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03-14-2013, 12:51 AM
I drank Bud Light tonight. I'm not usually much for Bud Light unless I'm low on funds. I like a fuller beer.

My favorite is probably Fat Tire. I like Amber Ales mostly. I'm also a fan of India Pale Ales.

Beer is an acquired taste. To really enjoy some of the niche beers, you have to at least drink through a 6 pack in an evening. You'll get taste for it, and you'll really start to appreciate a good beer.

I went to a beer fest a couple weeks ago. It was bad ass. I paid 40 bucks to get in and I tasted probably around 50 beers. St. Louis has some good local brews. Colorado is notorious for awesome beer.

So are you a beer person, or do you like liquor? If you can't or don't drink, what is your softdrink preference?

03-14-2013, 01:08 AM
I hate the acquired taste saying.

My counter: If I were forced to drink nothing but deer piss for the rest of my life, I'd probably get used to it at some point.

Beer is disgusting. Liquor is quicker. (Don't turn this into a "it's not a race." conversation.) The only time I drink beer is in the form of a lunch box (http://www.cocktailmaking.co.uk/displaycocktail.php/2599-ednas-lunch-box) which is an extremely popular drink from a local bar. I make my own. (Try it sometime, they're delicious.)

I prefer Patron or Captain Morgan usually. Been drinking Bombay the past couple of weeks.

Also, we need to talk about your drinking problem.

Thread hijack--this is now Anthony's Intervention.
SUCCESSOR, we'll let you start.

03-14-2013, 01:58 AM
My parents went to Vermont and I'm trying to have them get me some Heady Topper. My friend was there a few weeks ago and picked up a few cases from the brewery.

03-14-2013, 02:32 AM
I hate the acquired taste saying.

My counter: If I were forced to drink nothing but deer piss for the rest of my life, I'd probably get used to it at some point.

Beer is disgusting. Liquor is quicker. (Don't turn this into a "it's not a race." conversation.) The only time I drink beer is in the form of a lunch box (http://www.cocktailmaking.co.uk/displaycocktail.php/2599-ednas-lunch-box) which is an extremely popular drink from a local bar. I make my own. (Try it sometime, they're delicious.)

I prefer Patron or Captain Morgan usually. Been drinking Bombay the past couple of weeks.

Also, we need to talk about your drinking problem.

Thread hijack--this is now Anthony's Intervention.
SUCCESSOR, we'll let you start.

This is your intervention! Beer is fucking liquid orgasm! What is wrong with you?
Anthony I fucking love Fat Tire! My favorite is 1554 though Ska Brewing Co's 10pin porter is giving it a run for it's money.

03-14-2013, 06:44 AM
I prefer wine, but when I drink anything else, its usually rum or vodka. I can't stand beer, I've tried it so many times, but can't stand the taste.

03-14-2013, 12:26 PM
We have the Riverhorse brewery right here in Jersey. They make some sick beer, including their oatmeal stout. (This made SUCCESSOR cream.)

03-14-2013, 04:25 PM
Fat Tire is pretty damn good but unfortunately no one distributes it to NYS, or at least not where I am at. The closest place to me that I have seen it was when I was in Chicago. Not sure if it's available directly south of me either. I visited Dallas for a week earlier in the year and I had one when I was there. Excellent!

Since I am so close to the Canadian border, Canadian beer isn't really considered an import here. It's almost a domestic. We get quite an assortment but I also really liked Rickard's Red which I haven't found in the US, only in Canada.

Glenn the Great
03-14-2013, 05:46 PM
I actually really enjoy the taste of beer, always have. While I prefer fuller beers, being the calorie-conscious person that I am I typically buy Bud Light for the house. I also like to buy the Blue Moon seasonal beers from time to time.
But when I go out to eat (which is what I do when I want to splurge), I pick a random beer from the menu. In this manner I've probably tried over a hundred different lagers and ales that I'll never remember the names of.

I've never (with one exception) come across a beer that I didn't enjoy. That may be because I don't have a very fine sense of taste. I'm one of those (apparently rare) people who can't tell the different between Coke and Pepsi.
That one exception, however, is Pabst Blue Ribbon. It's got this bitter, watered-down taste that feels like I'm drinking seltzer-water. I don't understand why it's such a big deal with hipsters. I'm not a hipster so maybe I just don't understand it.

03-14-2013, 06:30 PM
Pabst does suck.

I don't know what to tell you non beer drinkers. I love it. I love it too much. It's a mixture of the taste and the social event that draws me to drinking beer. The bar I go to several times a week specializes in importing craft beer from around the country, so I always have something new to taste. Everyone else there is also kind of a beer snob, so we have good times tasting and talking about beer. The bar also has a lot of local music play during the week, which I love. The bar is my happy place, and I'm a drunker man because of it.

03-14-2013, 09:03 PM
You know you're an alcoholic when you start drinking Pabst blue ribbon.

If you know anyone that drinks Pabst, please get them the help they so desperately need. /public service announcement

03-14-2013, 09:22 PM
I like Apple beer.


03-14-2013, 11:48 PM
Woodchuck is good stuff too. I don't get it often but when I do it hits the spot. I am a big fan of wine too but I typically go toward the much sweeter side. I have some friends who just love the drier wines and while I don't mind a glass here or there, it's not something I can drink all the time.

03-15-2013, 12:23 AM
You know you're an alcoholic when you start drinking Pabst blue ribbon.

If you know anyone that drinks Pabst, please get them the help they so desperately need. /public service announcement

I like Pabst and many of my friends do. But yeah, alcoholics.

03-15-2013, 12:58 PM
I can second CAD - Lunchboxes are awesome!

I love beer - I also brew my own. I recently brewed an IPA that is fantastic. It was a risk, as it clocks in at around 150 IBUs, but the specialty grains I used counteracted a bit of the hoppiness, so it sits just right. Still super hoppy.

For those who complain about beer (as I used to when I lived in Oklahoma, CAD), my advice is to pick several different styles, and really try them. I would also recommend getting beer glasses, allowing the beer to breathe more. Get a pilsner (Orangle Blossom Pilsner is a good start), a wheat beer, a pale ale, an IPA (India Pale Ale), a porter, and a stout. That's a good spread, and you're probably going to like one of those. Anything by Dogfish Head or Bells is a good idea.

03-15-2013, 02:27 PM
Dogfish has a taste that makes me tickle.

03-19-2013, 02:54 AM
I like Apple beer.

Tried this tonight:

It was alright.

03-19-2013, 12:06 PM
I had a few Redds the other day. Not bad, but I'm not a fan of flavored drinks like that.

10-11-2013, 05:15 AM
I quit drinking a little north of 15 years ago, but when I was drinking Southern Comfort was my favorite.