saying is the Xbone is like 9-grain bread - nobody wants that many grains in their bread in the first place, and other grain distributors are upset that they're using up all the good grains....
So then the Wii U is like a Potato Bread, and the PS4 is the Whole Wheat of consoles.

You sir,must have reached a state of pure bread-like enlightenment for which I am envious.

PS: Can we finally get rid of raisin bread? ...please?
I will get on the devouration of any and all raisin bread in my household as soon as it breaches my humble abode's parameter.

edit: All I was really getting at is that x is great. The definition of x doesn't reflect on the definition of n's greatness.

06-16-2013, 10:25 PM

^I'm kinda surprised, The Floor demo's for the XBone was all on high powered Windows 7 HP PC's With a Nvidia GTX 780. While the console itself uses an AMD hardware.
And what makes me laugh is that even Microsoft doesn't even want to use Windows 8 for their tech demos. lol!!