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View Full Version : Anyone try Start is back?

12-13-2012, 04:11 PM
Well I was looking around on another forum. and Found this Start menu replacement for Windows 8, called Startisback http://www.startisback.com/#features-tab
Now I've tried it and wow. It works fantastic. No extra services running at all. From what I see it reinstates the start menu code that's already in Windows 8.

But there's a catch, It cost money :'(
Well not that much its $3 USD for two license's. I would buy it to use it but I have no online currency. Oh well :P

But Hell I thought it was neat, and It works amazingly good.

So anyone ever heard of it or used it?

Edit: Also you can have your very own start menu Icons, I've made two so far in hopes that the developer will let me have a license key for contributing some artwork for it.

Here is the two I made so far.

Windows 8 style.

The triforce Start Icon, For the zelda fans!.

Note: These should work with any Start orb changer. that you can use. Even on windows 7.

12-14-2012, 12:36 PM
Well I guess the developer liked the Start Orb I sent him!, He sent me a free key as a gift for doing some graphic work. Wow that was really easy :O.

So my Windows 8 just got a start menu :P, Though I may not use it all the time its nice to have.

12-14-2012, 03:40 PM
Cool, free software for your work is a big compliment and you should be proud. Congratulations, Ventus!

12-14-2012, 05:18 PM
Cool, free software for your work is a big compliment and you should be proud. Congratulations, Ventus!
Yeah I know!, It made me feel fantastic to receive this three dollar piece of software for free :D. Thanks!

EDIT: I made another one :P

Classic logo anyone?