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View Full Version : Maxthon Cloud Browser

06-10-2013, 10:16 PM
You know I found this pretty awesome Web Browser called Maxthon, Its pretty damn nice.
It has about everything you might want out of a browser... Well except a decent ad blocker...

Oh well, you can't have everything now can we? anyways If you guys want to give it a shot here's the link to the page.


I will say its pretty fast and it handles pages pretty well. Its well worth a try, I won't be using all the time but its nice to have an alternative browser that isn't Internet explorer or Firefox or Chrome.

06-10-2013, 10:53 PM
I have been using Chrome for a while and it suits most of my needs just fine. A couple sites I have to access for work don't work so well with Chrome, but it's because the site design and coding isn't up to par with the newer browsers. I am kind of spoiled being able to go anywhere with pages I have up on my PC and bring them up instantly on my smartphone or tablet. Some of the other browsers can do that too, but Chrome is pretty seamless for that. I am pretty happy with what it offers.

06-11-2013, 02:33 PM
The three things I look for in a browser: not Microsoft, has ad-blocker capabilities, common compatibilities. One out of three is not good enough but it looks worth keeping an eye on for the future.

Glenn the Great
06-11-2013, 08:43 PM
I have been using Chrome for a while and it suits most of my needs just fine. A couple sites I have to access for work don't work so well with Chrome, but it's because the site design and coding isn't up to par with the newer browsers. I am kind of spoiled being able to go anywhere with pages I have up on my PC and bring them up instantly on my smartphone or tablet. Some of the other browsers can do that too, but Chrome is pretty seamless for that. I am pretty happy with what it offers.

I'm a Chrome fan too myself. I love how quickly it starts up, and how every tab runs a separate process.

What originally prompted me to jump ship from Firefox over to Chrome was how I would always start downloading a big file (500-800 MB), be browsing around while it downloaded, and then one buggy page or buggy flash advertisement would crash Firefox, interrupting the download so I'd have to start over, and if it was from Rapidshare I'd usually have to wait several hours to start it up again.

That being said, when I do my job as a web developer I prefer to use Firefox to test web pages. The extensions are just better. Firebug and HttpFox are the big two.
Yes, Chrome has that built-in Firebug wanna be Inspect Element pane, but what makes it greatly inferior to Firebug is that changes to the DOM aren't reflected in real-time as you type them as is the behavior with Firebug.

06-12-2013, 03:58 AM
I used to use Chrome but a few things made me switch to Firefox. Chrome seems to be unstable and causes a lot of hangups with my (old ass) laptop. It doesnt work well with Youtube which is really fucking retarded considering. Finally I don't like the fact that everything you do in Chrome is passed to Google.

Firefox takes more time to boot up but rarely fails (and when it does it's usually my old ass laptop running low on memory/cpu). I have notice no difference in speed between it and Chrome. Maybe if I had a newer machine and a faster internet service there would be but I am not that impatient to fuss over a little bit of speed difference. Firefox actually works with Youtube.