View Full Version : Skyward Sword

03-24-2013, 03:25 AM
What do you guys think of this game. I am seriously wondering if I will ever finish it. Though it isn't one of my favorites I had very little to complain about with Twilight Princess. It seems every time I turn around I find another reason to dislike SS and many of them are carried over from previous Zeldas. Should I tough it out and finish the game?

03-24-2013, 09:55 AM
Personally, I think its a pretty good game. Sure it has its faults, but what game doesn't these days? While I haven't finished it myself (I'm probably only about 1/2 done with the game) I've heard from some it gets better near the end and that the ending is a shocker or will at least bring a tear or two to your eyes. I don't know why though, I haven't looked into it myself since I didn't wanna spoil the ending for myself (other than the obvious Link saves the world and yadda yadda yadda)

03-24-2013, 11:21 AM
I think it's worth completing. As a matter of fact I want to play through the game again soon.

03-25-2013, 11:04 PM
I really liked it. It was a new approach to the old formula; still the basic Zelda structure, but different enough to feel refreshing (though not as different as was let on by Nintendo). The world was interesting, and the game really did almost feel like three massive dungeons.

03-28-2013, 10:46 AM
I think it is an alright game, and it is worth finishing at least once. I can't say I was compelled enough to make it through the new game+ mode though. I found large parts of the game to be immensely annoying, simply cause I don't like the controls. I also feel like this game stretches a bit thin towards the latter third, as areas are recycled, and the fetch quests to get to dungeons as opposed to exploration was an unexpected twist in the formula which I didn't like. But ignoring that I found it to be enjoyable, and the dungeon design is some of the best in the later series. I just wish motion games had a controller option.

EDIT: Other things I liked about it were the visuals, and the story was pretty interesting. I actually didn't mind Fi that much either.

04-06-2013, 01:02 AM
Okay, so I have played quite a bit since I posted this and I must say I have enjoyed it quite a bit more than before. The Silent Realm levels were fun and not tedious chores like the twilight wolf scavenger hunts and Ocean King Temple that they are clearly based on. I think they did a good job of making revisiting the same areas without making it a chore. I feel the late emergence of a real (thin)story so late in the game to be a pathetic. There could have been so much development going on during all this running around and especially all the dialogue I have been forced through. Once I have finished the game I see how I feel about it and about replaying.

04-08-2013, 09:55 AM
I really enjoyed Skyward Sword. The art style was great, especially the new Zelda/Impa designs. The controls worked. The item upgrade/forging system was a welcome addition that made it feel a little more RPG like to me, and probably one of my favorite new things. And although it didn't happen as I thought it would, the little bit of a relationship between Link and Zelda was sweet. Ooh, and the "origin" story was interesting, though it totally messes up my thought (that I stood by for the longest time) that the Zelda from Zelda II was the first Zelda - this game debunked that, along with the Hyrule Historia - though one part of the story is kind of like her slumbering, albeit differently.

I wish there were more "towns" and people to interact with though. Skyloft was cool, but the rest of the sky felt very barren.

04-09-2013, 01:11 AM
I didn't care for the new Zelda design though Impa was great(She can pierce my ears anyday!). I agree with you on more towns. I feel like the game was once again rushed. It would not have been so bad if Ninny would release an expansion. SS seems like it would be well suited for an expansion. I really enjoyed the upgrading/infusing items though I feel it was a little limited. I was glad to have plenty of things to spend rupees on! I still think the story is a little light.

The controls work... until they don't! I do not enjoy having the sword pointing to the left and swinging horizontally and somehow the game translating that to a diagonal swing from upward right. Especially when I am in a battle where it really matters. Stabbing was irritating as I'd more often do a sword spin. Flying the beetle and the loftwing was okay till you turned the remote a little to far and started going the oposite direction and it was frustratingly difficult to correct. Getting your loftwing to flap it's wings more often ended up throwing off your flight. Don't get me started on swimming. I really enjoyed the controls as they made many battles more immersive than any Zelda game before. I wish the flaws didn't have such a profound impact on the game. I doubt many who were as frustrated as I was in the beginning to middle stuck it out.