View Full Version : 2.5 Sideview Ladder Script Trade

03-03-2013, 12:44 PM
tl;dr: Gimme working 2.5 sideview ladder script. I make you graphics. Please don't link me to one.

Hello Zelda Classic forums! The name's DragonDePlatino, or Platino, for short. It's my first post here, and I think these are wonderful forums. Well, let's get down to business...

Currently I am creating my first quest, titled "Ziggurat of Elitze". It's a somewhat ambitious project, and has one interesting quirk. Running up through the center of a world map 8 maps tall is a colossal tower called the Ziggurat of Elitze. It lies in another dimension parallel to Hyrule's, of which is entirely side-scrolling! I've already planned out many enemyies and areas, and am currently making a few screens, but I've run in to a problem, which is Zelda Classic's complete lack of climbable ladders in sideview...

And before you link to me so-and-so script and tell me to search so-and-so forum, I will have you know I am perfectly capable of importing, compiling and assigning scripts to FFCs and Global slots, and have already tried the following scripts:

Mike Caron's - http://zctut.com/ladder.php
_L_'s - http://armageddongames.net/showthread.php?89839-Sideview-Ladder
accela2me's - http://www.purezc.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=56607
Zepinho's - http://www.purezc.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=53832

None of these work, as they were made several years ago and most of them have no effect, except for accela's script, which happens to generate an amazing effect of making link face upwards and rendering him unable to jump in front of ladders. Do you see my problem now? Ah, but I'm not a begger, so I'll tell you exactly what I need, and my offer in return.

I need a GLOBAL script which negates anti-gravity and must:

Make link face upwards when he climbs up the ladder.
Supports climbing sideways.
Allows for shooting of projectiles while climbing and jumping off of the sides.
If possible, I would like Link to stand on top of the uppermost tile.
If possible, I would like enemies to be able to climb the ladder too.
The script must be assignable to a flag. I am NOT using any FFC scripts and will gladly sacrafice a global slot.

In return, for every one of these bullets you fulfill with your script, I will make you 2 custom tiles for your quest. If you don't do everything, but someone else does, you don't get anything. ;)

03-09-2013, 11:57 PM
Seriously people? I've already got at least half of my first dungeon down, and I'm still in serious need of this script.

03-10-2013, 01:36 AM
None of these work, as they were made several years ago and most of them have no effect, except for accela's script, which happens to generate an amazing effect of making link face upwards and rendering him unable to jump in front of ladders. Do you see my problem now? Ah, but I'm not a begger, so I'll tell you exactly what I need, and my offer in return.

Your best bet would probably be to simply modify an existing sideview script or ask if someone can modify it for you.

I think a sideview ladder that is climbable by enemies also is going to be beyond the scope of most scripts. This would be an exceedingly large task. I wouldn't even try it. ;)

03-10-2013, 03:14 PM
That might be a good idea...I'll probably ask acella to fix it for me. I saw him somewhere on the PureZC forums and he mentioned his script was still working, but I think he's still using 2.1 to make his quests. *sigh*

Thanks for the help, though. And why would enemy climbable tiles be hard? If you were to disable gravity on a tile wouldn't it affect enemies too? Hmm...or I could always get creative with flying enemies and No-Enemy flags to make them go "up and down" ladders...