View Full Version : NES Game Collecting

03-16-2013, 07:04 PM
I bought two NES games today: Cybernoid and Star Tropics for about $8 total. I didn't have either of these games growing up, but I had rented them fairly often.

I hadn't watched through the Angry Video Game Nerd episodes until recently. It kind of made me want to start collecting NES games and playing through them when I have time. My wife's dad was getting rid of his old NES and SNES games, and I got quite a few good games.


I'm really stoked to start doing this. I'm going to build some shelves and an entertainment center with a CRT TV specifically for playing old games. I'm probably going to start blogging about it at some point, likely after I'm finished with school. I had found instructions online that showed you how to fix your 72 pin connector on your NES so that games played more consistently. I went ahead and did this precision surgery and it worked wonders. Most of my games play without much of a fuss anymore, unless they're really dirty. I'm gonna have to get my hands on the correct tool to open my games up so I can clean them more efficiently.

I used to have a ton more games, but I don't know what happened to them. Games I would love to get my hands on:
Mega Man
Life Force
Mega Man 4
Mega Man 5
Mega Man 6
Clash At Demonhead
Golgo 13
Chip N Dale's Rescue Rangers

I bought some more. My Complete Collection:

NES Games:
Bases Loaded
Batman Returns
Bible Adventures
Blades of Steel
Blaster Master
Burger Time
Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest
Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
Dash Galaxy In The Alien Asylum
Deadly Towers
Desert Commander
Donkey Kong Classics
Double Dragon II: The Revenge
Dr. Mario
Dragon Warrior
Fester's Quest
Hogan's Alley
Home Alone
Iron Sword: Wizards and Warriors II
Jurassic Park
King's Knight
Legendary Wings
Little Nemo: Dream Master
Mega Man 2
Mega Man 3
Metal Gear
Mickey Mousecapade
Princess Tomato In The Salad Kingdom
Rad Racer
Solar Jetman
Spy Vs Spy
Star Tropics
Super Mario Bros / Duck Hunt
Super Mario Bros
Super Mario Bros 2
Super Mario Bros 3
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project
The Adventures of Bayou Billy
The Guardian Legend
The Legend of Zelda
Thunder and Lightening
Top Gun
Total Recall
Wizards and Warriors
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
SNES Games:

Batman Forever
Cool Spot
Donkey Kong Country
Dragon's Lair
Gradius III
Illusion of Gaia
Kirby Superstar
Mario Kart
Mario Paint
NHL 95
Sim City
Street Fighter II Turbo'
Super Castlevania IV
Super Mario Allstars
Super Mario World
Super Metroid
Super Scope 6
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles In Time
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tournament Fighter
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

03-17-2013, 12:22 AM
That's an impressive collection. The only NES games I've got are ones my uncle gave me when he was going to throw out his system. Generic sports titles, mostly, but I've got copies of Batman, Spider Man, and Xenophobe (which is awesome, by the way). The last of the three I reached cap score with Doctor Duck!

I play the games on a device I found in a used game store, called a Yobo 3YS (I think... I know the brand is Yobo but I don't remember the actual model number). The device has three cartridge slots: one for NES, one for SNES, and one for Sega Genesis (unfortunately, I've misplaced my Sega games and most of them have fried batteries anyway).

Anyway, I think the blog sounds cool. Be sure to link us to it when you get it going.

03-17-2013, 07:53 AM
There used to be this used video game shop close to where I used to work before Game Stop came in and raped everyone. I shit you not - an entire wall of NES carts. They had like ten copies of every game, and even some obscure rare/unprinted ones. You ever hear of Bubble Bath Babes? Me neither. Apparently it's 8-bit pron. You would've loved that place.

03-17-2013, 09:50 AM
Lost my entire collections many years ago. Don't remember how, but I had quite a collection. I'll list what I can remember.

Super Mario 1/Duck Hunt
Super Mario 2
Super Mario 3
Zelda 1 (Gold)
Zelda 2 (Gold)
Chip N' Dale
Mega Man 5
Mega Man 6
Blaster Master
Dragon Warrior 1
Final Fantasy 1
Battle of Olympus
Clash at Demonhead
Super C
Tail Spin
Donkey Kong Classics
Double Dragon 2
Little Nemo
Castlevania 3

King Aquamentus
03-17-2013, 12:48 PM
I used to have quite an assortment of games, reaching toward about 40 of them. It's somewhat smaller now, but still more prevalent than what I have on any other console.

You ever hear of Bubble Bath Babes? Me neither. Apparently it's 8-bit pron.

hahaaaa you just then learned of it's existence? THe game is memetic amongst the NES community.

03-21-2013, 08:29 PM
Bump. Got some new games, yo.

Cybernoid wasn't ever a good game, but I played it a lot as a kid. I had to pick it up at $3.
I got Star Tropics. I've always heard that it was a great game, so I've got to play this now.
I picked up The Guardian Legend. I rented it a few times as a kid, and saw video reviews of it on YouTube recently. It's supposed to be damn good.
Legendary Wings was another game from my childhood. My dad played it a lot. I was never really good at it, but I'm gonna give it a go.

03-22-2013, 07:25 AM
You will not be disappointed with Star Tropics. You will have to find a copy of Star Tropics 2 as well. Love that series.

03-22-2013, 12:52 PM
I finished my homework early so that I have nothing to do this weekend other than work and games. I'm going to try and play through Star Tropics and get started on Gradius.

Also, I've decided that in an effort to boost my collection and lose weight, any time I feel like buying junk food for myself, I'll go buy cheap NES games instead. Our local used game store, Slackers, has a ton of NES and SNES games. They also have Genesis and other retro system games. No Master System, though.

I think eventually, I'd like to get into collecting some Sega 8 and 16 bit games, and maybe older stuff like Atari and Intellivision.

King Aquamentus
03-22-2013, 05:06 PM
lol Legendary Wings. I've got that game, it feels a little... ...fruity.

03-23-2013, 11:45 AM
I used to have a pretty decent NES collection back in college, but at one point while moving around I left my games and system at my parents' house, and when I finally settled down again, I went to retrieve them and came to find that everything had been lost when they were moving. Amazingly, they still had my N64 collection, which I am very grateful for, though my mom threw out the N64 itself because some of the plastic had gotten chipped and she thought it was broken *facepalm*. I did eventually buy a new N64, though. Anyway, I was browsing at Goodwill one day and happened upon an NES for $5, as well as a couple of games that were like $2 each, so I grabbed them. I had an old CRT TV lying in one of my closets, so I brought it out and set it up in my bedroom. Now I'm slowly trying to rebuild my collection, stopping by Goodwill every so often in hopes that I happen to find a new game or two. It's paid off, too, I'm now up to around 10 games or so, including the Mario series, Punch-Out, TMNT, Jackal, and a couple others. I'd really like to get my hands on the Castlevania games, though. But yeah, I just rely on the luck of Goodwill because game prices have gone way up on the Internet. I guess the NES is becoming something of a collector's item, now, because I remember back in college I'd buy games off of ebay all the time for maybe a couple of bucks each, and now you can easily expect to pay five or ten bucks for even extremely common games. Hell, I almost lost it when I saw an NES system at Goodwill for $5 because the cheapest I've seen online is more like $60. Almost felt like I was ripping them off. Anyway, though I have a ton of NES titles on my Wii, there's just nothing quite like the feel of the original NES controller in your hands, on a CRT television.

03-24-2013, 08:25 PM
Game collecting is a dangerous hobby, my friend. It goes from "Man, I had this game when I was a kid, I've got to play it again!" to "Man, I always wanted to play that game as a kid, I've got to get it!" to "Pokemon! Gotta catch 'em all!" really fast.

You don't want to know how many NES games I've bought in the last couple of years and never played...

03-28-2013, 06:32 PM
I picked up a few games today since it's payday. Cost me about $20.

- Little Nemo: Dream Master -
I played this game a few times as a kid, but I never got into it. I've seen a lot of recommendations for this game, so I decided to pick it up.

-Blaster Master-
Believe it or not, I've never played this. I've seen pictures and a bit of video, but I've never actually played the game. So far it seems really cool. This will probably be one that I end up playing until I beat it.

-Dragon Warrior-
It was really cheap, and I used to own it. I went ahead and picked it up just because it's a good game.

-Double Dragon II-
I played the hell out of this game as a kid. I used to own it, but I"m pretty sure I sold it at some point. I'm glad to have it again, and I hope to get one of my friends to play through it with me.

04-02-2013, 09:42 PM
I picked up Castlevania III, Contra for the NES, and Super R-Type for the SNES. Got the latter two at Goodwill for cheap. I picked up Castlevania III off of an eBay auction.

04-09-2013, 01:16 AM
I have an NES with a controller and an extension.

Mario / Duck Hunt
Mario 2
Mario 3
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Final Fantasy

Trying to sell it all but people are cheap bastards.

09-17-2013, 10:57 AM
That's cool Anthony! You're off to a great start.:highfive:

09-17-2013, 12:19 PM
Strictly from memory, as they are currently stashed at mom's house.

Zelda 1 and 2
Super Mario Bros 1, 2, and 3
Kung Fu
Spy Hunter
Hydlide (Worst game in the history of the world.)
Bad Dudes
T&C Surf Design

I'll pull them out someday and update.

09-17-2013, 12:34 PM
Strictly from memory, as they are currently stashed at mom's house.

Zelda 1 and 2
Super Mario Bros 1, 2, and 3
Kung Fu
Spy Hunter
Hydlide (Worst game in the history of the world.)
Bad Dudes
T&C Surf Design

I'll pull them out someday and update.I can't tell you how many hours I spent playing Mario 2. One of my favorite in the series. How can you not love a main boss that you must feed healthy food to in order to kill. lol

09-17-2013, 01:08 PM
Between mine and my grandmother's games, I had:

Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt
Super Mario Bros. 2
Super Mario Bros. 3
The Legend of Zelda
Chip N' Dale: Rescue Rangers
Megaman 6
Kirby's Adventure

I think that's all my small collection has.

09-17-2013, 02:01 PM
As I recall, I didn't have a whole lot of NES games when I was a kid, it was basically just:
Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt
Dr. Mario
The Legend of Zelda
Zelda II
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (that game SUUUUUUUUUUUCCCKKED)
Ice Hockey

Yeah, I think that's it. I played a lot of the other games on friends' systems over the years, but I was lucky I had video games at all when I was a kid.

EDIT: Though, I should probably mention that I've always been that way, I'll pick up a handful of games for each console during their run and just stick with those.

09-30-2013, 02:58 PM
If you want to have an online listing of what you've got you can go to here: http://backloggery.com/ There are other sites as well.

I've got a decent collection of everything from NES to N64. I do have some PS2, DreamCast, and GameCube games too. If you're actually interested in playing games, particularly expensive ones, you should buy a Flash Cartridge. Certain good games like Little Samson for NES go for well over $200 as just the loose cartridge. The game definitely isn't worth that as a game. But it is a game worth playing. This theme repeats itself with lots of games. Games which are very good but cost obscene amounts of money now. The problem is that retro game collecting is in a fad like stage.

09-30-2013, 05:39 PM
Over the past year I've started to really get into collecting more NES games. I found a few local retro game stores in my area, and when they sell most NES carts for at 2/$3, it's hard to not add up my collection.

I also blame the cover project for making me want to collect more.
SUCCESSOR throw me a PM with pricing, especially if you're willing to part out a few.

10-01-2013, 12:54 AM
Over the past year I've started to really get into collecting more NES games. I found a few local retro game stores in my area, and when they sell most NES carts for at 2/$3, it's hard to not add up my collection.

I also blame the cover project for making me want to collect more.
SUCCESSOR throw me a PM with pricing, especially if you're willing to part out a few.

I sold the lot. not for as much as I wanted but had to.

10-01-2013, 05:58 AM
Drats, I'm missing my SMB2 cart and never actually owned a Final Fantasy 1 cart.

Anybody have any reproductions? I'm in the process of obtaining a FF2j and FF3j NES carts, just need to gather the proper donor carts (which SMB2 just happens to be one of the best ones for)

10-02-2013, 12:25 AM
If you want to have an online listing of what you've got you can go to here: http://backloggery.com/ There are other sites as well.

I've got a decent collection of everything from NES to N64. I do have some PS2, DreamCast, and GameCube games too. If you're actually interested in playing games, particularly expensive ones, you should buy a Flash Cartridge. Certain good games like Little Samson for NES go for well over $200 as just the loose cartridge. The game definitely isn't worth that as a game. But it is a game worth playing. This theme repeats itself with lots of games. Games which are very good but cost obscene amounts of money now. The problem is that retro game collecting is in a fad like stage.

I have a backloggery account, though I haven't done anything with it in quite awhile. I've been thinking about picking up a flash cart for month, though I never feel like spending the money for it. I haven't purchased any new games since I last posted about this. I just got so damn busy that shopping for NES games got put aside.