View Full Version : YouTube - What do you subscribe to?

03-20-2013, 01:22 PM
Like the topic says.

I am subscribed to a few things:

TeamFourStar - The team that makes the Dragonball Z Abridged Series. Quite a funny series.

EpicMealTime - I love food and I love alcohol. Enough said. (Also funny.)

I used to follow Swedish Meal Time, but they got really busy with school and haven't made a video in a long time.

JamesNintendoNerd - Love the Angry Video Game Nerd. He's less active now though since they are still working on a movie. (See the funny trend yet?)

ERB - EPIC RAP BATTLES OF HISTUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRYYYYYY... Yes, I do enjoy Epic Rap Battles of History. Nerdy rap is funny.

03-20-2013, 04:24 PM
TeamFourStar, LittleKuriboh, Metalpsyguy, the list goes on really. Most of it is stuff that I find hilarious/entertaining.

03-20-2013, 04:59 PM
TeamFourStar, SciShow, Mental Floss, Crash Course, Cartoon Hangover, Did You Know Gaming, Dorkly, BadLipReading... a few others.

King Aquamentus
03-20-2013, 06:07 PM
JamesNintendoNerd - self explanatory
MBWchampion - Shoelace's backyard wrestling channel
DasBoSchitt - Gmod Idiot Box guy
JDFOfficialVideoPage - Jason David Frank's channel. This is the guy who played Tommy in Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers.

Other than that, it's mostly all just different questmakers or ZC community BESIDES Shoelace.

04-12-2013, 12:56 PM
I've been meaning to reply to this. I subscribe to too many channels to count. My favorites are:

JamesNintendoNerd - I've watched all his AVGN stuff and now I'm working my way through the other videos. His stuff is always entertaining.
PatTheNESPunk - I like his videos as well.
Smosh - These guys have some funny video game related movies.
LindseyStomp - She's a dancing pop/techno/dubstep violenist. Check her out. She does video game covers too!
lophatjello - He completely ripped off the AVGN and does video game reviews for good games. He actually has some neat information and insight on good video games.
DYKGaming - Did You Know Gaming - They make videos that explains fun trivia and secrets behind the development of popular video game series. Check them out.
LurkingBeneath - My band's channel. We have a couple videos up.
tenhut2004 - My friend's channel. He's got one of my band's music videos up, and he does some other cool stuff as well. He's working on a media degree, so he does a lot of film projects.