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01-19-2013, 09:38 PM
Help I am not sure what happened. Was playing ballad of a bloodline and i shut down the game and when I re-opened ZC my game is not there. Any way to recover saved game if it is lost somehow?

King Aquamentus
01-19-2013, 11:05 PM
You didn't open a different version of ZC did you? doing so often means having to clear the saves of an old one.

In either case, I don't think much can be done for your files, that *I* know of

01-20-2013, 09:16 PM
Nope same version. I opened it up to show friend, next time i opened up game wasn't there

01-21-2013, 12:07 AM
Nope same version. I opened it up to show friend, next time i opened up game wasn't there
The sav.cfg file saves the game save data. If you got a message that says that the save games were corrupted then that's the explanation. ZC has a tendency to do things like that sometimes anyway though, not very often, however. If your game isn't there on the registry page when you load zc, you can try to close it and open it again, and if it's still not there, chances are your save game either did not get wrote to the sav.cfg file for whatever reason, or the sav.cfg file got overwritten for whatever other reason and is not saved.
Possible alternate explanations without further information about your computer O/S and how your files are setup would include that the ZC will run directly out of a .zip file without extraction, but oftentimes if someone doesn't extract the file the .zip file will remain read-only and will not auto-compress a .sav file for you, you must extract it to a regular folder and run it from there first. That's the only thing I could think of that would've barred you from saving your game. Make sure you extracted the files to a new folder before playing with ZC.

King Aquamentus
01-21-2013, 10:03 AM
Also, while file corruption is not something the betas are known for doing, make sure you're running a stable version of ZC to be safe. You don't need a version of ZC that corresponds to the quest you play in order for the quest to work, but there can be some errors with continuing that will get you stuck in a wall or something.

01-27-2013, 11:14 AM
Thanks i dunno what happened. Files are all extracted i was using ZC 2.5 just thinking about starting over...