View Full Version : School Shooting in Connecticut

12-14-2012, 02:19 PM

Another loose cannon...

12-14-2012, 02:34 PM
Been watching the coverage on CNN since it started.

My thoughts and prayers are with the families.

My wife and I are going ice skating and to see The Hobbit today. It's amazing how completely insignificant things seem after events like this.

Before it even begins, just a warning that this is not the place to discuss politics. If you want to debate Gun Control, Psyche, etc take it to Think Tank please.

12-14-2012, 02:54 PM
I'm saddened to hear this :( Great... I'm bummed out now.
I'll Pray for the victims...

I hate when stuff like this happens.

12-14-2012, 03:29 PM
Apparently the shooter was named Adam Lanza.

Edit: New details say his mom worked at the school and he focused primarily on her classroom.

12-14-2012, 05:10 PM
Did he beat the last guy's high score? I wonder what made him snap.

King Aquamentus
12-14-2012, 07:25 PM
Apparently the shooter was named Ryan Lanza.

My guess is this (http://www.facebook.com/rlanza) is him. I'm also assuming he was home from school or work for the holidays perhaps. Apparently he killed a parent prior to going to the school.

Edit: New details say his mom worked at the school and he focused primarily on her classroom.

ADAM Lanza. Not Ryan. Fix that.

12-14-2012, 08:07 PM
Wow, this really puts a damper on my day...I don't usually find this sort of stuff all that shocking, but an elementary school? Really?! What kind of sicko shoots up an elementary school?

Did he beat the last guy's high score?
Normally, comments like these don't get under my skin because most school shootings are in high schools or colleges and the shooter has some sort of motive usually involving bullying and the blame is rarely ever completely one sided. This was an adult shooting up an elementary school full of innocent children. Have some respect for the dead, man.

12-14-2012, 11:10 PM
These horrible tragedies just need to stop. Senseless violence and more innocent victims. I don't know what the answer is (and no I am not baiting for a debate here) but I certainly hope we can find a way to prevent more tragic events like this from happening.

I read this at work and since I am a teacher, it just hits home way too much. I hope the families and community affected by this tragedy can pull together and eventually recover from this horrible day.

Oh and on the name thing - how awful for the media to name the wrong guy as the killer before they checked their facts or confirmed what they thought they knew? Shame on the media again. I know they sometimes provide a valuable service but in our society of instant gratification they push info out way too quick before they know if what they said was right. Disgusting.

12-14-2012, 11:11 PM
The high score comment is exactly my thoughts. The more people give attention to this sort of thing, the more likely that individuals who crave attention will decide to go this route.

Refer to my GB thread for a less tame (i.e. real) response.

12-15-2012, 01:02 AM
ADAM Lanza. Not Ryan. Fix that.

The wrong name was reported for several hours. Don't call me out when you already knew that. Apparently, he had his brothers ID, hence the confusion. (I'd imagine being of the same gene pool they look alike, wouldn't you?)

As much as I hate the media, you can't blame them for this. Law enforcement officials told them the name. They had no reason to doubt that.

Wow, this really puts a damper on my day...I don't usually find this sort of stuff all that shocking, but an elementary school? Really?! What kind of sicko shoots up an elementary school?

Normally, comments like these don't get under my skin because most school shootings are in high schools or colleges and the shooter has some sort of motive usually involving bullying and the blame is rarely ever completely one sided. This was an adult shooting up an elementary school full of innocent children. Have some respect for the dead, man.

He wasn't disrespecting the dead. He was making a deeper statement about the cause, which is debate territory.

12-15-2012, 12:09 PM
So apparently he planned this at least two days in advance and did it so people would remember him when he committed suicide. He got what he wanted. (assuming this wasn't shopped) (http://i.imgur.com/Lf3Y9.png) Of course the media will probably never report on this because "We gave a homicidal lunatic exactly what he wanted" doesn't sell very well.

12-15-2012, 12:21 PM
No he didn't. Do you remember who did the Virginia Tech Masacre? The Ohio bombings? Do you even know the name of the people who flew the planes into the World Trade Center? No. I already forgot his name after reading it twice and don't care to remember it again.

We're teaching people that they'll be remembered for this crap, but the reality is that they won't be. Yet they still pull it off. *shakes head*

King Aquamentus
12-15-2012, 10:17 PM
The wrong name was reported for several hours. Don't call me out when you already knew that. Apparently, he had his brothers ID, hence the confusion. (I'd imagine being of the same gene pool they look alike, wouldn't you?)

I'm not calling you out on it, I'm saying you should fix that.

12-16-2012, 09:58 AM
The wrong name was reported for several hours. Don't call me out when you already knew that. Apparently, he had his brothers ID, hence the confusion. (I'd imagine being of the same gene pool they look alike, wouldn't you?)

As much as I hate the media, you can't blame them for this. Law enforcement officials told them the name. They had no reason to doubt that.

Yeah I learned about this after I made that post. It really sucks for the brother and father who were not involved and now having to deal with the aftermath of something that they really had nothing to do with. Very unfortunate. Way too many victims and people affected by this.

12-16-2012, 02:33 PM
Yeah I learned about this after I made that post. It really sucks for the brother and father who were not involved and now having to deal with the aftermath of something that they really had nothing to do with. Very unfortunate. Way too many victims and people affected by this.

At least they're still alive?

I can't wait until we see the evidence that "strongly correlated with a motive."