View Full Version : Mega Man X FPS

04-09-2013, 06:11 PM
Yay. You read that title right. Apparently there was one in the works by the same people who did Metroid Prime for about 6 months. They got a prototype and everything and then Capcom cans it. More info here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEGgPMxpi3g

Discuss? Personally I would have liked to see how it would have turned out, but this makes 3 Mega Man games Capcom has cancelled now. And while I liked SF x MM, it was a fan made game that only didn't get snuffed out because Capcom is apparently lazy for Mega Man's 25th Anniversary so far and thought that it would quell the hate they've been getting so far. Its a good game, yeah. However it was not made by Capcom itself or somebody they appointed to make. Until they do make a game that DOESN'T get cancelled for the Mega Man series, they'll be getting none of my money and let's face it. Almost nothing they've put out since 2011 has interested me enough to warrent purchasing. Renting maybe, but no buy. Virtual Console stuff doesn't count.

04-09-2013, 08:19 PM
This would have looked like a gritty Mega Man reboot. I'm not sure if I like that this is cancelled or not. I'm not an FPS guy, but this actually looked pretty good.

04-12-2013, 01:05 AM
With how well Metroid transitioned from platform shooting to FPS, if a Mega Man FPS had been given some love, it could have been fucking great. give us some well designed areas and solid gameplay, and I'd have loved to see it.

Though, with how well Capcom treats Mega Man anymore, it was probably going to be horrible.

04-13-2013, 02:38 AM
I expected cell-shaded everything.

This Megaman X FPS looked seriously cool. Seems like they went a way not unlike SquareEnix did with Dissidia - using the concept art for the character models instead of the in-game sprite. Which is awesome. That Megaman X looks like the MM9 and MM10 box art style - like how the Protomen invision them. That look is killer. I loves me some realistic dystopian looking Megaman X.

04-15-2013, 08:10 PM
I dunno, I got a whole "Bomberman Act Zero" vibe from the whole thing. The gameplay did look interesting, but it certainly did not look like a Megaman X title.