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03-05-2013, 04:53 PM
Because ShadowTiger is old and likes old news. Discuss.

03-05-2013, 06:17 PM
How old is he? Maybe he wants to talk about inventing the wheel?

Does it matter that I've never seen this Batman yet?

03-05-2013, 06:46 PM
It was a good movie. Went to see it for my birthday when it came out. I think that Bane was done rather well (I can forgive the voice used, I think it actually suits him) and the twist near the end was rather nice.

03-05-2013, 06:59 PM
It was a good movie. Went to see it for my birthday when it came out. I think that Bane was done rather well (I can forgive the voice used, I think it actually suits him) and the twist near the end was rather nice.

The twist at the end was good but not surprising in the least. It made plot sense while the original plot direction didn't so much. As a superhero movie I am not so judgmental about it. I found the movie to be thoroughly enjoyable though it was overlong and the distance between the character Bruce Wayne in this film and the one from the previous film was a little hard to swallow. Bane, as the Joker from The Dark Knight, was the saving grace. Bane was what made you want to watch this film despite it's flaws. I think TDKR tried to switch interest back toward the character of the hero and did well but the character they made for this film was a petty cry-baby that is difficult to like. The secondary hero was much more likable and exciting.

03-06-2013, 12:20 AM
I went to see it expecting to really enjoy the movie, but be disappointed by Anne Hathaway.

The opposite occurred.

03-06-2013, 01:00 AM
I went to see it expecting to really enjoy the movie, but be disappointed by Anne Hathaway.

The opposite occurred.

I think she did a good job but the character was stripped down to almost nothing. I guess it was intentional as she was never actually labeled cat woman and her character development was a loveless exercise. I think if Nolan spent more of the movie time on making fuller characters and less on the over hyped plot it would have been an exponentially better film.

03-09-2013, 05:12 PM
I've been doing Bane's voice at every single opportunity. I did the voice as the closing announcement for my store very recently, and I heard wild applause from a distant corner of the store. Then again, there were two customers in the store at the time. Blizzard.

I just realized that was the entire reason why I brought up the movie in the first place. The voice was just so interesting.