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View Full Version : Announcement of ZC 2.5 Showcase

04-16-2013, 02:31 AM
There was a lot of enthusiasm in the thread I started about this. [/sarcasm] Seriously though I believe in this idea and I am going to try it out. I have tweaked the idea a bit though. Here is how it will work:

You nominate a quest for 2.5 Showcase:

It can be a quest you made or are making or something a friend made/is making or just a quest you think is great.
It must be a 2.5 quest and preferably has a playable demo or is complete
In absence of a demo a lot of info and screenshots would be required
Quests that use 2.5 features would be preferred(scripts, custom enemies, custom items, etc)

Your nomination is discussed:

The more info(description/story/goals/images/video/reviews) there is on the quest the better chances it will have of being showcased so if you want a quest showcased provide as much as you can
The quest with the most support will be showcased

A quest is showcased:

In the 2.5 Showcase thread the quest info(story, screens, videos, demo/quest link) will be presented like a short article.
The quest will also be showcased on ZC.com with a link to the main showcase thread
Quest is showcased at the top of the thread at least a week
Quests will be showcased until four new showcases are added
Quests that are retired from the showcase will be linked to below the showcase

Members who have had a quest showcased receive a prize(possibly)

Details to be determined

I think that is descriptive enough. If ZC 2.5 showcase is active enough a new quest may be showcased each week making the minimum time a quest is showcased 5 weeks. If the idea doesnt take off then... well I will delete any evidence that it ever existed!!! (I'm kidding)

04-16-2013, 12:13 PM