View Full Version : Feeling generous? Help some wild animals!

04-21-2013, 01:31 AM
Alright so I came across this on my updates ealier today on deviant art and after reading it it, thought that even if I don't have the cash to donate myself, I can at least spread the word around to anoybody who might want to pitch in. Whether they are a fan of MLP or not, helping wild animals is something that anybody would be willing to do.

So here's the link to where you can go find more info and the donatation link: http://fyre-flye.deviantart.com/journal/How-bad-do-you-want-to-name-an-alligator-Gummy-366892540

If you can't donate, at least spread the word around to anybody who might. They don't even have to be bronies to help wild animals either!